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Everything posted by kimbuck

  1. Every time i play MP i get a screen freeze ...and a message after 2 minutes that Ylands has stopped working. If i am on a ship, the ship continues while i am offline until by chance it runs aground. Other players say i am on the ship, though offline and when the ship beaches, i am still doing the sailing animation. On certain islands at the same spot it happens,,,,, others say i run on the spot until i rejoin. I have reported this before several times and have reached the stage i treat it as normal for Ylands, scowl and bear it. I note that it seems to occur when others are using chat, or sometimes when a new player arrives and logs in.
  2. The new game play has dampened even more my enthusiasm No longer do you need to be creative and make a impressive base...because after a day or two the server falls over - overloaded with bodies and depleted of resources You have to waste time to make your base griefer proof .( they steal plants and kill horses etc..) If you are not the first on at the start of a new game/map .. you may as well give up as previous players have already taken everything you need to advance from the starter island ... stones, flint sticks food items ..If you are lucky and can get off spawn ... don't bother with a base .. the game in its present state will be dead and crashing in a day or so . so what to do ? build a boat ...put all the basic workstations on it ie smelter forge stove spinning weaving and tanning ...thats all you need to make survival items ( swords weapons armor fishing stuff etc) Find a remote island with a near vertical cliff...put your pb there...and each time you want to leave the game, return there to log out. Put a stone or wooden fence around your ship to stop others taking it ( they cannot remove the walls etc) and when you come back to the game ( if it has not crashed,,,) use a demolition hammer to make an exit..... and expect to start all over again in another day ... and if that frustrates you ( it soon will! ) ...look through steam for something else to do
  3. Fell over as in crash and not because as you put it "too much to handle after you and your friends built on it" servers do crash --- i have heard of it before ..its happens a lot and not just for Ylands. its a fact of the internet. As far as "too much to handle" ... if you are insinuating we made elaborate mega buildings allover the place... then you assume wrong.. especially as there's not enough available resources to do so when starting out. A time line : 1) players arrive, grab basics and scatter a out around the map ..( building on spawn is a waste as theres not enough there ..) 2) players start to find some resources and manage to start on a base and some form of sea transport. From the very arrival / start, there's reports of game freezes, 3) after about a few hours the the game suddenly just dumps everyone out. . no warning. Most have only just got past the basic construction of the start of a base. 4) Try to rejoin ..... find the game in MP lobby and click to join ... instead end up on some public server full of lag with lots of lifeless abandoned avatars ..and with nothing in your inventory ... 5) Game creator/manager comes in and finds the same ...tries to resurrect the old fame ..its gone !! poof! after a while of hunting, gives up and starts a new game. 6) go back to 1) and repeat the process 4 times in 24 hours. So knowing that the game will not last long, best to immediately build a boat, put / guild your stuff on it and cruise around to explore, Find a place where you can park it when offline with a protection barrier covering it If you can blueprint your ship, that would be better. The game is not the same now as it was originally touted,
  4. I am tired of restarting from nothing every 2nd day. especially after putting alot of hard work into trying to play the game I have been looking for pvte locked servers and after some tiresome hunting on resource depleted spawn, i sometimes make it to an nearby island to be able to craft basics to survive... then sail on a raft to a place to establish.workstations and craft safely Other friendly players work with me ...we co operate... then we start collecting the hard to find resources and slowly make our houses etc griefer resistant and craft suitable weapons to explore etc And then what happens? The BI owned servers that are being rented shut down with no explanation... (once it was for maintenance and a hotfix and we were warned) other times we find out when the hamster wheel of failure appears on the screen But.. when we log back in .. the game has reset ..and we are all back on spawn ..with just a barrier and none of the stuff we had crafted. We cannot check to see if our bases are still there as spawn now has nothing to craft a raft etc from... and even so , we have no keys to access our base , if its still there This has happened to me 4 times now since the marvellous "out of ea" update. Whats the use of trying to play a game where you cannot progress? .. its not the players fault ...we don't shut down the server and reset it. Do you want us to stay with Ylands and play the game ? or are we being pushed out so they can concentrate of the playlands stuff? Multiplayer explore is not worth it now. Some have told me directly they will not get the DLC explore as they heart too many negative reports. Players get annoyed with a game which suffers rubber banding, intermittent freezing and crashes and constant being forced to restart, . I have spent a lot of time reporting and sending in crash logs ... i do every time i play! .... and the result? little has changed. This game should not have come out of early access until they can at least get it working... not just the playlands stuff but ALL the aspects of the game. After today's server shut down and stuff up if am on the verge of flushing ylands down the toilet. It is NOT an enjoyable game anymore.
  5. kimbuck

