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Found 2 results

  1. DW's Gaming N Animation

    Adding Pics to Objects / Materials

    I think it would be cool to be able to add pictures like logos to building materials or all objects. What do you guys think?
  2. These questions come from a new player that has played the 1-hour tutorial yesterday and then bought the game. I now have about 4 hours of gameplay in a survival series. Questions/Bugs: I know we can dig, but how can we terraform and flatten the land? What is the best home building method? I am currently making a log house, and it is taking forever. How do I make a chest? I do not have anywhere to store my items; they are just laying all over the ground. I have died 2x while chopping down trees. It seems if you jump on the tree as it is falling the game kills you saying that you fell to your death. It is an annoying way to die. Is this a known issue? Why can I not recover my items from my corps after I respawn? You can take a lit torch walk up to a stick on the ground and light the stick with the torch to make a campfire. Is this intentional? I have made a few standing torches, the ones on my foundation "vanished" and the one on the ground did not. Is there any way I can drop a whole stack of items instead of dropping them individually? If we cannot have chests, bags, boxes, etc. for storage, PLEASE increase the stack count of items. My camp is starting to look like a hoarder lives there lol! Here is a video series of my progress so far. Please if anyone has any tips or suggestions fell free to share.