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RESOLVED Ship spawned under map


I logged off while not on my ship and when i logged back on my ship spawned under that map and i cant get close enough to use /unstuck 3. when i went back to my ship after dying because my bed is on it, it just shot me up away from my ship and then killed me. I would just create a new one but i have 13 hours of work on that ship and i dont really want to do all of that again.


Edited by Shrekler-4704f638abae4ea6
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2 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Fe fixed it in 1.10, but there were still some corner cases, should be fine since 2.3

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If you have already claimed the ship you should be able to Unsummon it using the radial menu 'Q' button, and then resummon it back on the water. If this doesn't work then you can send an in-game message to the Devs, explain the issue in the message and it will automatically send your logs to the Devs for them to investigate.

I also suggest joining the Official Ylands Discord and posting there in the bugs or troubleshooting channels, you are likely to get a response faster.

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