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RESOLVED Logging off while on moving ship


I searched but maybe my search wasn't good enough.  So my issue was I was sailing my normal sized ship.  Not the little boat.  So I was sailing and then I realized I needed to log off so I did.  That was last night at about 10:30PM EST.  It is now 5:40PM EST the next day.  I logged on but when I did i see i'm in the water... a shark is eating me and my ship is sailing away.  Needless to say I died when it finally gave me control.  Pretty upsetting.

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Should be long obsolete by now. In adventure mode claimed ship is now tied to the player and appears with him, as for disconnecting from ship which is not claimed or belongs to other player, player is now correctly "anchored" to the hull.

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Now i ended up on one of the other islands i had visited without any resources because I just visited this island and didn't store anything.  It's dark and I'm starving.  Not much I'm going to be able to do except die until day light.  That's just great.  

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Gametek .. that happens  when you log out  or   your  connection fails if your ship is  under sail and you do not  have control of the helm.   I was lucky - i swam after  my ship and actually  caught it   when it ran aground on a  shoal!

Whenever you wish to log out and you are on a ship ...   first of all  lower sails,   release the   anchor, then  take  hold of the helm  controls      then save / log  out.

Its  even  safer if you  can park near an island ..with the anchor  down

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