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Ive been sailing for a good 8 ingame days and still unable to find anymore ylands?

Theres no birds. No sharks? 

how do i solve this? or am i just playing it wrong?

Am i best waiting for it to get an update?

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Islands are about half an ingame day apart from each other, so you can go back.

Have you sailed for a complete tour around your island to search birds (high in the sky) ?

Have you crafted a map ?

Be aware that the island you spawn in is not necessary at the center of the others. It can be at one end, so all the other islands are  more or less in only one direction.

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Craft a map ..   place it  in  a dynamic  slot ... you need a pencil as well then  go to a high spot on your  island,  open map and  note  your facing  direction....via  the compass. Look for  high  flying birds and face in the direction they are   going/coming ...and  note that compass bearing.      Otherwise    sail in   increasing  circles around you  spawn island.

Its  a matter of  luck,  skill and  randomness ...

  On 12/19/2017 at 7:40 PM, Maxime Gaillard said:

Be aware that the island you spawn in is not necessary at the center of the others. It can be at one end, so all the other islands are  more or less in only one direction.

I have   sailed  for  a  whole  day   only to find a chain of  islands  running   n/w  of  my spawn  island ..all close together   ..i   missed the  guiding  bird   due to a storm

Also some islands  can have  dual  biomes...    I encountered one that was  desert on one side.......  with  massive  sulphur, copper  and  saltpeter deposits,   and on the other side .. tropical conditions  with   rubber trees  and  coal ..and   about a  dozen hungry leopards and pumas that  would  spring out of  nowhere without  warning!

Also   look under your  ship ....  if you see no weeds or  sharks on the  ocean floor  your   in open waters and might be better to turn back.

Watch out for  computers   floating  in  the ocean....  best  not to  collect  them ...usually there's an  aircraft wreck on the  floor  nearby  and the  ocean  littered with   what looks like a severed  torso and   limbs floating around ...  a  hint there's  sharks  lurking  down there ! O.o

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