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RESOLVED Steam powered ship driving irratic


I recently finished building a steam powered ship. For it's maiden voyage I took it for a spin to the nearest yland I had already explored. The trip there was fine. I arrived at the yland, put down the anchor and went ashore to do some mining. I made sure I anchored myself in deep water (I've spent way too much time digging my other ship out of shallow spots). When I returned to my ship, it started doing really bizarre things. While I was on the shore, before I had even boarded the ship, it started lurching side to side and at one point actually shot up in the air maybe 15 feet. I finally managed to get aboard using my propeller pack, but now the ship acts like it's either hitting the bottom, or is attached to the land with a rubber band (that's the best way I can explain it). The water below me is quite deep, so I am 100% sure I'm not hitting the bottom. Also my anchor is up, I triple checked that. If I power up my engines, the ship will most forward VERY slowly, but will rubber band backwards about 5-10 ship lengths every once in a while. It also will not turn. It keeps acting like it's running aground on whatever side I'm trying to turn towards. 

I have tried rebooting the game and my PC and neither seems to help. I've included my saved game file. The ship in question is the one directly in front of my character. If you board the ship, engage the engines and try to drive around you should see what I mean. Hopefully that is enough information for your devs to figure out what's going on. Also a note, I have not used the "computer" that seems to be causing issues for a bunch of people.

If there is any other debugging information I can provide, please don't hesitate to ask.


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4 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Issue is obsolete for a long time. Ships are now simulated differently and issue should no longer happen.

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I had the same problem somewhere on the map with a buddy ! We fixed it by backing up with the ship for a while then turned away from the bugging spot, after all it worked.

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I never thought about a seagull being stuck in my ship somewhere. That would kinda make sense for the way the ship is acting. The gull keeps trying to go in a single direction and forces the ship that way...Interesting.

I will run the editor on my ship tonight to see if I can find something like that wedged in my ship somewhere. 

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