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DEV ANSWER [YLD-7639] Ship ladders



Currently the placement of the default ship ladders is pretty bad. The ladders on both hulls are asymmetrical, the right ladder being placed more to the front of the ship.20171123204829_1.thumb.jpg.03dfc09e0c060352fcdb31a7a46329e0.jpg20171123204837_1.thumb.jpg.c364ad3b02083176afa0c6b4b2b019ef.jpg


Besides this, on the small ship the left ladder is placed a bit above the hull:


But most important, I would like to have the ability to remove the ladder within 2 minutes of spawning the hull. Currently the only other way is by using explosives, which damage the hull which can't be repaired at the moment. The ladders don't fit the majority of my ships. I understand they are rather useful, so like I said, please make them removable for a certain amount of time. I think that putting the climb option on the right click and the remove option on the radial menu would work, so you can still climb it to get on board in those first few minutes without accidentally removing it.


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Ladders should be now removable. 
As for the asymmetrical stuff - this is still present in game. It does not have any reasonable solution mainly because of the backwards compatibility. Those ladders are serialized in the ship and any change would result into breaking older built ships/blueprint etc. I am still leaving the ticket opened in case someone would duplicate and reserialize these assets in DB and tweak it somehow, but it is very unrealistic.

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