    Island Biome Suggestion - Corrupted Yland

    before they add anything new , may we suggest they fix what they already have.?
  6. Ok a beggar for punishment! Locate a server that's locked to keep out griefers...... the person in charge is known and trusted ... he lets me in Spawn has been depleted and also partly denuded ... so i set up a base and with the person in charge's permission and help, we fix it up and make the game more playable ( ie chests with resources for beginners) All is working smooth and sweet, flora and fauna thriving ... players arrive and start to re build. However we encounter several freezing episodes where the game either locks up ...or screen goes pale blue and we get dumped out Going back through MP lobby we find the game and resume ..and all seems ok Regulars arrive back and continue trying to progress, some annoyed at the constant resets, but persisting then the inevitable happens ... yes .. the blue screen and hamster wheel of death this is in less than half a day of operation, and with only 6 max players on line so we try to get back ...we see the server name in MP lobby and click to join.... where do we end up? on a public access server that's all mixed up and obviously glitching ..and we all have nothing in inventory but the pb ...and we appear to be falling in space.. so we log out and try again ...same thing ... the original server name we were on is till there but we get tossed back to this glitched public server. so now you got more players rather mad at what you are offering as a MP explore game that honesty is now a disaster...its not working ! Its broken! Its like monty python's dead parrot! And it not just me saying it. Its happened now 4 times with me and the other 7 players from each crashed game are just as frustrated as i am and some of their comments are not nice. ---- Justifiably so too considering whats happening thats at least 32 dedicated players who are angry. Please listen to RedEagle ..and also your customer base ... the latter is shrinking The game is not ready for release from EA if you don't like these comments ------ these are honest comments, made in an attempt to see something done that will resurrect a once good game which initially had promise.
  7. ZhakyDK ...We have tried that ... we had a Pvte run pw protected server ..and it fell over after a day. All the work and construction went out the window. And thats not the first time its happened. Multiplayer game seems to have some functionality flaws ... we get game freezes , other recurring bugs .. and when you get kicked offline by some form of crash, theres no guarantee you can get back to where you were..or to the same game. Griefers are only part of the problem - the main one seems to be the stability of the multiplayer game ...
  8. but adam .. what do you do when after a day the scripting fails? ( which it has been constantly doing much to the frustration of the scripters..)
  9. kimbuck

    Game keeps crashing

    been there done that ... consider it a feature. i have given up sending in crash logs .. somethings being done about it , so we hear.. hope my hearing aid battery doesn't go flat waiting...
  10. i build over water so i can deconstruct the ground / floor under them and dump them in the water ....or i bury them ;when no ones looking ?
  11. The P1 gaming servers are currently overrun with players ..but sadly most are there just to cause trouble grief and be a nuisance When players advance beyond the stone age they dump there stuff usually near any workstations .. and then rush around seeing what they can steal or ruin So what you do is put behind your barrier 3 or 4 chests ...all but one locked ... and in the unlocked one put all the rubbish you don't need , ie grass corn notecards etc And it never fails ...along comes a griefer/trouble maker and finds one unlocked and takes all the contents ... then runs off somewhere to either die or dump it in the ocean or whatever They think they are smart ..... haha..... but really, you are just using them to Take away your trash.
  12. saw you there energritz ...and you found my boat was locked up and could not be taken i say no more
  13. yesterday i visited p1 spawn and replaced stones grass flint and sticks ....today they were all gone.. there were about 20 smelters scattered around, 100+ bodies and tree stumps and few trees. most of the trees had been cut to make wooden spikes to be planted around avatars in the spawn area the ground looked like a teenagers face suffering from acne humans are lovely people ...
  14. The idea behind the making of certain resources hard to find to add challenge to the game has potential problems. Never expect players to stick to the rules and be nice and sociable ..there will always be the ratbags who come into a game to disrupt and destroy, and have no intention of playing the game. Yes idiots who get their thrills by killing all the animals including other players tamed horses, destroying anything thats not locked down inside a PB and stealing whatever they can ..not to use but to dump somewhere But now we have limited resources that you have to search for , often inside caves and you have to search ost of the time do battle to get them But with what? most weapons are inadequate pre iron. Iron is essential but hard to find ...so is coal.. But what do you do when some smartypants blocks up a cave entrance, then places a PB so you cannot remove the blockage? ..and then that player goes offline, never to return. How are you going to mine coal r other surface materials when griefers arrive and place their PB so you cannot dig the resources? ..and yes, they don't stay, they go offline to wait for another game they can do the same destruction to. Sure makes the game frustrating, when you cannot get the necessary material to advance because of idiots... ( there always will be idiots! ..tis the nature om the human race! ) Not every player wants to run around shooting things etc .. they are here for the exploration and creation. But the game is no longer the same as when it first started. You can never make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time, but consider those who came to this game because the liked the initial concept and it was different to other games. The game has changed so much that the strategies have changed . if you have to go from island to island to find things , then there's no need for a base, and therefore no need for a PB. At the moment i am ambivalent about Ylands. Yup , the new promised 1.0 release looks pretty, but still has functional issues to be ironed out, but is it what everyone wants? truthful answer: NO Hopefully there will be some modifications to make the game more playable, be less like a arcade set of games, and convince those who saw the original promise see it fulfilled as such. Meanwhile i wait and hope that 1.0 and a few hot fixes make it worthwhile to stay. I am not alone.
  15. ooh great !!!!! Now i will not have to build my base out over water to dump avatars through the floor when they insist on going offline blocking doorways ...... ?
  16. crash freeze no 2 in 10 minutes ... logs attached . also screenshot of where my ship ended up after the last freeze.... fyi it was mid ocean, no land in sight ... then " crunch" wonder where i will be when i re log after this latest crash ? output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  17. sailing ...got a freeze stuck for 5 minutes before a non responding message ... only player on line so here's the logs etc when i get back in my ship will be beached somewhere ...i hope ..or fall off the edge of the world if you arma players find a ship in the middle of your battlefield then you know what happened ;0 output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  18. hard to shoot an attacking mutant with a crossbow when a horses head gets between you and the target! :}
  19. kimbuck

