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Found 18 results

  1. Hi, I decided to work at night to plant some flax seeds. I opened my seed box I had crafted earlier and right clicked on the flax seeds. I then began planting my 50 or so seeds to discover that the counter never reset when I planted them from the seed box. If I stop planting it works correctly but as long as I keep planting it is letting me plant as much as I want.. Good thing for me...... however. Having a great time. Thanks for your hard work. CavemanMO
  2. Hey, I came across a weird issue. When I am connected to my friend's server and I walk around a large ship, I get teleported all over the place (even off the ship). I tried to capture the problem on a video.
  3. Serina Danae Brown

    RESOLVED Floating heads!

    I've had to create three different maps now because after a while I get to a point where I have everything I need to start building a more advanced base, and all of a sudden I can't see anything! Just my floating head! The ground# and the ocean! My structures are gone! I can't see items! I can't see foliage! I can't see the ship I'm standing on! Nothing! I've been pretty alright with it hapoening, knowing how new the game is... But this is the third time I've gotten pretty far and lost everything. I haven't deleted these map seeds because I'm hoping one day this problem will be fixed and I can go back to those games... But I'm just not ready to start over again....PLZ HELP!
  4. When I get on a boat after swimming, I end up swimming on the boat like I’m in water, just wondering if anyone else is having problems like this?
  5. I would like to notify I am 13 of age, as of writing this.(sorry) I have recently played the trial, which I find absolutely awesome and I plan on spending hours of my time on the full release. Although I have found a few problems I want to share. The first problem being a specific glitch that I'd like to acknowledge is when you could be roaming around and then you "randomly" fall under the ground and into the depths of hell "the void". This glitch has been bothering me for the past time I have been play the trial. Secondly I would like to discuss the little optimization there is for graphics, people like my self don't have the best computers and I certainly hope that there will be more optimization to the graphic's options. I hope one day there could be a way you could pay for a dedicated server, this way when you are offline a friend could still join your server. You see my friend lives in Ontario, Canada as I live in Texas, USA, We don't really get the best connection when one of us host. Lastly I sure do hope this game with thrive and grow, also can we give a big thanks to those whom made this awesome game!
  6. Not sure if some of these are intentional but didn't see any mention of them on quick scan through of forums. when against anything (ground, bush tree) and you rotate the camera so you would be "Technically", looking through the object the view glitches into the ground(or object) and shakes on 80+ FOV burnt out fires show inventory but cant take from it. dying mid bow animation glitches the chars hands to like its holding a full drawn bow on respawn, fixes upon reloading into game constant humming when using a pick
  7. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Graphical glitching

    ***EDIT*** I think perhaps I've found the cause of this issue, I had set the date around the wrong way (I did the English default way ) so where I set 27/7/2017 - it clearly says to do m/d/y, so it should have been 7/27/2017! Now I just need to figure out how to change the date on it I reckon! Hi there, I've encountered a strange graphical issue with my game mode - Pirate's Lagoon. It is whenever I move, the shadows or perhaps ambient occlusion on literally every tree / plant that casts a shadow, glitches from light to dark repeatedly, making it very graphically noticeable. Strangely, this issue is isolated to that game mode for me, as it does not happen at all with the regular game modes such as explore etc. The Yland was generated in the editor, with the following settings and has numerous very thick forest / jungle areas: *The fixed date was actually set to 27/7/2017, rather than the default as shown, and I'm not sure how to find the coordinates used for it, though that was not as shown either. Worth noting that I haven't spawned a single tree / plant myself, they were created by the generator, however, I have spawned numerous objects and items, some in close proximity or even attached to trees (skeleton pinned to a tree with a spear and arrows, with a hat on etc). I have also spawned a lot of extra animals over the map, and in selected areas. I guess any of these things could be responsible? A picture won't really show it glitching, so I made a GIF, however, if you want to see it yourself, I would imagine this is not isolated to my graphics card / system, and may be worth trying the game mode or generating it to see. It does this anywhere on the Yland, during any daylight hour (night time no shadows, can't notice! With a Ylandium Torch equipped, I can't notice it doing any glitching). Further worth noting is this only happens when I move the mouse, or press the movement keys, if I stand still, the plants all sway to-and-fro without any glitching, likewise the shadows from those movements don't glitch. Just in-case it is card related, my specs: GTX 1060 6GB + i5 7600k + 8GB DDR4 I was hoping to record some footage of the game mode, but this has proved to be an issue! Further, I've tried adjusting all the graphics options, from low to ultra, with no success.
  8. So when building underwater and looking up, a plethora of image artifacts pop up and glitch all around the screen.
  9. Left my home Island on my ship and started to head west then this happened.. does the same thing if I shut the game down and restart that particular world. Not sure what happened. output_log.zip output_log_clean.zip
  10. Goodday, Today me and a friend experienced this weird bug, and i didn't find a post about it.. so i'll try to explain it the best i can with my poor Englandish We are playing in a private online multiplayer world. We have Person A, and person B to make it a bit easier. Person A is the host of the server.. Person A has built two boats.. for both person A and B to explore more Ylands. After Exploring a Yland, person A and B return to their boats. Person B sees a blacked out boat, and is not able to control it.. Person A sees both boats perfectly fine and can control both of them. When person A controls the 'blacked out' boat, person B will see just the boat sailing along, without a person in it. Person B will see person A at the last place before he entered the boat. Person B will permanently see person A in that position, even if person A leaves the boat. (only re-joining will solve this) Both persons can still hit eachother, only person B doesn't see he hit someone. I hope this is somewhat clear, if not.. just ask me, and i'll try to explain it a little better. Kind regard,
  11. pls fix these bugs... players can put dirt in protective barier area... they can put full of dirt infront of your door... they can come near to your walls and Use 'C' to see in your base and use your storages,Chestsss and pick your items... THEY CAN STOLE YOUR ITEMS OUT OF YOUR BASE ,, THEY CAN USE YOUR STORAGES , CHESTS OUT OF YOUR BASEEE...
  12. CavemanMo

