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Miguel Preguisa

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Everything posted by Miguel Preguisa

  1. Miguel Preguisa

    Arrays - how do they work?

    Definitely going to do that! It's true that I haven't seen this piece yet. Array than seems to be like a dynamic list, that could really simplify some of my code full of variables ? Thank you!
  2. Miguel Preguisa

    Dev Diary #64

    I can't wait! ♥
  3. EDIT: My "unsolvable issue" was caused by me trying to get a better time than 0.0 seconds on a track ? Changed zero to 100.000 and everything works as intended ? Here is a snip from a script I'm putting together. But I hit a problem that I can't seem to solve This IF [ IF - ELSE ] seems to be stuck on the second IF It works if I delete the whole IF (GET TOTAL ELAPSED TIME Time trigger #01:NameoftheTT < variable) I think it could be because the Editor maybe doesn't see the Time Trigger output as a standard number and it's unable to compare its output (seconds in 00.000 format) to a 0 (starting variable value I've set in Global Storage on the game start). I found this on the Ylands wiki but it seems to be an obsolete piece of script that no longer exists Any help appreciated!
  4. Miguel Preguisa

    AMAZING new game Castle Hunt.

    Looks like P1 doesn't waste any time Especially this screenshot looks great! I can imagine that @Igor Q. made great scripts but the all those who built it are awesome!
  5. Miguel Preguisa

    Brand New Game: JUGGERNAUT!

    How many players does it require at minimum/to be playable and fun?
  6. Miguel Preguisa

    Brand New Game: JUGGERNAUT!

    Looks very nice ? Good job you all!
  7. Miguel Preguisa

    Igor's Script Composition Thread

    This seems to work best for me. You can change the ENTITY TYPE to any car chassis you want so it works for all the cars built on that type of chassis. And thank you @Igor Q., I always tried to add to it instead of multiplying (scaling) it ?
  8. Miguel Preguisa

    Igor's Script Composition Thread

    I tried to figure out some way how to make a "boost" for a car. Think TrackMania. I managed to set a speed bonus for the player, I had quite a fun with artificial jumps I've accidentally created but no luck with faster cars. PS: For anybody who also messes with cars - it's really fun to make loops and variously shaped bowls. If somebody figures out how to make sure the tricks work in at least 80% of attempts and cars won't get stuck every minute, it's going to be a lot of fun!
  9. Miguel Preguisa

    My second contibution to crazy ships

    Is that a ship? Here in this icy land? Not just a ship... It's one of the Frozen Fleet ships! Looks like captain Henry Snowman is in charge of this ship. One of the richest pirates out there. He is probably seeking for that mythical Santa's factory. And who is behind him? His although small but very clever navigator. Never make jokes of him or you will get captain angry! Operating cannon can be hard, you know? This pirate has walking stick instead of regular one. All because one simply accident with aiming the cannon... At least he has his fellow Tommy the Penguin. And this one... He just can't wait for some fight as it looks. This one will have the right to see the Factory as the first one. He's surely excited about it! But it would be better if they will never found the Secret Santa's factory. They would undoubtedly plunder it. Maybe they will just float in a circles. Or I at least hope they will.
  10. Miguel Preguisa

    My second contibution to crazy ships

    Slow but steady.
  11. Miguel Preguisa

    My second contibution to crazy ships

    And it seems that I forgot to congratulate you to 1.000 reputation points, so congrats!
  12. Miguel Preguisa

    My second contibution to crazy ships

    Blame the careless snowmen! I'm nicknamed preguiça for a reason
  13. Miguel Preguisa

    My second contibution to crazy ships

    Part 2 is up
  14. Miguel Preguisa

    Snowman Creation Contest!

    Let the Henrik Barbarossa be my entry in this competition.
  15. Miguel Preguisa

    Snowman Creation Contest!

    A lot cuter than those guys! Well, I was just about to launch Subnautica... But I guess Ylands is going to win tonight
  16. Miguel Preguisa

    Snowman Creation Contest!

    This one is more than two years old, so just to give you all some additional inspiration
  17. Miguel Preguisa

    Dev Diary #62

    Am I really just one of a few that really enjoyed the Gold Rush? Even though I completely agree that that are too many official servers.
  18. Miguel Preguisa

    Super cool idea using blueprints

    I don't know how it would be performance-wise (or if it's possible at all, to be honest ) , but what about copying/moving a prebuilt structure on a selected place through the script editor?
  19. Miguel Preguisa

    Adding Pics to Objects / Materials

    I never enjoyed stickers while playing with LEGOs. I like that I can recognize the Optimus Prime robot made from simple blocks without any additional logos. You could move just a few blocks and it would be something entirely different (a car or truck for example? )
  20. Miguel Preguisa

    What's your experience with P1 so far?

  21. Miguel Preguisa

    How did you find out about the Ylands editor?

    It was a new feature and I had to try it out. I used it mostly as a Create Scenario with better placement options at first and it took me almost two years to discover all the cool things that can be done with the Editor now
  22. Miguel Preguisa

    A great game free on steam until tomorrow

    Not free on my side Looks like the sale is over now.
  23. Miguel Preguisa

    Dev Diary #60

    Trust me, you wouldn't want to I have a terrible workflow. I have only this multipurpose room (interior+exterior), radio and the plants done. Plus half of a Seamoth. And I started on this last weekend But I'm happy to share once I get something more. At least some hatches, corridors and a moonpool (I have no idea how to build the holographic map of the scanner room)
  24. Miguel Preguisa

    Dev Diary #60

    Have I heard Subnautica?
  25. Miguel Preguisa

    Show off your best creation!

    I play only solo (with the exception of Gold Rush event and once I kind of climbed the top point of the HQ castle I found on P1 servers ) which may also be the reason I'm not critical at all about the multiplayer here like everybody else