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Everything posted by RedEagle_P1.

  1. RedEagle_P1.

    Consider turning this ship around

    Me too, I really don want to sound like those too-abundant toxic, entitled posts on game forums. I hope they know we are not those kind of people but rather people who really LOVE the game and want to see the best for it. I really wish the whole dev team the absolute best and I love this game. I felt the need to say something just because I love it so much as a game. Writing the post felt gutting.
  2. RedEagle_P1.

    An awkward message from a longtime fan

    Yes, they changed the focus. However, I think what we are asking for more than anything is not for them to give up in their big plans but we are hoping they can get explore to work well as a, well-rounded, fun, stable game so that the player base sticks with the game before they progress forward.
  3. RedEagle_P1.

    I used to love this game.

    I can confirm that this is the case with me also. Everyone I know really fell in love this this game in the early days, most of us still like it but they long for a return to the original direction the game had.
  4. RedEagle_P1.

    Consider turning this ship around

    @NoNoNumGum well said:
  5. RedEagle_P1.

    An awkward message from a longtime fan

    Dev Diary 131: "while we are still working on possibilities to make water flow (since mobile devices still aren’t powerful enough to render anything like that), the water now makes countless possibilities." It does seem like mobile is a consideration when making features though? It would have to be wouldn't it?
  6. RedEagle_P1.

    An awkward message from a longtime fan

    Please understand I say this because I care about the game and I want to see you guys succeed. I don't really play explore to be honest. However, I find it difficult to run a community in this game because of the high burn rate. I think what many of us are trying to say is that the current approach isn't working for some reason. There are so many game breaking bugs in Ylands: Maintenance crashes every 90 minutes Progress loss on local and online games within 8 hours of play: Inability to place items inability to dig Inability to eat Each content update is bringing more of these bugs and most of them are not getting fixed. I think what we're crying out for is not more little updates but the a change in resource allocation and focus toward finishing explore before moving on. We feel this way because of the lackluster progress over the last 3 years. Something about the current setup isn't working and it’s reflected in the reviews and player sentiment. Please note that it brings me extreme discomfort to talk like this, I held my peace for a long time before you came (Adam) because the game was in early access and I know development takes time.
  7. RedEagle_P1.

    Consider turning this ship around

    @Deadeye_Robsaid it well:
  8. RedEagle_P1.

    An awkward message from a longtime fan

    Very well said, I feel this echos what we are all thinking in our hearts. I think this goes to to heart of what I tried to say here: We need that decisiveness and focus that will make the product great. Imho, trying to do everything so far is not working. There are sooooooo many game-breaking bugs and the loss of faith/interest by the community is perpetuating the problem.
  9. RedEagle_P1.

    Consider turning this ship around

    Yup, me too, its a game with great potential. What he highlighted was the best and brightest of the game. Building, sailing, adventure. Really loved it! I myself am a creator/community guy more than anything but when people don't like the game anymore its really hard to build community. I don't actually play much explore but the lack of it has been sucking the soul out of the groups I work with so I wanted to say something. More than anything, in my humble opinion, this game is suffers from a lack of focus. It up to them what direction they choose but hyping up future explore fixes will get people's hope up. I think the best way to see this game succeed would be to make a great explore game people can get really passionate about and then build an amazing editor for people to extend that game and then pursue the mini-game goal. Again I have no experience and I am just sharing my two cents. We are all here, I think, because we believe this game is the seed of something great. Let's grow it.
  10. RedEagle_P1.

    Consider turning this ship around

    @Miguel Preguisa @jchob @kimbuck Love to hear what you think.
  11. RedEagle_P1.

    Consider turning this ship around

    5) Actions speak louder than words: I think we all noticed the issues Hello Games (No Mans Sky) faced and how through hard work and being quite they fixed a ton. I think it's really important to establish credibility by doing things rather than promising them. If you want to make explore great, focus on that. I think much of the community will still come back and get hyped about this game if you do.
  12. RedEagle_P1.

    Explore H

    When we despawn the character they lose ownership over their power barrier and keys. Is there a way around that?
  13. The P1 servers are acting really slow. Issues: "front page shows full server but the no in game doesnt reflect it ..it seems there could be some "connectivity" between games giving false readings." @kimbuck "players appear on list but take up to 2 minutes to appear on the start platform ...blocking new arrival..." @kimbuck
  14. RedEagle_P1.

    RESOLVED P1 Servers Not Working Properly

    @Adam Snellgrove I would love a refund on at least some of this server-time if possible.
  15. RedEagle_P1.

    1.4: Creators Club Changelog

    Good to know!
  16. RedEagle_P1.

    Explore H

  17. RedEagle_P1.

    Explore H

    We are having an issue now where our items duplicate rather than just port over. Is there a way you can patch Explore H and also share the changes?
  18. RedEagle_P1.

    New workshop layout.

    Try https://play.ylands.com
  19. RedEagle_P1.

    Ylands, this just feels too much...

    The relative difference is Ylands is a totally unestablished game vs Roblox which is huge. (Don't misunderstand me when I say) creators are doing you a favor being here atm, not vice versa. One day, Ylands will be an amazing platform with great working servers and it will be our privilege to be here. However, right now no one can break even at that rate.
  20. RedEagle_P1.

    Ylands, this just feels too much...

    Man, I love this game so much and I really want you guys to succeed. However, seeing the game in its current condition with its current limitations I could not imagine a world in which any creator could break even in this program. The issues are: 1) The game is still really buggy: Example: I reported a bug where players lose all their progress/creators with steam sync years ago and it remains to this day. This bug goes back and deletes all your work after its saved. It's devastating for new creators. Example: Explore players lose progress often, are limited to a small area, encounter hundreds of game-breaking bugs like not being able to eat. 2) People only pay for items in games where keeping your progress is possible. Such games require servers. Servers have an 8 player limit and crash almost constantly. They are also quite expensive. 3) The game does not have many players so even if every player in the game played your game you would be very unlikely to reach the 250,000 Coyn minimum. Why not consider making the ratio relative to the value Ylands provides in the current state and then changing it once the game reaches the level you would like it to?
  21. RedEagle_P1.

    RESOLVED You need to create a profile first!

    This is now fixed.
  22. When signing up for creator club despite having a profile. You need to create a profile first!
  23. RedEagle_P1.

    RESOLVED You need to create a profile first!

    I know, this is with that in mind. It wont let me sign up for the club because it falsely says I dont have profile info, when I do.
  24. Creator Club Info Cannot change profile info. Does accept the changes but on refresh reverts back.