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Miguel Preguisa

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Everything posted by Miguel Preguisa

  1. Miguel Preguisa

    Ylands Building Competition I - Spyler.1989

    Another spectacular entry! Thank you! You won me at the spiders
  2. Miguel Preguisa

    Ylands Building Competition I - Tiny Monkey

    I really like this build! Creative mind showed itself with the interpretation of the theme and your talented yland-building skill in the build itself. Thanks for the entry! PS: That's me!
  3. Miguel Preguisa

    Is this for real?! Ylands Android game

    And I'm even pretty sure I have seen this screenshot here in the past.
  4. Miguel Preguisa

    Building Competition

    I have already sent a message to @TheClockArm And to your concerns @bb cakes, let me just tell you that literally anyone has a chance of winning. I took part in some building competitions already and it's more than often the idea that wins the crowd than the execution itself. So even without any suspiciously good building skills, it can be your own style that will on its own shape the idea of perfection.
  5. Miguel Preguisa

    Building Competition

    Hey you all! I think that I could create the first round of the build competition so our words could change to deeds. It would be just a test open to any changes. At least we would see how many people would join. Do I have your permission @TheClockArm?
  6. Miguel Preguisa

    Building Competition

    I thought that Community Creations would be the best section for it and people would sign up just by adding their build.
  7. Miguel Preguisa

    Building Competition

    I meant for one build/comment.
  8. Miguel Preguisa

    Building Competition

    I like the idea of organized build competitions. From my perspective, it would be best to have a week or two for a build. More people will join than in the 24/48 hour competition and one whole month sounds too much for me. I don't quite understand how the theme would be released a few days before the competitions itself starts. What would people stop from building in preparation? Or did I misinterpreted anything? I think that everybody should have the ability to vote. The more votes, the better. And I believe that forum is the main place where ylanders are. So let me do a recap of the way how I see it (feel free to discuss). Forum post in Community Creations called something like "Official Forum Building Challenge [26/3 - 9/4]" In the post, there would be List of the winners of the past OFBC An announcement of the winner of the last challenge The new theme And of course rules Then the players would start to build their entry build After completion, they would present their build as a comment to the OFBC post They could provide few screenshots of their build or even add it to the Workshop People would vote for the best builds through the reaction buttons Every reaction apart from the downvote would count Downvote shouldn't count as -1, it brings negativity to a friendly competition They could vote on multiple builds It would be hard to assure that everybody votes just for one It motivates the builders for quicker completion and presenting because the last one will not be seen by as many people This system needs a person in charge of creating the post and coming up with new themes (Maybe the winner could choose the next theme?)
  9. Miguel Preguisa

    0.8: Meaningful Music (28/03/2018)

    I love that no matter which update, there are always some of my wishes fulfilled. When I started playing first sandbox games on my phone (that means Minecraft rip offs) I always wondered how great would it be if there were more items and animals. And all of them looking more realistic. Realistic nature. How cool would it be not to be limited by some kind of grid. Or even the ability to intersect items! (shoutout to spyler.1989, I really loved your ship) I swear that Ylands is the game that I thought was only in my head. Witcher 3 has been great. Minecraft was a transfer station full of creativity. But Ylands is the game. And I can't wait to hear the violins in it!
  10. Miguel Preguisa

    DEV ANSWER Extreme: Annihilator vs. Boat hull

    This has been prevented in the newest version (0.7) Relevant part of the changelog: Ships and cars can only be destroyed with the Annihilator if there's nothing built on them
  11. Miguel Preguisa

    0.7: Cheerful Characters (14/02/2018)

    There is also a lot of improved animations! Great Have you changed anything about the terrain generation? The newly generated ylands seemed a little bit different to me
  12. Miguel Preguisa

    Stone Arches? Any Ideas

    I know, but the sandstone itself leaves a yellowish tint after it's repainted.
  13. Miguel Preguisa

