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Everything posted by RedEagle_P1.

  1. RedEagle_P1.

    Covid Relief Building Contest -- $100 prize!

    Its not about winning, each person's progress helps charity and the final result will all be brought together on a server
  2. RedEagle_P1.

    Mobile Ylands - What you need to know!

    ⬇️ It's free: https://store.steampowered.com/app/298610/Ylands/
  3. So I have played mobile Ylands for a few hours now and here is what you need to know: Pros: - It looks great (it gets a little more back to the low poly look) - There is a surprising lack of bugs for the first version, its very playable - Social features mostly hold up well - Creative mode (1 island) works and its just fantastic - Playlands is as fun on mobile as pc Cons: - The play area is too small for ships - No explore on mobile (one day maybe) - Car controls need real help. Cars also move a little fast and it seems not super playable with cars (maybe its the frame rate). - It wont run on anything less than iPhone 7 from our testing. - No available on android. Notes: - Cross-play between mobile and PC is possible but has a few issues atm Over all I was blown away by the experience. Surprisingly good.
  4. RedEagle_P1.

    Covid Relief Building Contest -- $100 prize!

    Ya, if you win the funds we will send it to your paypal and you can donate it however you like or have us do that for ya. Either way! I think helping out Australia would be awesome! Let's keep those ciders so the next generation can enjoy them! 14x14 in the large marble block: https://gyazo.com/9af843e259c14c5d62a24bac41a8ecb6
  5. RedEagle_P1.

    Covid Relief Building Contest -- $100 prize!

    It would be great to rally the whole community together to combat what's going on in the world right now. If you have a suggested charity, please post it. I really would prefer to help the 3rd world if that is ok. I would also like to invite others to join me in donating $100 each to help those in need. With up to 70 people sharing one toilet in India's slums, Covid is sure to spread. If you have not been abroad it's hard to see how good we have it sometimes. Just imagine, 70 people sharing one washroom. The last thing people in need deserve is to have the fear of contracting Covid in such places. I'll be donating $5 per screenshot of progress (anything 30 blocks or more in progress) as you build! 4 max per person so invite a friend Feel free to "submit" photos by replying here.
  6. RedEagle_P1.

    Mobile Ylands - What you need to know!

    Please use Steam to download it, its so much better on steam, it really is.
  7. RedEagle_P1.

    What makes you enjoy the Exploration mode?

    Discussions like this make me happy man. Just normal chill people having a talk. Just saying. Well thought through points. The servers lasting I think would be a huge boost. I think if people can build and expect to keep their progress for weeks/months that would be awesome. I also feel we need to somehow bring a sense of explore back to exploration. If we were to separate islands at a much larger distance that would help imo. Anyway, great convo
  8. RedEagle_P1.

    Getting Ylands Free

    We often giveaway 1 copy to those who ask nice each week during our party.
  9. RedEagle_P1.

    Getting Ylands Free

    I have bought 40 copies of Ylands to give to creators who want to build stuff in Ylands. If your a great builder in other games like Minecraft and have some examples of your work, reply to this topic with coolest thing you created in another game, then join https://discord.gg/Ju82y7g & let me know there that you replied. Moreover, if you are a programmer or scripter & want to create things together with a friendly community in Ylands, let me know. I love Ylands and my clan P1 Creators is a family of positive, friendly & mature gamers making awesome stuff together. Our vision is to create an incredible positive community of creators that feel like family. We love having fun creating together and we seek to work together to do awesome things we could never do alone by combining our abilities. Together we won the first big Tencent competition. We earned 1st in games, 2nd in games and 1st and 3rd in builds. Together we have earned almost 20,000 USD doing what we love, even though we do it just for the fun of it. One day we hope to proceed to being able to make our very own games this way but right now we are starting in Ylands. We are looking for people who want to help us make really big things. Some of these things will be just for fun and to attract people to the game and some will be to win the big competitions and generate funds we can use to make our community even more awesome. The vast majority of our winnings were donated back by our members to help us grow. I feel incredibly lucky to lead a community of some of the most caring and friendly people to make my dream of building an awesome community come through.
  10. RedEagle_P1.

    My experience so far.....

    Well said, I think keep letting people know this plan and they will understand your vision with the game I don't think they are turned to fix this due to explore being for 4 people. However, I will keep trying to make explore much more playable with the help of people like @Igor Q.. We are working on the multi-island system now.
  11. RedEagle_P1.

    Servers broken

    Hi guys, Servers are still in a state of total disrepair. I made a private, very low-traffic server for our parties called P1 Underwater Party. We have had 2 parties on it (3 hour events with 8 people). Tons of issues throughout: 1) Desync 2) Placing items on ship -- items fell through ship hull 3) After 1 hour of the 2nd event I could not eat, use tools, place items etc. (others also had this issue). This stops my ability to play since I can't do anything. 4) Animals failed to respond to bait 5) Animals attacked players when tame All these issues are still commonplace on servers after significant progress is made by a group of people.
  12. RedEagle_P1.

