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Adam Snellgrove

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Everything posted by Adam Snellgrove

  1. Adam Snellgrove


    Děkuji moc za připomínky ? Bohužel mi už všichni ute´kli domů na víkend, ale v pondělí vám zajistím odpovědi ?
  2. So this appears to be a design decision for stackable items not to have their price set (blocks), because what will happen when there will be two stacks with a different price and they merge? However they still have a default "calculated" price. As for grenades, you can only edit damage of grenades by damage multiplayer, but you cannot change the damage base, explosives work that way ?
  3. Adam Snellgrove

    RESOLVED [YLD-13457] BUG - Bending Tree

    Well...that's interesting. And when you started the scenario again, was it still there? If so, we'd need output_logs and the savegame, so we can have a look at this marvel of botany...
  4. I'll pass it to the QA team to concentrate on the event bar and events and that the culprit could be there ?
  5. @Fompster has reported some rogue trigger objects appearing in his script. We were unable to reproduce this issue, but we're looking into the logs provided. output_log_clean (12).txt output_log (12).txt Bug reported here: https://ylands.com/community/topic/25586-yld-18769-custom-window-scripting/
  6. Adam Snellgrove

    RESOLVED [YLD-18902] Can't upload editor maps

    And have you turned on 'World Saving'? It's in Game Settings -> Common Settings - > World Saving. After that it should be creating the .ylandgame saves. Also the preferred way to do it with Dedicated Servers is by using a game template, which can be exported as described here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ylands_Game_export But if neither of these options work, please let me know and we'll try to figure something else out.
  7. Adam Snellgrove

    RESOLVED [YLD-18902] Can't upload editor maps

    If there is an error message of any sorts or just the process you go through and where it breaks down and stops working.
  8. Adam Snellgrove

    RESOLVED [YLD-18902] Can't upload editor maps

    @bojo2736 If you have any screenshots, output_logs or save files we could look at, that would be very helpful ?
  9. Adam Snellgrove

    UI Tools Suggestions

    I'll tag Rudolf here to take a look at this ? @Rudy.cz
  10. Adam Snellgrove

    UI Set Parent - Shortcut Suggestion

    I'll pass it on ? @Rudy.cz
  11. Adam Snellgrove

    Dev Diary #95

    Well that is weird. I'll ask about it tomorrow in the office.
  12. Adam Snellgrove

    Dev Diary #95

    No birds? Or just seagulls and parrots? Birds that tell you where other Islands are should still be in the game ?
  13. I'll definitely ask the designers, if something like that could be possible. Cheers for the good suggestion ??
  14. Adam Snellgrove

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-18844] Excited Weld

    So apparently it was all down to the anchor point. From time video footage it seems that the anchor point, which should usually be in the centre of a object or at its edge, was in fact far away and thus the crystal moved so crazily. If it was so, then it's not a bug and just a case of readjusting the anchor point. But if it's not this, then we'll need the scenario to test for other reasons this could be happening.
  15. So I asked the designers and this is apparently expected behavior, because chat should be always on top of custom UI and not be 'obscured' by it.
  16. Adam Snellgrove

    Interview Ynterview #5 - Rudolf

    Every week we'll bring you an Ynterview with a member of our Ylands team. In this week's Ynterview we have approached one of our Senior Designers: Rudolf Klenovský. First off, what do you do here at the Ylands team and what’d you do before you joined? On Ylands I am currently responsible for all things Editor. I work closely with Lukáš @Houp Beran (and other programmers ) who was the mastermind behind the editor implementation. He was working on the editor alone until I joined him roughly 2 years ago. Since then I am helping him with design, feedback and testing of new features. I am also responsible for the upkeep of Goldrush and Playlands. Before Ylands I have worked about 5 years on Take on Mars, where I did most of the single-player camping, a lot of map design and scripting. Although I have never studied Games or Digital Arts, I have been into computer games long before I joined BIS. I’ve been active in modding communities for several games, but primarily for Natural Selection (1 and 2) for which I made a few levels. One of them made it in the official release of Natural Selection 2: Combat. So as you can see, my modding legacy made it just logical to end up as an Editor designer How long have you worked on Ylands? What was the 1st thing you worked on when you joined? For about 2,5 years. If I remember correctly, the first large thing I worked on Ylands was the overhaul of the crafting tech tree. We took a good look at how item recipes are dependent on each other and after thorough analysis, we have adjusted the recipe order to how they unravel now. Although players cannot see this, we have reorganised all items in system of tiers and have identified transition points, where those tiers advance from one to the other. According to these findings, we have added “milestone” recipes which are separate to those tiers and should give players a sense of progression. We know that the system is not yet ideal and we would like to tackle it in the near future, but at least we have a solid foundation to build on. What do you find most exciting on Ylands in general? To be honest, after several years on any project it is hard to take a step back and actually have an unbiased opinion - For the trees he cannot see the forest. But getting impressions from our colleagues from other projects at BIS, I can say that the Visual Scripting is quite a feature. It impresses me, that it really helps to start to code also for people with not such a strong programming background. I am still amazed how Lukáš, Honza and Dan were able to pull this feature off. And what is for you the most exciting feature coming in the near future? Well, you came to ask a bit late :), because the most amazing feature was just released in 0.14 – the Custom UI Editor. But we still have one big feature stacked up, which should allow the community to make games similar to Playlands. This feature currently is being polished and prepared for release in 0.15. With the 1.0 closing rapidly, we are now changing our focus on polishing. There are several UX inconsistencies that are bothering me for a long time and I would like to squash those bugs for good. What are you working on right now? I am currently putting together a list of bugs and “quality of life” improvements for the Editor intended for Ylands 1.0. What do you do in your free time? Many things! Of course, I play computer games – mostly indie canapes, because I don’t have that much free time as I used to. Occasionally I also like to delve in some large RPGs. As for other things, I also collect vinyl records and play them out as a DJ sometimes. This comes hand in hand with my love for outdoor activities, so during summer I usually help organise and play at festivals and parties. Do you prefer lying on a beach, exploring a city, hunting mythical animals or taking part in a witches’ sabbath? I am a natural-born backpacker, so I prefer lying on a beach after a thorough city or country exploration. And as a raver, witches’ sabbath is not an unfamiliar thing to me
  17. I'll send it in but for this one logs might be needed, but we'll see ?
  18. Adam Snellgrove

    Uploading comps to workshop confusing

    We'll have a look at streamlining this but in the meantime I'll maybe try and make a step by step instruction manual on how to upload.
  19. Adam Snellgrove

    Dedicated Server FAQ

    I'll send you an invite ?
  20. Adam Snellgrove

    Story - Creating Mini-Golf in under a week!

    I'd love to and probably will closer to release ?
  21. Adam Snellgrove

    RESOLVED How do I disable cloths in my mini-game

    I think it is during the creation of the player role, that you have to disable the automatic Playlands inventory and then you can give the player what you want. But I'll double check tomorrow.
  22. Adam Snellgrove

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-18844] Excited Weld

    The wonky crystal is the key to this mystery ? Or if you instruct us on how to make such a crystal, we'll try and replicate it.
  23. Adam Snellgrove

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-18844] Excited Weld

    Well although it is amusing, we will try and figure something out with this ? And if you could send us a save file to this, so we can have a look at the weld itself, that would be absolutely fantastic too ?
  24. So this was fixed in 0.14. Please contact us, if it happens again.