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Dev Diary #292 New Containers, Just as You Asked!

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Ahoy Ylanders!

Today we will keep it short and offer you a sneak peek from your favorite section: "You want it, we got it for you!" - this time, featuring new item containers!

It has been a few weeks now, since we talked about our community suggestion list in the Dev Diary #285. That is exactly how these containers came into existence. You suggested them! The Suitcase holds clothes and into the Folder you can hide sheets of paper. So, feel free to start preparing for your Ylands bureaucratic career or just matching all the different outfits that you always want in your inventory.


Let us know what you think about the looks of the new containers and have a great weekend.

Stay classy!

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Love the extra inventory containers and also love that they'll make great decorations for our builds too!

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