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RESOLVED [YLD-8021] 100% unlimited loading


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21 minutes ago, ljh1412 said:


I tried to play multiplayer with my friend but the game does not start at 100% loading. Is there no solution? 



Hi there,

This seems to be an increasing issue right now and I can't really offer any solution to it sadly :(

A work-around if you are desperate could be to load the game in the editor, and delete the characters that are affected, while you are in the editor, you could spawn in some of the things that character might lose in the process, perhaps even a shiny new ship to get you back to where you were.

Failing that, a new save game - not a solution at all!

There is some bug whereby characters will become unable to load in, a new character should have no issue.

Sorry I can't be of further assistance, I believe they are working hard on multiplayer fixes at the moment.

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1 hour ago, ljh1412 said:


I tried to play multiplayer with my friend but the game does not start at 100% loading. Is there no solution?



Same exact thing is happening for me and my partner, it takes about 10 minutes to load up to 100% and then stops at "Recalling Buildings" IIRC.




First part of clean.txt is my partner trying to connect to me which results in insane packet loss over 10 minutes and ends in getting stuck at 100%

Second part is me trying to connect to him which results in perfect loading for about 15 seconds and while I'm loading his internet is essentially dying/DDoS'd while I download and at the end he disconnects from everything and I get host unreachable.

Both things above has been reproduceable for about 4 hours of constant testing with multiple PC restarts in between.

Edited by Liorath
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Gonna bump this thread again since I've been reproducing it again today.

Basically exactly the same as my previous post, one of two things happen and depends on which one of us is hosting:

1. I host and partner gets stuck at 0.0%, slowly increases over 10-20 minutes. Seems to go alot faster if I run around exploring but in the end it results in getting stuck at 100% "Recalling Buildings" or Host Unreachable

2. He hosts and I load within 10 seconds, WHILE I'm loading he disappears from voice chat and looses internet access to everything on his PC which ends in a Host Unreachable on my end, sometimes at 100% and sometimes even as fast as 20%.

Both examples are 100% reproduceable no matter how many router restarts/PC restarts we do, or any bandaid fixes we try to circumvent the problem.





Hoping this gets fixed soon!


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Also experiencing this issue on a save we've been playing on for 50 hours.


New players can join fine and those who were alive in the world, however those who died/were dead after the latest patch went out can't rejoin, they are stuck at 100%.



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Managed to get a hold of my partners log files after reproducing this again.



The problem here is that as soon as I start downloading map files he will disconnect or suffer extreme cases of packet loss to anything he is connected to. Its very consistent as soon as he gets the fps drop from a player attempting to join the his server. Meanwhile I'm loading to 100% and end up getting an infinite loading screen at 100% as he is frantically attempting to avoid packet loss, eventually it will disconnect me as "Host Unreachable" and he will instantly pop back into voice chat as if nothing ever happened.

Below is my logs of the same encounter(might have to look a little further down as the first attempt was just me popping into my own game)



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