    [Suggestion] Tools, Cosmetics and Slots

    Solid suggestion list! Let me say a few words about each of you suggestion. Tool Belt I did notice a forum post about this but this is actually a tad different. I have played Modded Minecraft quite a lot in my day and one of my favorite mods was the 'Tool belt' mod. I will not say what the minecraft mod does, I will simply say how I can think it would fit in Ylands (it's pretty similar to the minecraft mod) The player can craft a Tool Belt, and when equiped on a 'waist' slot or just when having it in the inventory, it would unlock 3 extra slots on the character panel. These slots would be : Left Hip, Right Hip, Back. In these slots, the players can equip any tool/weapon and they would show up on the actual character model. As an extra feature to this, in the radial menu, the player can access the tool belt and pick one of the 3 tools to use. (A holster/unholster feature) When a tool/weapon is selected in the radial menu, the weapon disapears from the character model and shows up in their hands which they can then use. When selecting the same tool/weapon in the radial menu, it would then get holstered, showing up back on the player model. I wasn't absolutely sure about this at first, but you made some good suggestions. I mostly like the "waist" slot. It could be used not just for a Toolbelt but for Potion Bandolier or Herb Bag too. I personally want to see my character with potions hanging everywhere. Backpacks Since most of my experience with the game is from youtube videos and a short playthrough at someone else, I noticed a slight lack of 'back' items. So in the backpack slot, allow us to add in, besides the propeler pack, the containers that we now have, for keys, potions, herbs etc. The container itself would still be in the characters inventory, but when dragged in the back slot, it would also show up on the character. More backpack slot items? Sure! I can see more uses of it too. For example air bottles for divers (the Breathing mask seems overpowered same as the Propeller pack to me). It would maybe be even nice to add some slowness penalty when wearing backpacks. I don't want that everybody I meet has a stuffed backpack on his back. Not as big for some small rucksack, but really recognizable for a hiking backpack with 12 extra slots. Face Slot Add in a 'face' slot where the player can equip cosmetics, for example, an eye patch, for that pirate life, a monocle for the well read librarian, or a bandana around the face for the looter in us. The above is quite self explanatory, also I know that some helmets go over the face for example the Mark 1 Helmet, and to this, comes the next suggestion! Yes. No more to say on my side. Just maybe... I want a stylish monocle! Toggleable Cosmetics This is quite a simple thing, add a litle checkbox between the head slot (and beside the slots added by my suggestions, like the hips, back and face slot) which when pressed, it would toggle the equiped item in that slot, invisible. Fixing any clipping issue that may occur with my suggestions and also just adding that extra bit of armor to the head without having to always see a helmet you don't like. I have to say no this. I think that rendering anything equipped on the avatar invisible just isn't fair. I want to be sure if I go into a fist fight with a bald guy or with a knight! EDIT Attachable Rope This will definitely be an interesting feature to add, although a lot harder to implement. Basically allow the player to attach an end of the rope to one object, and the other end to another object. Also allow it to be attached to horses.. This can make for an interesting 'towing' feature to be added (which continues in my next suggestion) I also thought about this. It would certainly be a nice cosmetic feature. Maybe something like nodes would help? Free Moving Chassis This would basically be sort of an interesting mechanic if combined with the above. The player can attach the rope to a chassis that can be pulled/moved around by just pushing/pulling it In turn allowing the player to create like sort of a wheelbarrel, or trailer that can be attached to a vehicle or horse. So when the player would drive/ride the trailer will follow along. This starts to sound like medieval engineers. I like it! But I would certainly wait till moving objects are more reliable in the world of Ylands. Grappling Hook Combined with the above, the player can craft a grappling hook. Basically a 'throwable' rope that can attach to objects, allowing the user to then climb up on it or swing from it.. if such physics can be implemented. I believe that devs already played around with the idea of adding advanced physics (please, don't take me for word, too tired to fact check at the moment) so this would be a nice addition. But maybe a ladder climbing animation would be enough for me. 'Pickup-able' object Combined with the above, basically an object that the player can interact with and hold on to it. Basically using it for the wheelbarrel, attach this block/item to the chassis and the player can then interact with it in order to move said chassis around. This can be interesting if attached to one end of the rope, while the other end is attached to a tree or a chassis. In the first, the player can jump, grab onto the interactable end of the rope (the pickup-able object) then swing across a gap. Or pull a chassis from further apart It seems like I'm really tired because sorry, I didn't quite understand this. You want the player to be able to grab a rope into his hands (basically connect himself on one end)? That could be also a handy feature. You get it? Handy. Allright, allright, I will get some sleep.
  14. Miguel Preguisa

    Stone Arches? Any Ideas

    Just a little bit. Thank you! When we are at the building tips already, does anyone know how to change the color of sandstone to represent the stone color? This was the closest (a mixture of blue and grey) I could get to, but I'm not very satisfied with the result.
  15. Miguel Preguisa

    Stone Arches? Any Ideas

    I tried some arches too and this worked best for me
  16. Miguel Preguisa


    Nice! All of the 911 rescue services in one place. It would be great if colored light sources generated colored light. I'm not sure how hard it would be but it could be done considering that there are some colored lamps already.
  17. Miguel Preguisa

    When do we get new avatars to buy with Coyns?

    I would be also glad if the game received more avatar options. But not because I wouldn't like my appearance, quite the opposite! I want to see this face just when I look in the mirror (which was removed from the game because it was more creepy than useful ). PS: I'm okay with seeing this face even when I accidentally open Minecraft
  18. Miguel Preguisa

    KNOWN ISSUE Map eaten

    I know that this is a serious matter, but... how did it taste?
  19. Miguel Preguisa

    The Renaissance of Telč

    This is a little simplified Renaissance house from Telč. Its one of the houses standing in a line, but I didn't have enough time to build every single one, so I hope this one is enough.
  20. Miguel Preguisa

    Share your beautiful pictures!

    This one is quite old, but still my favorite Enjoying a good book in the sunset And a bonus one, because fun is the most important thing Testing the new sharkopult
  21. Miguel Preguisa

    Sneak Peek #44

    Will we be able to add and edit (trades, for example) our own NPCs in the Editor?
  22. Miguel Preguisa

    0.6: Countless Colors (16/11/2017)

    Thank you! [YLD-8170] was the reason I had to abandon my last save
  23. Miguel Preguisa

    Dev Diary #25

    Thank you! This was an annoying one!
  24. Miguel Preguisa

    When is the next update planned?

    Do you mean the next big update, Cheerful Characters 0.7? My best guess is circa 3-4 weeks. Start of the February could be the time. I think that now not even the Y-team know exactly when it will be released. They plan on releasing 0.6.3 before, which could be a lot sooner.
  25. Miguel Preguisa

    Tesla Coils

    Anybody got an idea or tip how to get over these Tesla Coils and not immediately die?