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Everything posted by Ane

  1. Ane

    Dev Diary #33

    Hey, sounds really fresh and innovative! I might use it in the future
  2. Ane

    Suggestion: Tiny Monkeys

    Tiny monkeys?
  3. Ane

    Can not plant on ships

    This somehow reminded me of Bastion
  4. Ane

    Can not plant on ships

    Well, this is not a bug, the feature simply isn't implemented. So I'll move the thread to the suggestions subforum and take note of it!
  5. Ane


    This is planned
  6. Thanks for the input! I'll pass the info to our "Editor guy"
  7. Ane

    What Happen To PA 4 Explore Server ?

    We just restarted it again!
  8. Ane

    Is this for real?! Ylands Android game

    They're definitely not legit. We're trying to have them removed! (there are others too )
  9. We were able to fix this, so it will appear as fixed in 0.9
  10. Ane

    All OFFICIAL servers go offline!?

    Every time there's a hotfix/update we post the changelog here on the forum and on Steam as a news. We usually don't notify players about it in advance
  11. Ane

    A LOZ-inspired travel ship

    Looks very cool!
  12. Ane

    All OFFICIAL servers go offline!?

    The hotfix was released, so servers were restarted.
  13. Ane

    Voice-overs in new music

    It should be ok now
  14. Ane

    0.8: Meaningful Music (28/03/2018)

    Update: 05/04/2018 Version: Fixed music track containing the composer praising the quality of the recorded track (true story) Fixed time progressing very slowly after waking up from sleep (note: there can still be some slight time desync among clients, which gets removed after a short while)
  15. Regular MP, not on a Dedicated Server, right? Any chance you could attach the output_log and output_log_clean files? You can find them in the directory \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data Our testers haven't been able to reproduce it.
  16. Was this on a Dedicated Server, Multiplayer, Singleplayer...?
  17. Anyone else experiencing this? In what game mode is this happening to you? Single, Multiplayer...?
  18. Ane

    RESOLVED Black Screen

    Have you tried moving the scale resolution (in the in-game settings) down and up to 1 again?
  19. Ane

    What Happen To PA 4 Explore Server ?

    We restart them every 2 weeks or so.
  20. Ane

    Building Competition

    Sounds like a cool idea, guys!
  21. Ane

    What Happen To PA 4 Explore Server ?

    We've restarted several servers that were down, there seems to be some stability issues with the currently deployed build of DS, we're currently investigating it. Anyway, the server should be up and running shortly.
  22. Ane

    Not getting game on steam

    Just send me a private message stating the email address you used to create your Bohemia Account.
  23. This is all very useful, thank you!