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Found 2 results

  1. Ane

    Translation of Ylands

    Dear Ylanders, Do you want to be part of the community translation project and translate Ylands into your language? Then you are in the right place! The official languages of the game are English and Spanish, but it would be nice to have it translated to as many languages as possible : ) Here's a few details to take into account: - Since it's a community project, it's non-remunerated and the reward is the proud of having your texts in the game : P - You should have an excellent command of English and the language you want to translate the game into (ideally your mother tongue) - It's necessary to have an account on Crowdin (it's a free and very easy to use localization management platform) - If you are not sure you'll be able to work on the translations regularly, please do not sign up, as we want to avoid having inactive members : ) - New text will be added to the game with every update – at least once per month (the current amount of words to translate being 3863) If you are interested, please reply to this post stating your mother tongue, or just send me a private message. Thank you! -------------------------------- UPDATE 05/10/2018 A few months back we introduced French, German, Italian and Russian as official languages for the game. Since we plan on adding new official languages in the future (still not decided which ones), we're stopping the community translations for the time being. Thanks a lot to those who contributed in the past and to those who were interested in translating the game into their languages Ane
  2. As stated in the title, the French Translation is almost perfect but... There are still some errors, and i would really like to help there on Crowdin, since i did help translate another game into French for over a year, following each new version and doing all the new dialogs each time, feeding the Glossary and proofreading, i am really qualified for this, and i love it too. Need one example? ok, here goes, "Vacuum Tube" in French is now a "Vacuum Cleaner Tube"... when it should be a "Tube Of Empty" (literally). See, i can help.