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Everything posted by brod33

  1. Hello bb cakes_P1, the DS at no point modifies the DsConfig.json file. The flat creative map that was generated corresponds to the 'After starting my server' settings you posted, so my only guess is that the file is indeed getting overwritten by external application before DS actually launches as you suggest. The step by step instructions only apply if you actually host the server manually. The DsConfig.json file format changed in the 0.12 update (as per the description above), so it is possible the automated flow services such as nitrado use to generate the DsConfig.json from web form is no longer compatible and needs to be updated. Unfortunately, we do not currently have the means to provide support regarding third party hosting, but I agree that the operation of DS is currently a rather nebulous process in need of improvement.
  2. Received your files, tried creating new savegame and rehosting it, did not run into any issues. These were my steps: 1/ Get DS: Downloaded the DS tool from steam public_alpha beta branch (version 69650) 2/ Setup ds working directory: Using the same path as in your example I have prepared the DS working directory with: -ygt/ysd files you provided -Ylands.ini containing s DsBohemiaLoginToken=<my_login_token> b DsAutoLaunchMonitor=1 -DsConfig.json containing: { "SessionDataType" : "TemplateFile", "SessionData" : "C:\SERVICES\ni1427091_3_SHARE\ftproot\ylands/P1 SUNRISE CITY 43 NPCS P2_190525003503.ygt", "nMaxPlayers" : 8, "Name" : "P1 Game Testing", "PrivilegeFilePath" : "C:\SERVICES\ni1427091_3_SHARE/ftproot/ylands/permissions.txt" } After setup, the directory looks like so: 3/ Launch the DS for the first time -Open poweshell (or your preferred console) in C:\SERVICES\ni1427091_3_SHARE\ftproot\ylands -Launch the ds, for powershell I used: & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands Dedicated Server\YlandsDs.exe" -batchmode -nographics -logFile ./log.txt DS hosts new game from ygt After DS loads into session I use monitor console (which opened automatically because of the config in ini) to gracefully shutdown the ds using shutdown command. After DS shuts down, SessionSave.ylandsgame file is created in the directory, which now looks like so: 4/ Rehost existing savegame -Launch the ds again, using the same command as before. In log_clean.txt, I can see the line [IN] [28/05 16:36:11.85] Searching for .ysd in: C:\SERVICES\ni1427091_3_SHARE\ftproot\ylands which indicates DS located the existing save file and is using it to rehost session. DS then successfully loads and registers the session with lobby I did not try connecting to the DS as I understand that is not the issue here. Please let me know which step fails for you or if your setup is significantly different from mine and this flow is not useful for you. Edit: typos.
  3. Hello, before getting to what is the issues I will try to clarify the entire flow from editor project to DS hosting, which might be useful. Ylands Editor -> Hosting on DS We have some ylands editor project, in this case likely named "P1 SUNRISE CITY 15" We perform export via Editor > Export Game > Local Export, which generates up to two files: .ygt file, which is needed to create new games from the scenario and optionally .ysd file needed to play those games. If both files are generated during export, they will have identical name and differ in extension only. It this case I assume we got both files P1 SUNRISE CITY 15_190509152744.ygt P1 SUNRISE CITY 15_190509152744.ysd To host a custom game on DS our DsConfig.json needs to indicate we are hosting from a template (ygt) and point to the ygt file using these lines (note that the config in the post above points to .ysd file, which we do not want, point to .ygt instead). The relevant parts should look like so: "SessionDataType" : "TemplateFile", "SessionData" : "C:\SERVICES\ni1427091_3_SHARE\ftproot\ylands/P1 SUNRISE CITY 15_190509152744.ygt", Crucially, if .ysd file was generated as part of export, make sure it is located next to the .ygt file Launching DS should now create a new game from scenario. Relevant note on what DS does when it detects existing savefile When DS detects an existing savefile specified by SavePath (defaults to "SessionSave.ylandsgame" if unspecified), it attempts to rehost the savegame regardless of the rest of DsConfig.json. To rehost a savegame from scenario for which ysd file was created during export, the DS needs to know about the ysd file. It will look for this file: In directory where the savefile is located In the directory specified in SessionData - in our case "C:\SERVICES\ni1427091_3_SHARE\ftproot\ylands" Suggested course of action From log file you provided, what appears to be happening is the DS is attempting to rehost existing save file, for which the exact .ysd/.ygt is not found and fails. If the SessionSave.ylandsgame is present, please try removing it and try restarting the DS with the config setup according to example ("SessionDataType":"TemplateFile", "SessionData": "<path_to_ygt>"). After new SessionSave.ylandsgame is created you should be able to rehost it as long as you leave the ysd file in the same directory. If that fails to work, could you please archive the relevant parts of the directory (ygt, ysd, ylandsgame) and upload them for us? We should be able to resolve the issue conclusively that way.
  4. brod33

    limit of compositions or error?

    Thanks for the help. To immediately address the issue, the file limit is now raised to 3000 - you should be able to save new compositions/scenarios/saves without further waiting. As a more robust solution, we still need to improve error indication, and possibly add option to bypass steam cloud entirely, so you are only limited by your physical disk space.
  5. brod33

    limit of compositions or error?

    Hello, it seems Steam will enforce the limits even if it actually skips the synchronization. Besides space quota, there is another restriction imposed by Steam on the total number of files. It is currently set to a total of 1000 files. Could you please check your remote storage directory if you hit the file limit? The path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<your_steam_id>\298610\remote. You can check total filecount in directory subtree by right clicking the directory and selecting 'Properties' - the dialog will have a line 'Contains: X Files, Y Folders'. Thank you.
  6. Hello, thank you for your patience and the log files. Could you please also provide log files form the game hosting the mp session (output_log_clean.txt suffices)? The ones you attached are client log files, and don't help us much in this case as host is responsible for uploading the game state when session ends. Sorry for not being clear.
  7. Hello, it sounds like the game state data is not uploaded correctly at the end of sharegame session. Could you please attach a logfile (output_log_clean.txt) from the game hosting the sharegame session? It should contain the details on what is going wrong in this case.
  8. Hi, could you please include game log file from the run where you are trying to host the session? It would help us to zone in on the issue.
  9. Hi xEla., this is not intended and definitely a bug, we will look into it. From your description, it sounds like there were some issues loading your character from the save file and it got reset. By any chance, could you please attach the yland save file where you encountered the issue? It should be located in Documents/Ylands/BadLoadBackup directory on the PC of the player who hosted the multiplayer session, alternatively, there will be a version of it in the Documents/Ylands/SaveGames directory. It would help us zone in on the issue faster.
  10. brod33

    used /unstuck.... shouldnt have..

    Hello, the unstuck functionality will have some improvements in the next update. For now, here is your savegame with your character at a safe position. VERDANT.rar