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Reinhard Schmidlin

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Everything posted by Reinhard Schmidlin

  1. Reinhard Schmidlin

    RESOLVED Boat under water

    My boat was fine when suddenly went under water. Is there a way to solve this or is just other bug o f the game
  2. Reinhard Schmidlin

    RESOLVED Boat under water

    Wow you solve my problem. Thanks It's so sad to see that the game is getting worst. So now I cannot use the boat as a floating base or transport resources. Or there is a way to build stations and chess in the boat grid.
  3. I just load a save game, and I'm IN the ship.I don't know how to explain this bug more, just I cannot do any movements. One picture = 1000 words
  4. Reinhard Schmidlin

    RESOLVED Error loading a save game

    I was really anxious about this game.The game went very well for a couple of hours.I decide to go to dinner and close the game, when Ireturned I load the game I had all my inventory but everything that I built was not there. My house, my ship,my crafting stations. , WTF?Is this a common bug or a weird one.I know that the game is in alpha, but man this sucks