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About frkandelbroodje

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  1. frkandelbroodje

    RESOLVED My game is not launching properly

    same effects as before Edit: managed to fix my error by rolling back a windows update, i guess the error was something with my computer output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  2. frkandelbroodje

    RESOLVED My game is not launching properly

    There we go DxDiag.txt output_log.txt
  3. My game sounds are working perfectly fine, but that is the only thing that is currently working when I launch the game. It's as if it is not launching my game but i do hear the music from the menu. Anyone with the same issue or related to mine? I already tried launching steam in admin mode, veryfing game files, restarting pc. Everything used to work just fine before the last update. Current version where problem occured: Version: 0.6.41974