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Everything posted by Shadow72

  1. Anytime I try to instantiate a new instance of a custom class that has parameters in it's constructor I get "UNKNOWN INTERNAL ERROR 454". class TestClass { constructor() { } } class TestClass2 { constructor(name) { this.name = name; } } function SomeFunction() { let aClass = new TestClass(); let bClass = new TestClass2("Bob"); } Creating a new instance of TestClass works but creating a new instance of TestClass2 gives a error.
  2. When you despawn a car while a player is driving it the game will think that the player is still driving the car. It will despawn the car but the camera angle is stuck and you can still drive around.
  3. Shadow72

    RESOLVED Memory leak

    I have recently started running a server that i keep up 24/7 and have noticed a giant performance decrease after around 6-8 hours. When i launch Ylands and get ingame it is using around 2.5gb of memory and after 6-8 hours it is using 4.5gb of memory. After 6-8 hours the game is nearly unplayable due to the lag even at 800x600 resolution with low settings. It takes around 5 minutes to save the game and quit to the main menu and while at the main menu...
  4. If you press the cancel button while connecting to a multiplayer server you will still join the server.
  5. Shadow72

    Why I no longer don't believe in Ylands

    I know you said in parenthesis that you aren't suggesting I'm that person. But having that in your response to what I said kinda implies that you think so. I'm not a kid, i'm 20, and before the pandemic happened I worked 40 hours a week for 2 years and after that 20 hours a week while going to college. There's nothing wrong with making money, its how you portrayed your communities. You portrayed it as a group of mature gamers who enjoy playing...
  6. Shadow72

    Why I no longer don't believe in Ylands

    You probably won't reply to this but here are my opinions. I think this really shows your intentions for playing Ylands. You weren't playing Ylands to enjoy the game and have fun, you wanted to get in on the game on the ground floor and be able to profit off of it. All of the points you keep bringing up revolve around the success of the game and the steam charts showing how many people are playing it. In your own words, if you enjoyed the game, enjoy it. In...
  7. Shadow72

    New Community Warlock Nikki

    Hey, I'm Shadow. I've been playing the game on and off since before the game was on steam and mostly stick to the editor side of the game. I'm a huge World of Warcraft fan so once classic wow tbc releases I will probably be missing for a bit.
  8. I have been playing around with text scripting for a bit now and here are some suggestions I have. Right now there is no way to share code between game logics. It would be nice to be able to import other yjs files in your script or to have global scripts that all scripts automatically have access to. However, right now you can share code between scripts in the same game logic, but if you need that code in multiple different game logics you would have to add...
  9. Shadow72


    The video Ocnog linked is really good. If you have any questions feel free to pm me and I can try to help you out. Although I don't know any French.
  10. Shadow72

    Text Scripting Feedback/Suggestions

    Sorry, I probably should have explained the first one better. Here's some pseudo code to help explain better. class GameManager { constructor() { this.gameState = "WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS"; } setState(newState) { this.gameState = newState; } } var myGameManager = new GameManger(); For the game manager I would need it in multiple different game logics so I could check the current gameState. But adding the same script to each game logic...
  11. It seems you can't instantiate a instance of a custom class outside of the event functions. Doing so results in the error: Undefined variable "{0}". However you can instantiate a new copy of a class such as YVector3 outside of the event functions. var x = new Test(); var p; var v = new YVector3(0, 1, 0); function onSwitchOn(triggerEntity) { p = new Test(); YEntity.spawnEntity(YEntityType.get(35), 1, v, v); YDebug.localConsole(p.doSomething()); } class Test...
  12. Shadow72

    Dev Diary #165 - A different kind of scripting

    Finally! I have been waiting for this to be in the game for a long time. I do have a few questions about how this will work though. After editing a script, will we have to reload the script into the game like how we load spreadsheets into datasets? Or will they automatically reload once the game has detected that they have been edited? What will the errors look like if you load in a script with syntax errors? Will it tell you what line the syntax error is on or will it...
  13. Shadow72

    Adam Statue In Playlands

    It would be cool to have a statue of @Adam Snellgrove in Playlands since he has done so much for the Ylands community.
  14. Shadow72

    Exploration Feedback

    I've recently had enough time to hop on and try out the new exploration. I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought that it was far better than the old exploration. With that being said, I do have some feedback. Crafting items feels like a chore. The workstations can only hold a small amount of items which causes you to have to babysit them non-stop. This isn't really fun because I would much rather be out exploring other islands instead of standing in my base waiting...
  15. Shadow72

    [Tutorial] Data Sets

    So what do data sets do? Data sets allow you to import spreadsheets into Ylands. They are perfect for keeping the mess down when working with large amounts of data and are actually quite easy to use. To use them you will need a program to create and edit a spreadsheet(I use google sheets). Lets get started! The very top row of your spreadsheet is where you set the names of all the columns. The first column must be named Id(at least I think, i'm still...
  16. Shadow72

    P1 Spam

    Hey, can you guys please not spam message everyone in the Ylands discord telling them to join p1. Not only was I messaged but they also called me on discord.
  17. Shadow72

    I was forced to remove this post...

    Ahh, well that really sucks. Hopefully you guys can get your money back from him.
  18. Shadow72

    I was forced to remove this post...

    I'm a bit confused. Is the middleman you are talking to in the pics the same guy that BI verified was from Tencent? Or is he just a middleman you found? Also you won't get much luck emailing people from China, they usually never check it because they all use WeChat.
  19. Shadow72

    need help with scripting

    Setting the stack size to -1 should do it.
  20. Shadow72

    Dev Diary #151 - Dev Diary #151 - Update 1.5 FAQ

    With the new update you are able to transfer stuff between the worlds. So you can think of your singleplayer island as your home base and you can sail your ship to other peoples islands and collect stuff and bring it back to your own.
  21. If you use a for loop to loop through the players equipment and save the definition id of the item to game storage you get the error: "Unknown internal error, type isn't supported by server variables". For some reason this only happens when you get the item from equipment. If you loop through the inventory and try to save the exact same items definition id to game storage everything will work perfectly.
  22. Nevermind, you can delete this. I was being stupid and was pushing the wrong thing to the array.
  23. Shadow72

    Dev Diary #151 - Dev Diary #151 - Update 1.5 FAQ

    I think I kind of understand what they are saying. When creating a new singleplayer world you will have a option to make it multiplayer. If you do so that allows other people to come to your world. Only other people in exploration worlds can join your singleplayer world. So since P1 and YWD maps are made in the editor they won't be able to go to a singleplayer world. At least that is how I think it is going to work based off of what they have said.