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Blackfox Kitsune

RESOLVED Building blueprints bug


building some of the ingame blueprints has a bit of a strange bunch of things suddenly going on since 2 updates ago.

Problem 1: blue prints i was previously able to build, now suddenly come up that i don't know how to build them

Problem 2: finding this most of all on big ship or large building blueprints, when trying to add items or resources, it keeps taking you to the blueprint shop, sometimes does nothing at all, Or worst of all randomly stops building the blueprint making all your stuff go poof into nul space most of the time.

i'm not sure what's happened but blueprints are a bit broken right now.

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2 replies to this bug / suggestion

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If you haven't already, send an in-game bug report to the Devs, also say which blueprints they are (name and author) to make it easier for them to investigate them and you can attach screenshots of them here as well.

Does it say which recipes you are missing specifically? Might help us solve what the issue might be. In the meantime you can always invite someone who does have those recipes to come over and complete that part of the blueprint for you, you'd just need to supply the materials. 

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