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RESOLVED Compilation of known issues [UPDATED ON 30/08/2018]


Here I'm gonna compile the most common issues reported so far in the last few days. Note that we are aware of these and we are working to fix them. Some might take more time than others to fix, depending on the difficulty and/if we are able to reproduce them.

Once they're fixed, you'll be able to see it in the changelog. Be aware that this list doesn't contain generic issues like server issues, lack of optimization etc.

[UPDATED ON 30/08/2018]

* Items not stacking in containers
* Ship losing control (ie: when hit by a seagull)
* Crashes when using crafting panel (possibly related to older AMD (ATI) cards)
* Items being invisible when placing them on ships
* Rain/snow getting through buildings/caves
* Crashes in rain storms
* Ship ladder falls and when clicking on it, character falls through the earth

PS: If you can think of any other issue, feel free to post it here!

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87 replies to this bug / suggestion

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any words about the "Crash while on crafting menu" ? im reinstalling the game at this moment, hope things will change. really want to play a fast grind but every time i craft anything. i crash when i (ctrl+a and then delete) on my miss spelled item name, and when i scroll down the list. feel bad cos it runs well. just the crafting maaaan, really feels bad..


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On 12/10/2017 at 12:39 AM, King0fgames said:

Placed a computer on my ship while at sea, computer disappeared and ship can't turn anymore. I've gone in the save editor and the ship's entity box is massive, so I'm guessing the computer teleported stupidly far away, but I can't even find it by flying in the editor. Losing 6 hours of progress is not very encouraging.

OMG! this exact thing happened to me yesterday. I came here just now to see if anyone else had this problem. Worse yet is that it is a common spawn at sea so many people are likely to encounter this bug. 

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Every time it rains in game my Ylands crashes. When i restart and load the game again, it crashes again but I have to kill my PC and reboot to do anything

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password control on register user (website email & password registration method), password confirmation never agrees with 1st copy of password.

Single player mode

Wind direction flags never change orientation  (always point to back of boat)

If you push against side of ship you can get stuck inside the hull


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On 10/12/2017 at 9:02 PM, MouthHole said:

- In Survival mode, when flattening a surface some parts still floating in the air, these parts are big enough to collide with the character but small enough to be impossible to target.

- Chopping trees, same deal as above, sometimes the logs, seeds and etc... still in the air.

- Stuck sharks: Some get stuck literally in the air, some other in land.


You can press C for First Person and easily remove the floating chunks. Trust me, I've done it heaps. Just use the White Dot, Cross-hair to target in First person, the green marker isn't always accurate.

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13 hours ago, schuylerzon said:

The hammer is getting consumed when you're crafting certain recipes.

The hammer has Durability like a Shovel, Axe, PicAxe, Etc. When durability reaches critical the hammer is consumed when crafting stuff that requires a hammer. As long as you make sure it's always in good condition it shouldn't be consumed when crafting. The same thing happens with the knife.

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Now no offence but the patch has messed up everything it seems my friend and I are playing on a public server we can't craft item just say failed even though we have all the items to craft said item. also our crafting page completely disappears....then when it does appear can't craft items again even though we have needed items to craft. one case I look at the tanning rack and it is a blank sheet for me he looks at it and he can craft leather all day long. I am sad to say but the patch has nearly broken the game we need a patch to fix the patch so we can actually play...before the patch everything was running really smooth now  neither of us can play alone due to being unable to craft items with out the other person being there hopefully able to craft said Item. The suggested fix of relogging also doesn't work if you can't craft storage containers and crafting objects like furnace and such you pretty much can't advance I really hope they are working on a fix because as it stands now this game is now broken.

Edited by steam-76561197972339163
added more dialog

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-Some tree stumps become invisible when you get Close, then visible when you get further away again.

- The physics  of items seems to stop applying after they stop moving for the first time (Like when a tree falls on top of another tree), then you remove that other tree, the first tree is flying. A lot of flying items everywhere is the result of this if you don't clean up properly when chopping trees, especially from a tree farm where trees are closer.

Edited by Daniel Lohne

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11 minutes ago, Daniel Lohne said:

-Some tree stumps become invisible when you get Close, then visible when you get further away again.

- The physics  of items seems to stop applying after they stop moving for the first time (Like when a tree falls on top of another tree), then you remove that other tree, the first tree is flying. A lot of flying items everywhere is the result of this if you don't clean up properly when chopping trees, especially from a tree farm where trees are closer.

for the Second point I think that's normal. I think they are deactivated the physics of each object after a amount of time after it spawns. ( maybe 10 secondes or something like this ) . that's I think a way to optimise because imagine if each objects instanciate on the world keep his physic it would be even worst for the fps and the lags because each frames the game would have to calculate the phisic of each object.

Edited by Mr Banane

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8 hours ago, Mr Banane said:

for the Second point I think that's normal. I think they are deactivated the physics of each object after a amount of time after it spawns. ( maybe 10 secondes or something like this ) . that's I think a way to optimise because imagine if each objects instanciate on the world keep his physic it would be even worst for the fps and the lags because each frames the game would have to calculate the phisic of each object.

True, good point:P 

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On 12/10/2017 at 4:38 AM, predator[rus] said:

""When I press in the house to climb up the stairs, I hit the sky on some kind of cubes and kills me with an electric current. Checked many times. How to pick up my loot?""




Ha! I know this one.   You need a ton of dirt, many many iron hammers, repair kits, ropes and planks for a rope ladder, AND an Energy linker.

Please note.  its is NOT an easy solution.   You can fall into your death at any misstep.  And it is very time consumption to the point of obsession.

Each piece that is needed to be broken takes about 5-10 minutes and requires multiple repair kits or iron hammers.

Also note that Tesla coils will not zap you without a line of sight.  If you have a wall between you and the Tesla coil, they won't zap you.

It is probably easier to just re-craft all your gear form scratch if you have the resources.

Otherwise, here is the solution.


#1)  I'm guessing you can't fly up there, so you need to get under it.

#2)  Build a tower of dirt from the ground straight up until you are under the skybox.

#3)  Whack at  the bottom floating platform until it breaks.

#4)  Whack at 4 iron floor things until you  get through inside the cube.

#5)  Use a rope ladder to get inside.

#6)  Equip the Energy Linker and "Remove connection" from both small Ylandium generators to the Tesla Coils

#7)  Use the iron ladder to climb up and get your stuff safely..


#8)  Get back down the iron ladder and position yourself to whack at the two small Ylandium generators.

         Each should take about 5-7 minutes to break into 2 broken glass and 1 Ylandium dust that with pop out on top of the cube.



Good luck!  I've been there, done that, and go the T-shirt. xD

Edited by bluewind55
saving extra space by removing picture

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I can't place a large mast on my ship. I built a custom deck on top of the base ship. I can make a small mast and place it, but it says "location is out of vehicle bounds" when I try to place large mast


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Hello! new player here. I have lot's of problems placing large mast with sail or anything that moves the ship on deck. Is there any fix ?

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The only solution I know for building on ships is to first free-place any item with V button (flint, knife, grass etc.) on the deck, then you should be able to place masts and other things. Had the same problem, worked for me and some others

Edited by Vakka

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8 hours ago, BretticusRen said:

I can't place a large mast on my ship. I built a custom deck on top of the base ship. I can make a small mast and place it, but it says "location is out of vehicle bounds" when I try to place large mast



2 hours ago, mr.egomies said:

Hello! new player here. I have lot's of problems placing large mast with sail or anything that moves the ship on deck. Is there any fix ?


Both your problems should be solved by first free-placing any item with V button (flint, knife, grass etc.) on the deck, then you should be able to place masts and other things.

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When I repress the tree, the wood appears on the tree next to it. When I repress this tree, the wood still flies ... please add gravity. when I repent a tree it does not always fall to the ground and the stump can not be seen even if it is there. thanks for reading - gadysannCZ

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Im running a pretty crappy old computer with a GTX 360 graphics card, my graphics are all screwed up and i cant tell if my systems just garbage or if theres a bug that needs to be fixed

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On 12/11/2017 at 12:41 AM, Ethan Gordon Wilson said:

5) We have observed cases where harvested trees leave remnants of their harvested materials far above the ground (and out of reach).

I have had that too!

On 12/11/2017 at 12:41 AM, Ethan Gordon Wilson said:



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On 12/9/2017 at 8:58 PM, Ane said:

PS: If you can think of any other issue, feel free to post it here!

When I play on my friend's server in multiplayer mode, and I log off, then log back in after a day(or more), my character has starved and is dead.


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Swimming under a ship sometimes glitches you into the ships hull with only your head above the deck. I have to carry a grass bedroll at all times, place it on the deck and sleep on it to pull myself out.

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I’ve had some issues in multiplayer with my tamed horses.  


My first tamed horse, named Silver, appears to have been tamed by someone else, it’s the same horse and name, but tamed by someone else now.  My second, Marrón, simply disappeared.  I’m a guest on the P1 Explorer multiplayer server and am not sure where my second horse went, but when I whistle for him, he’s not appearing anywhere.


Each time I’ve logged out, both myself and my horse were in the protective barrier, but perhaps that doesn’t matter.  Once, I was logged off for 8+ hours, but the second time was shorter, more like 4 hours or so.


I hope some, or any of my information helps!

Edited by lemansgranprix

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