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Igor Q.

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Everything posted by Igor Q.

  1. When making custom games 99% of the time I want all placed objects to be indestructible/unpickable/uninteractable (including trees/plants). If we could have a feature to do that it would be IMMENSELY helpful.
  2. Igor Q.

    Dev Diary #66

    Great to hear you'll be more involved Ales! I hope to see you more on the forums! If we could get more game updates on things you guys are working on, on twitter like just a picture or a very short text I think it would really help with growing the community and increasing engagment
  3. Igor Q.

    What do I need to build a gaming PC?

    My 2 cents to add is that if you are like me, try to get a quiet cooling system out of liquid or something. You can't imagine how annoying it can get if your PC fan is loud.
  4. Igor Q.

    More Editor Options I would like to have.

    Force fire for weapons such as revolver etc. Reload weapons instantly (through scripts) Customize clip size reload time, attack speed, etc for ranged weapons Fill in paper/books with texts Fill maps with specific locations already revealed.
  5. Event Listener: Trap Trigger, listen to when a trap goes off. Set Max Health of units (this includes the player). Some way to modify the heart system on top left. Assign Player Roles/Team in-game Instant "explosion" at point with X power. Can be used for effects, knock ups, do not enter zones, etc. Get Aim of Entity Event Listener - Player does interaction with item in hand Build Blue Prints in a custom game and instead of providing items give us the option to trigger it with event listeners, etc. Allow us to find the position of where an arrow/gunshot travels and it's final position. Player Lobby in multiplayer Set Movespeed of any entity such as mobs Disable all inputs from Player including movement, mouse clicks etc (with the exception of ESC for menu) Make Flags carry-able. Make hit detection for crossbows work
  6. Igor Q.

    will we be able to spawn dynamic trigger zones

    I already asked that before, they said its gonna be a while ?
  7. Hi Sometimes while using the color picker clicking on the "ok" button will auto lock into a specific color, and when trying to adjust any colors after will reset to the previous color after. All color inputs within the same game session before restart will lock to that color. Its happened 3-4 times but somewhat rare.
  8. Igor Q.

    Dev Diary #65

    Thanks for the news ales! One thing I would like to mention for explorer mode is putting an optional harder difficulty for the server. Alot of survival games adjust difficulty by making it easier to die (such as minecraft), but I think it would be reallly cool if instead it becomes more difficult to acquire resources. It will make building a small house out of wood feel much more satisfying than building giant mansions! Very excited for the upgrades for farms and underwater life...hopefully we get cool mazes/temples to explore too
  9. Igor Q.

    Can i make this formula

    Use base power exponent function To get a specific root you simply take the power of the inverse Ex: Cube root becomes ^(1/3) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ylands_Tile_-_Math_pow
  10. Igor Q.

    More Editor Options I would like to have.

    Copy paste script tabs from 1 object into another object.
  11. I agree that explorer mode needs some love right now, but also keep in mind the developers are right now helping the community for people such as myself who are trying to make fantastic custom games for people like you. With this upcoming patch a lot of us map creators will be using new tools to make more cool and awesome games such as this: https://twitch.tv/videos/375075156 Alot of people are posting on the dev diaries and giving their feedback, if you want your voice to be heard, you should post your thoughts on there?
  12. Igor Q.

    More Editor Options I would like to have.

    Force toggle walk/run with lock. Blueprint building in custom games using labels. Custom light values Custom settings for fog strength. Flying vehicles Ability for players to input specialized interactions using hotkeys even if they are busy. Ex: player hits the right arrow key while using a boat, the cannon on the right side fires. Manual camera position/rotation/movement for 1 1 or all players for cinematic purposes Get/Set Hunger/Freezing/Heat values Modify jump strength (using velocity functions are very difficult to use atm) Ability to make 1 object rotate and face towards another object ^ This would help immensly
  13. Igor Q.

    Dev Diary #64

    ETA for patch?
  14. Igor Q.

    Weekly sneaky WiP #7

    Is this the mini boss???
  15. Igor Q.

    Epic Ylands Mini-Games + Build Tutorial (by P1)

    Man I love the visuals @Spyler.X made for the game
  16. Igor Q.

    Arrays - how do they work?

    Arrays are similar to basic variables but for storing multiple pieces of information. Ex: When player spawns, add player to array "Total player list". Make a scoreboard using each player from the "Total player list". It's often useful when you want not only to store a list but change it's information later on. If you check out the script I made Global chest, it uses an array to store inventory slots of a chest and then saves/loads that information when a player uses a chest.
  17. Igor Q.

    Dev Diary #64

    For consol commands, will we be able to search for characters/strings within the system? Ex: Player types /Spawn 10 torch Searches for command "spawn" then quantity "10" then object type "torch"
  18. Igor Q.

    cancel reload

    I mean...at that point a person is making 7 different weapons all fully loaded to be able to do that...
  19. Igor Q.

    More Editor Options I would like to have.

    Yeah but the scenario I'm getting is where multiple entities are being added and removed from an array but I need to check if a specific entity or type exists within it. My entities are not fixed by a specific index. I don't want to use for each loops every time and there are too many issues using labels.
  20. Igor Q.

    More Editor Options I would like to have.

    Urgent: Have a logic statment that says If Array has object/value inside = true (Putting multiple for each statements makes code extremely confusing)
  21. Igor Q.

    AMAZING new game Castle Hunt.

    The easy thing about scripting is that once you are done, you are done. Spyler had to deal with me making new decor suggestions all the time ?
  22. Igor Q.


    These look awesome!
  23. Is this a bug? ### Game started at 4:45:58 PM, 2/2/2019 ## Error # Wrong argument type in call SPAWN ENTITY at argument Type. Expected ENTITY TYPE but provided ENTITY TEMPLATE (ENTITY TEMPLATE 1) Stack trace: SPAWN ENTITY(Template, Container) (#2) in LEVER (ID:52) ON SWITCH ON(Trigger object) (#1) in LEVER (ID:52) ### Game ended at 4:46:16 PM, 2/2/2019
  24. Igor Q.

    More Editor Options I would like to have.

    "Set Active Item" Allow us to retrieve projectile information and edit its information such as color damage etc. Allow us to "attach" objects/game logics to each other. Ex: Attach the fire particle animation to an arrow projectile. Attach a zone trigger with a player. etc. Create a way point system connect with curved lines to tell objects or living entities to walk/run along the given path. Give us the option to input color codes using rgb. Ex: (000,000,255,000) Allow us to modify and set custom valued for vehicle max speed, acceleration, etc. Allow us to modify defense stats for armors through the object editor. Event listner - On attack (listens to when an attack animation goes off) used for both melee AND ranged weapons Start - start of animation Blocked - as soon as damage applies End - At the end of the animation Change "new interaction" to have a channel time (default of 0 seconds) so we can have cool charge up abilities and etc Allow us to have a sound sampler for sound library Allow us to use animations from other actions. Allow us to switch items to interupt reloading animation Set Islands/Caves to regenerate into a new system if they haven't been visited in a while.