    World Map

    I discovered a method to create this map on a newly generated world. It is an accurate representation of the islands without any exploring. So perhaps a bit of a cheat, glitch, or exploit since it removes the challenge of finding your islands. Personally I have burned or to me earned after countless hours of exploration. So now I can build and explore the islands easier. How to: Step 1. load "task manager" Step 2. load ylands Step 3. Start a new explore game Step 4. watch the screen. As soon as the world map creation text reaches 100% and before you teach parrots to curse use your task manager to end the program. Ylands.exe Now when you reload the game and hit the continue button your map will be displayed as above. I recommend you screen cap. You won't see this screen again. Well that is what I did. I am not super clever, I discovered while fumbling around keybindings on Steam Controller and it happened. Then I repeated it to verify.
  13. So I go to my large ship I built a while ago. Every time I go up the ladder to get on it the game teleports me to the top of the last ladder I used. In this particular case it teleports me from my ship to the middle of an island in a house I used before I took to the sea. The ladder on the other side simply puts me half way up and I fall into the water. So I ended the game and reloaded it. Now it teleports me to the other ladder I used on the other side of the ship. I included a video clip for more reference. This error has not gone away and only since latest update. There are a million more bugs but I figured Devs are hard at work on the small ones but this effects my game play a lot. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  14. Bubby8080

    Protective barrier

    I lost my protective barrier and died but when I respawned I didn't have another one. When my friend lost his and died he got his back.
  15. Zelda13366

    Disapearing Base Peices

    I went to collect logs, came back and pieces from my base were just gone. Like random parts of the cabin wall and roof. I'm playing on single player. Anyone else have this happen? Is it part of the game or a bug?
  16. Re-fund

    Ship Stuck!

    It seems like the water surrounding my ship is bugged out, which you can clearly see in the picture I posted (the water in front of the ship looks like its kinda chopped off). I can't move my ship at all and I already checked the bottom, there is nothing touching the ship making it unable to move. I think this happened when I accidentally placed some dirt onto the ship causing the ship to tilt forward. I removed the dirt and the ship returned back to normal but apparently this bugged out the water for some reason. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  17. Seraphs Revenge

    Entity Disposal

    Hi guys, I've been playing multiplayer almost non-stop since the game came to steam. One major problem that I've noticed is that if a lot of entities are lying around in the game; tree remnants, stone tools, etc., multiplayer games will start to glitch out a bit. Objects will still be in the game, but they will be invisible to players. This is especially annoying when a foundry can't be found that was placed earlier, or blocks that are being placed are invisible. There are many easy ways to fix this with Unity's C# APIs. A combination of an IDropHandler.OnDrop event, System.Timers (like 60000 milliseconds), and/or Object.Destroy (a timer can be set with DestroyObjectDelayed but I'm not sure about setting a flag with this method) could start a timer when an item is tossed, and can be modified a bit for objects that weren't picked up like bark, dirt, etc. after a player has interacted with an entity.
  18. I am able to feed and light my forges and smithy stations but cannot open them. Worked fine this morning but now nadda. I have relaunched the server multiple times and nothing else seems to be affected please inform on any solution I would prefer to not lose all my progress. This is a multiplayer server.