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Everything posted by ocnoglittle

  1. ocnoglittle

    New Workstations

    The Armor Workstation is done and in the Workshop now It needs the little building behind to hide the NPC that is trying on the outfits, but you can hide him (and the camera) somewhere else if you want. Pictures:
  2. ocnoglittle

    New Workstations

    I realized the workshop links aren't working properly ? so here are the screenshots I took:
  3. ocnoglittle

    find script line

    So Houp just answered this in an answer to a different question about error messages. You can search in the searchbar above the scripting tiles for the line (in the format #line) and it will zoom to the error-causing tile. This is amazing and hopefully will help us when we have to look through huge blocks of scripting tiles in global storages, etc. Thank you so much @Houp!
  4. ocnoglittle

    Sky Battlegrounds

    So scary down here! In a good way Great job, Azaren!
  5. ocnoglittle

    Complex Custom Window Buttons

    This one is something @Mello1223 was talking about: For Custom Controls, we can use all of the following: Tap, Down, Double Tap, Up, Combo, Multipress. Can we get similar options for the buttons in the Custom Windows? And/or can we allow the Custom Controls to still work when Custom Windows are open (especially using ESC to exit Custom Windows)?
  6. I was under the impression that if world saving is off, it will spawn automatic servers. Did I need to set it as "protected" for it to spawn automatic servers? If that is the case, I will update the wiki... when I get access. ? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ylands_Monetization_description#3._Game_doesn.27t_have_world_saving_enabled_and_on_workshop_is_unprotected
  7. Instead of just the game name, can you also put the server name under the player name in the social tab (So I can see if lots of my friends are playing in the same server or who is in which server)? Also, for the recently played games, it would be super helpful to know which recently played game is which server. Some of the games I play have 4+ servers and I get confused easily ? Thank you! PS I know I already complained about the "recently played games" section not working well with Nitrado, so maybe both can be changed? ?
  8. We were able to find a work-around, but this shouldn't be needed, if it worked properly. If you add a delay between skills, it will work properly. (you can use less than 1 second in the delay, and the write to console was for debugging purposes and is not needed)
  9. ocnoglittle

    bypass comparing errors

    I thought "Is Entity" (one of the options I have in the picture in the last post and something you and Azaren have talked about previously) would just give "FALSE" and then the IF wouldn't continue ? Something like this IF chain, but with whatever instructions you need instead of the "write to console." You can also get rid of the "Else" to have it do nothing if false: I do wish there was an option to see what type of game logic it is. ? Although, you can always use game logic labels and use an IF to see if it has that label. But that might be a lot of work to Ctrl Double click to get the trigger zones for example, then attach the game logic label, because you would have to do that for all types of game logic you have.
  10. ocnoglittle

    RESOLVED Multiplayer issues

    @Adam Snellgrove This also sounds like YLD-26931. ?
  11. ocnoglittle

    bypass comparing errors

    Usually I will try to use an "If" first to make sure the variable is the right class/type, then compare/add/do something with it.
  12. ocnoglittle

    Naru's Corner #6 - Scoreboard

    Hi @NaruTheHuman, I made my own leaderboard after watching this video. Thank you so much for making it. It was super helpful! For my leaderboard, I am a bit stuck. I made a single-player game and used game storage instead of entity storage for the high scores, and used "get players (online only:false)" instead of labeled entities but it still doesn't show any other players on the leaderboard (only the one person playing). I tried asking a couple people for help, but they said it was impossible for single-player. So I was hoping we are all wrong and it is actually possible. What do you think? Is there a way to make it work? P.S. If asking for your help disqualifies the game from the competition, that is totally fine. I would rather have a fully functioning game than win any prize.
  13. ocnoglittle

    Incorect info for "get item"

    The "-15" is normal. If the player picks up a stack of 20, it will give the same -15 but that is just the message saying 15 were moved to another stack. I'm not sure how you would remove it without changing the values (using a variable and condition/IF detecting the amount in the player inventory). If you want it to say "+20" and "+10" you could add a delay between them. The game normally will tell you the total number of items added if the actions happen within a short time (when picking up items too). For the "+50" I was running into this as well for my clone machine (uses text input for the number the player wants in the stack). I ended up just making a "show warning" to give a custom error message saying that stack value was too high and to try again (triggered if the stack value didn't match the input). As far as I know, you can't use tiles to figure out the maximum stack value ?. Maybe you could use "repeat" set to 50 and leave the number at 1? Maybe that would work to add 50 correctly?
  14. ocnoglittle

    Rigale, a highly interactive randomized world

    I'm excited for the swimming. Will it make you swim faster? Or will having low swimming skill make you drown? ? Adam has said that the update won't be until after the competition. It might be best to submit a version of your game for the competition and then continue to update it later ? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/779318054?t=01h01m25s Or not worry about the competition ?‍♀️?
  15. ocnoglittle

    [YLD-27407] change speed/time for animators

    Understood. I'm sorry it isn't working well as it is.
  16. ocnoglittle

    [YLD-27407] change speed/time for animators

    For your request, until they add it, you can always duplicate the Position Animator game logic, change the setting you want, and then use scripting to switch between the different animators with different speeds
  17. ocnoglittle

    [YLD-27407] change speed/time for animators

    Can we also get a tile for "set animated: true/false"? For spawned items? Pretty please with sugar on top?
  18. ocnoglittle

    [solved] Recognize item template ?

    Entity Labels are my favorite... or maybe trigger zones. ?
  19. ocnoglittle

    [solved] Recognize item template ?

    I'm not sure what you mean by templated items. You could attach a label when spawning an item in the player inventory from a template and then count the labeled items ?
  20. ocnoglittle

    duplicate a game object ?

    You might be able to Ctrl double click to select all of them and edit them all at the same time... but that depends on if you have different types of time triggers, etc. Or maybe use an instruction for the script so that it will update all of them at once?
  21. ocnoglittle

    Server info api

    I don't know all the technical details, but if you are renting a server through Bohemia, you can see the status (number of players online and if it is online or offline). It is within the account menu within the game (where you set up the server). If you are just a player, you can see the list of online servers using the multiplayer lobby or the screen for the specific mini-game. These also show the number of online players. As far as I know, you can't see the offline servers though ?
  22. ocnoglittle

    how share compositions

    You can share compositions within editor. Step 1. Store your composition: Step 2: Export your composition by clicking “Share Game”: Step 3: Everyone can find your composition by clicking “Downloaded” and “Get Compositions”: In case you want a video, @spiritchaser28 made one for opening exploration maps in editor and storing compositions (not exporting them, though): If you want to use the files instead: For the Steam version of the game, the files are located in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\ (your user number) \298610\remote\Compositions and C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\ (your user number) \298610\remote\Blueprints For the Microsoft version, they are within a folder in: C:\Users\ (the user name that installed Ylands) \AppData\Local\Packages\BohemiaInteractivea.s.Ylands_ezkh2j9f9meea\LocalState\LocalPersistentStorage\Account\ You can copy and send the files to your friends and they can put them in the correct folder to be able to use them within the game.
  23. ocnoglittle

    Naru's Corner #7 - Optimization tips & tricks

    Thank you so much, @NaruTheHuman! I did think of a few more questions: Is the script tile "follow" better or worse for lag than a "position animator" game logic? Or is it the same? Is there ever a time to *not* weld things together? If I don't want the forest to be interactable anyways, should I weld the trees together? Or will that not do anything because they are not touching? In an upcoming Naru's Corner, can you go over how to use "environment" game logics and good settings for these, so we can get rid of even more lights? Is there anything not mentioned in the video that we should avoid because it causes too much lag? I know you already figured out what I was talking about after the video was made, but should have called it "Performance monitor" (F11) and "Profiling" (F10) from within the testing scenario. oops ? P.S. There is no right way to say Ocnog. It is a made up word ?
  24. ocnoglittle

    LOGIC Script idea: SKIP

    We figured it out but forgot to update this thread. This was my solution (so B and C are still independent but if A is true, it skips both):
  25. Because this error message doesn't close the whole game, do I need to close the game before copying the output logs?