    Impressed with this update

    Having had some time to go through the different features of this update, it seems clear to me that your whole team is benefiting from the years of building up teamwork and working together because you've gotten so much done in a very little amount of time and it's quite unbuggy. When making each animal rideable it's clear to me you did not cut any corners (it would have saved timed to make the animals much more alike) and you created really unique characteristics for each animal which are really quite endearing. Getting a pet feels valuable simply because they all have their unique way of receiving food, accepting pets etc. That gives them a sense of personality. ? The whole update really feels very much like the character of Ylands with its quirky and fun nature. This is the best update since the graphics of 1.0. Great work! I still haven't discovered everything in this update but so far I've really enjoyed the diving and pets.
  13. RedEagle_P1.

    "Hero" Steam Locomotive

    Wow, full animation! Might be worth a video on my channel if you are interested! ?
  14. RedEagle_P1.

    Starting a Ylands Dedicated Server

    This topic needs an update. For now, I have made a video explaining how to get a server running:
  15. 2020 Update: Dedicated servers have been DISCONTINUED. However, you still have options. Share games, buyable Nitrado/BI servers and locally-hosted multiplayer. You can only buy servers from Nitrado now. Nitrado sponsors P1 -- that is an affiliate link. Should you start a dedicated server? Simple answer, not yet. Technology: Right now the dedicated server technology is not ready for public use. Servers you rent and servers you set up on your own I going to have major issues that are not related to your hardware. Community: Attracting an active community to your server is really difficult because: Servers right now require a wipe/reset often due to serious lag that comes with use There are only a handful of active players at the moment. When will these factors change? Ylands multiplayer is in early access. However, once the 0.12 patch roles around multiplayer will likely have made big strides forward. How to setup a dedicated server: What do I need to start a dedicated server? 1) Windows PC: Ylands server technology does not run on Linux and therefore you will require a Windows PC. 2) The password to the Ylands Dedicated Server forum. You may request on the Better Ylands Servers Discord (https://discord.gg/zKXdsn) or here: 3) Then download the server startup guide here. For full disclosure, P1, my clan is sponsored by Nitrado. P1 runs all of it's servers on Nitrado and it works great.
  16. RedEagle_P1.

    What makes you enjoy the Exploration mode?

    Everyone I know that got passionate about this game got passionate through the exploration. However, if I'm doing my math correctly it seems like the vast majority of players are mobile players (at least when it comes to installs and downloads). I always imagined that this game was all about creating the next Minecraft or Ark but with a friendly, low-poly style in the early days but they have stated that this is not their intention and that they're looking at creating more of a game platform for games than a game itself. They have let us know that without recreating exploration from the ground-up they cannot sustain significant multiplayer. Is the project sustainable as a single player game? I don't know, I don't speak for them. However, I assume the game platform crowd is much more valuable: https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/comscore-hours.png?resize=680,386
  17. RedEagle_P1.

    Dev Diary #133 - UI Suggestions

    As someone who joined the game and believed is was about creating something like Ark survival evolved but with low poly graphics and more friendly, it’s clear from the development team that that is not what they had in mind. They have let us know that without recreating exploration from the ground-up they cannot sustain significant multiplayer. Something on the scale of Ark, Minecraft or even as a sizable survival game was never the intention or if it was, its not the intention now. This game is a tool for creators to create games imo. As for earnings, this image might be an important thing to take a look at: https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/comscore-hours.png?resize=680,386 Don't get me wrong I love the exploration of this game and I have been very vocal about that. I just think that holding on to a hope that this is gonna be the next Minecraft is not realistic based on what they said, rather, it could be the next roblox. I know you've been a passionate supporter of the exploration from the very beginning and I just wanted to let you know because this helped me understand things also.
  18. RedEagle_P1.

    Crafting scuba masks

    Hey all, When it comes to crafting scuba masks I found it quite simple. Basically, you need bamboo, leather, coconut and a knife along with a sowing kit.
  19. RedEagle_P1.

    Found an under water lab with secrets of some sort

    You enter from an open hatch and find this chest.
  20. Doing my video today I found an underwater lab which somehow connected to a flying steam-punk-style ship. Very interesting. Anyone know how the two are connected? How do the resources regenerate?
  21. RedEagle_P1.

    What makes you enjoy the Exploration mode?

    As far as I see it, Ylands is not a game but rather a game creation tool and which creators create their own experiences. It’s focus is being a place for development-minded people to create games for the community. Exploration habitually incorporates different elements necessary to give the creator's options. This is why they seem out of place, it’s not so much that exploration is this amazing game, but rather a place to test features that creators will use in the future to create amazing games. That puts it much to Simply I'm sure that exploration is meant to be somewhat of a game but the focus of Ylands is being a creator tool not a game itself.
  22. RedEagle_P1.

    Dev Diary #133 - UI Suggestions

    I would like to suggest: Different games pinned on mobile and PC. Larger text in editor. If you still have room.