    Not enough resources for multiplayer

    there's a difference between playing a game with like minded friendly players testing things than there is on an open server with idiots, griefers, kiddies and those who simply join in a game to wreck it for others. perhaps the devs should get testers to come into an open server and try to survive. Maybe then they would appreciate the input players have provided about making the game suitable and playable. Listen to the feedback !!!! . Poor Adam seems to be shoveling water uphill with a fork, handling suggestions/feedback as to basic functionality, whilst shiny pretty things get added to the game instead ...
  20. kimbuck

    Not enough resources for multiplayer

    perhaps there should be a way of respawning some of the materials in limited amounts on the surface ...preferably in an area that is not able to be blocked by a PB. Would be a start to making a fairer, playable game. This should be standard , and not something to be added by server owners through scripting.
  21. kimbuck

    Where to find iron?

    the current map i am on is socially dead ... there were 8 payers consistently during the first day ..all were asking " where can i find" ... iron etc . I discovered clay and took enough for my immediate needs ...came back an hour later and found the lot removed -- by possibly one player, and others asking where could they find it. i also went to an island and found no caves .. used freecamera to locate them and then couldn't find the entrance...someone had filled it in to hide it went back to spawn and there's no more flint for fire starting or stones to make basic tools ...so bodies just piling up. after one day with a full server, today i was the only one active for 3 hours. Hopefully with the release of 1.0 the whizzkid scripters etc of P1 can create maps that overcome these issues ... but the problem is when you make something foolproof, a long comes a bigger better fool...
  22. This is one of the reaqsons you see piles of abandonded avatrs on spawn ... theres nothing left for them to use to craft equipment to survive or travel to another place. Late arrivals ( even 2 hours after a map is loaded) can find very little ...and even less after the griefers slaughter the animals and gather all the flint or destroy food crops.
  23. its happened so many times to me i consider it to be a feature i get server timeouts say about every 10 minutes some times ... another times its smooth going.. but then every minute is a surprise...i just assume because i am "down-under" the signals get upside down or the bytes rotate in the opposite direction
  24. kimbuck

    Runaway boats

    several times i have had time out/ freezes / crashes on a boat in the open sea ( on 0.15.1)...and when i managed to log back in , my ship was well and truly run aground on the island i was aiming at.. .if i was not aiming at an island , i would find my ship aground at spawn ... sometimes with new arrivals trying to hijack it ( but as i was still at the controls , they couldn't, other than try whacking me with an stone axe..) Before, if you fell off your ship it would stop just out of sight and swimming after it you could retrieve it ..if a shark didn't get you ! same with a crash etc . when you returned swim in the last know direction and it would pop into view I have also seen ships sail past me at high speed with a non responsive captain on board... apparently offline... i wonder where they ended up? So, it pays to aim at a possible island location asap when sailing in case you get the "time out" or "ylands not responding message" ... who knows where you will end up when you return ... maybe on an ARMA battlefield?
  25. kimbuck

    Multiplayer issues

    apparently until the new 1.0 is fully released, some explore games do not appear on thelist . You need to go to multiplayer page ..and look there for the P1 gaming explore game