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Stanimir Quid

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  1. Stanimir Quid

    Ship & harbor with unfinished warehouse

    So I spend 2 hours building the top with roof blocks, when I decided to take a look at the finished building from a distance... It was horrible ... Because I build it in explore I had to research Chemist station so I can build gunpowder to blow up the mistakes.... sadly it took parts of the building that I needed after another hour I was back on track but out of time. All 4 sides of the warehouse are different. It was not planed, it just happened the 4th picture is the back side where I will add a crane or something, to look like they are lifting crates to every floor (idk how ill do that) and a small dock below. The first and second floor were decorated and fileld with chests and stuff, but the bombs destroyed everything
  2. So if you have 2 stacks of the same seed in the seed box, for example one stack with 5 cottons seeds and another with 20. When you start planting cotton with the 5 seed stack and when the stack finishes, it disappears from the box, but not from the quick access menu(or how its called?) and because there is another stack it lets you plant more plants without depleting the second stack. If you have only one stack of seed, after you plant them all, they will disappear from the seed box, but stay in your quick access belt. Any attempt to plant will tell you that it fails, but with a second stack it will let you plant however many you want. Which is not something bad because I find it weird, that you have to chose between the seeds or the fruit or plant. If you break a cotton plant for seeds you wont lose the cotton... I kind get why its done that way tho.
  3. Stanimir Quid

    RESOLVED Unlimitted Flax Seed for planting

    I was just about to submit a new post about this. So if you have 2 stacks of the same seed in the seed box, for example one stack with 5 cottons seeds and another with 20. When you start planting cotton with the 5 seed stack and when the stack finishes, it disappears from the box, but not from the quick access menu(or how its called?) and because there is another stack it lets you plant more plants without depleting the second stack. If you have only one stack of seed, after you plant them all, they will disappear from the seed box, but stay in your quick access belt. Any attempt to plant will tell you that it fails, but with a second stack it will let you plant however many you want. Which is not something bad because I find it weird, that you have to chose between the seeds or the fruit or plant. If you break a cotton plant for seeds you wont lose the cotton... I kind get why its done that way tho.
  4. Floating base ship that has the basic crafting things, like : Furnace, Black Smith forge, Kiln, Alchemy table that doesn't work on the ship... and a lot of chests and storage. There is also a captains cabin that leads to a back balcony , which is not in the pictures, but it only has a bed, chest, stove and some paintings and decorations. I use glowing mushrooms to keep it lit at night Its the first thing I built in this game so I was learning how to rotate build in this game, so the second version of the ship will be a lot more refined. And for the warehouse its small and looks like a box, made out of stone and I am not sure how to finish it i for now it looks just like an old ruin
  5. Stanimir Quid

    RESOLVED [YLD-8167] Ylands no longer starts

    Has the issue been resolved ? Because from yesterday I cant start Ylands as well. Still cant start it ):