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Everything posted by A3_Melle

  1. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #15

    For those who dont follow the Ylands team on twitter they posted this video today with some Gamescom gameplay Ylands twitter
  2. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #15

    I'll try to make some nice pictures of the new parts and go after the wheel base looking fowerd to it! even though I think I need a own booth at the BI stand with a "meet & greet A3_Melle" as I will have a lot of chats with many of the devs from Bohemia Interactive I am hyped to go to gamescom and some from BI are hyped that I am coming to gamescom ☺
  3. A3_Melle

    To purchase yalnds

    Hi @mclovin23 it is currently not being sold and will be sold again wenn they start the steam early acces release, for more info about that decision and the reason behind it:
  4. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #15

    Nice to hear you had a great time @WijkagentAdrie and I am also excited to test out the cars, to look at some of the new weather features and have a chat face to face with the Ylands team I will be there Saturday and will be mostly at the BI booth and meeting up with a lot people from twitter (meet and greet with my twitter fanbase lol) so I hope I can get passed the busy area's real fast. Kinda going with a double feeling as I am realy excited to meet a lot of the Bohemia Interactive developers with who I have been in contact with for over 4 years now but never had a chance to meet IRL, and from what u heard they are just as excited to meet me so that makes me feel like a famous person at gamescom
  5. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #15

    I got XL @Ane
  6. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #15

    Unfortunately no rain on the roads for now :( but will love to drive around in the cars at GamesCom2017, hope you guys will get everything combined and working real soon, really can't wait for the new update, and driving on @Hurricane43's racetrack.
  7. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #14

    Unfortunately have to work the rest of the week so no chance going before the 26th and yes we will meet in Amsterdam @Aleš Ulm
  8. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #14

    Did change my firedepartment shift, more departments from BI are coming so I can not resist not to come over, will be there 26th so won't see @Aleš Ulm unfortunately
  9. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #14

    Ha ha ha thats true! And I am sure I'll get a notification from you or @Korneel wenn you visit the Amsterdam Office I'll make sure I can make some time free to do a quick stop at the A'dam office as I already know where it is after I delivered some "sweet orange support" 2 weeks back for the A'dam team
  10. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #14

    Real shame I have to work again that week, looked at it a whie ago (not knowing BI would be there), the weekend I already got on call duty for the firedepartment and can't switch it unfortunately or else I would have dropped by, and I would have been easily rrecognised as I would have put my Ylands shirt on
  11. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #14

    Congratulations with the "new label"! it must be worth a cake for the team wen the label "graduated" get put on, you have put a lot of hard work in Ylands and still have a lot to do!
  12. A3_Melle

    Mutant Leopard help?

    You can also create "armored" protection for your player, iron and cloth will get you iron armor (in the blacksmith forge) wich protects a bit more than nothing.
  13. A3_Melle

    Translation of Ylands

    Hi @Ane, working on the last 2 files (biggest actualy) the base file is 75% done doing bit by bit not a lot of lines in 1 time, just need to find more time as I am very busy with work (vacation time coming so a lot to do before I go on vacation) do hope to have it ready before the new "big update". Update about 100-150 lines left to do in the Base file, that is the hardest file to do with translating a lot of full sentences. Next will be the entities file that will give me a lot less hard time with translating (some lines already have been done, but it really is random......
  14. A3_Melle

    Couple of questions from a noob

    Hi it was posted a few weeks ago: on your BI register email you will receive a new (steam) key wenn they want to launch on steam, at the same time the devs will send out a notification on the forums and other social media platforms that the keys have been send out to inform everybody. And yes the Gamepedia is the only wiki, i did some work on it a little while ago as did sone others, but at the moment my calendaris kinda full, and still got some dutch translations to do. I know some people are/were actively working on the wiki but only since the E3 presentation it got as far as it is now
  15. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #10

    Nice to see what is going on "behind the scenes" and that you guys have a daily talk about requests from the community! And @Ane much respect for checking each and every post, especially after the E3 your job got a lot more busy
  16. A3_Melle

    Sneak Peek #34

    Will the rain also affect the "person", wenn you get wet during night and don't have a shelter you cool down faster and so on? And can't wait to see what cars we will be seeing in screenshots
  17. A3_Melle

    CANT REPRODUCE Sleeping in a bed

    @Myrik Greene @Ane....... so we need to build a fence first before we go to sleep in the future?
  18. A3_Melle

    CANT REPRODUCE Sleeping in a bed

    I have only seen mutated animals in caves, are you sleeping in a cave? That could explain why he is there, never seen mutated animals outside the caves, besides the large open caves where they just keep walking around within the cave boundaries.
  19. A3_Melle

    The stars

    It can help but you need to know how it works with the ingame time versus the direction of the sun/moon, can be tricky though, you never have a 100% perfect direction.
  20. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #9

    Yes I know all about it, BUT with ARMA3 Bohemia made some good steps fowerd with the new A3 launcher, it made joining a server with (steam workshop) mods much easier.
  21. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #9

    And bit by bit we get more "intel" about possible new features
  22. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #9

    Well they did say modding will be coming, and if it is 1 thing Bohemia Interactive is famous for it is the modding community :) If the Ylands team makes a decision not to do certain things it cold be possible for the mod community to make it possible.
  23. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #9

    Nice diary to see how you got trew this epic event...... must have been a rollercoaster from time to time. Other question will be: will you guys be at Gamescom in Germany?
  24. A3_Melle

    Adrie's server

  25. A3_Melle

    About the speed of ship

    I have seen this pass by on the forums some months ago, have not tried it yet myself Edit: Here is the topic: