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Community Corner #1

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We bring you our first blog where we answer some of your questions, ideas and suggestion.

Idea by Max-imo + JoeValentine + Deadeye_Rob + Yuqi
Ylands team: The sea system we have now is not able to support submarines. First we want to conquer the sky. :)

Idea by JB Business
Would be nice after you place an icon on the map to give it some text like the craftable signs, the text can be always visible or semi visble when you hover the mouse on it, the option can be added in the options menu of the icon. 

Ylands team: We are planning to add that option.

Idea by Deadeye_Rob
I'd like to suggest that for the next update/patch, a Tech-Tree Feature that displays every craftable entity in the game and what needs to be achieved in order to unlock it.
Ylands team: We are making changes to the overall crafting system. We would definitely love to hear more feedback after the update that implements them. :) We are also looking into other ways to make crafting clearer.

Idea by stryker007
Hi have a suggestion that could useful in the game for organizing, labeling wooden boxs of any container would be nice
Ylands team: We definitely want to add more options to write signs, add more letters and maybe even naming containers. We will have a big brainstorming session on this and will let you know what we come up with, feel free to suggest us your best solutions as well. 

Idea by Deadeye_Rob
Have you guys considered hosting a permanent Community Island on Adventure mode? Something that works in a similar fashion to Playlands but could be accessed by sailing there would be absolutely Fantastic! 🤞🏻😀
Ylands team: Yes, it's hosted by Anna the Community Manager and it's called SECRET STREAMERWORLD and you are welcome to join us there anytime. :) 


We will look at your feedback regularly and bring you more answers soon.


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