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Everything posted by RedEagle_P1.

  1. RedEagle_P1.

    1.5 update won't bring real change unless...

    Just so you know whenever we had updates during competitions with a Chinese version of the game it led to disastrous consequences with many peoples games which were previously functional breaking so you probably have to test all of the games before you update the game because updates break games consistently patch after patch. Even how blocks are exported turns the blocks the wrong way so people can’t see how to build originally look, glow looks different, certain scripts stop functioning, there’s so much that happens and it’s happened every single patch up to this time please please please reconsider.
  2. I see a lot of people getting hyped up about the new concept art from BI: I admit it looks very exciting. However, the situation that’s been happening for years now diswades me. For years we have been talking about the bugs plaguing the game and BI has been talking about new features. These bugs include: Weekly server wipes No being able to eat Not being able to sleep Not being able to interact with objects And when I bring up these issues: They have been depending on user-testing for a long time now because (I believe) they don't understand how serious the situation is. If this does not change, we are unlikely to see real benefit imho. If the response was something like “we are going to deploy a team to find these bugs and fix them” then I would be very excited but since they are depending on the player base, we can expect little-to-no real improvements because there just aren't enough players who care and submit bugs. Keep in mind that most of these players do not own the exploration DLC. Honestly, I would have been much happier with an update that said “No more updates until we get what’s broken fixed.” @bojo2736 @kimbuck @leo_chaos @NoNoNumGum @belrathius @Laiiix With the utmost respect, I believe we have not yet been heard. I genuinely believe that more of the same will lead this project to disaster. Bohemia interactive has been promising explore updates for years now and let’s be honest, they have delivered a lot: Amazing new graphics Underwater exploration New units More challenge We have no issue with the amazing improvements, we have an issue with the approach. Test more.
  3. RedEagle_P1.

    i need help????

    Sure, what do you need help with? If you know how to use Discord, we have a help section that’s really active https://discord.gg/P6b4zdZ We also do a weekly event where we live stream and teach people how to script and so forth
  4. RedEagle_P1.

    MASSIVE $30,000 competition for Ylands by Tencent

    Thankfully now we can just use PayPal in China
  5. Summary: HYPE! Tencent, the Chinese publisher of Ylands, are doing a MASSIVE (roughly) 30,000 USD competition to get some great buildings and games they can use to promote Ylands: https://v.qq.com/x/page/s0884efn2ru.html How to participate: **Reply to this topic with "I am curious"** if you would like to learn more. or Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Ju82y7g We will contact you. Details: Tencent is looking for creative games of either a sci-fi, tradition Chinese or any other theme you can think of provided it is creative! Prizes: Note: These numbers are pre-tax. Deadline: Joining in detail: These competitions are not open for the Western world yet, but P1 has many Chinese members so we are able to compete. Our goal is not to win money but to create an incredible positive community of creators that feel like family. We love having fun creating together and we seek to work together to do awesome things we could never do alone by combining our abilities. Who should join? We are looking for anyone who LOVES Ylands & wants to build an awesome friendly community with us. You don't need to know anything about building or commit X time per week. We are a HUGE team of casual people doing awesome things for the fun of it. How to join: Type "I am im!" to join. or Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Ju82y7g P1's Wins: Competition 1: 1st in games, 1st in builds, 2nd in builds & more. Competition 2: 1st in games, 2nd in builds. Competition 3: Hoping for 1st in games & builds Together we have earned almost 20,000 USD doing what we love, even though we do it just for the fun of it. The vast majority of funds was donated back to help P1 Ylands do even bigger things! FAQ: **Q: Can I make money doing this?** A: Yes We are basically a revenue split organization. Normally, everyone in P1 clocks in (checks in) the amount of hours they work on our project and gets paid accordingly. So if we win $6,500 dollars and 10 team members put in 10 hours each, each team member would get $650 (minus fees, taxes etc.). Unlike traditional companies, P1 does not take any percent of your work. We thrive off the generous donations of our members. But We are looking for people motivated by passion and not money. **Q: I don't have much time!** A: Don’t worry, we have designed the system to avoid demanding deadlines for casual players. Most of us have a job and do this for fun on the side. You can pull out any time and just let us know and it’s totally cool. In P1 no one is obligated work on a project, we are here to have fun. By joining you are not committing to certain hours of work, you are just saying you want to be part of our friendly community. **Q: I am not a great builder :(** A: We will teach you all you need to know. We can use anyone that can put one block on another. Moreover, we also need: Streamers, Youtubers, editors, bot developers, audio people, game testers, etc. etc. etc. **Q: Do I have to pay to join?** A: No **Q: How many people have signed up so far?** A: About 350 people. **Q: Do I need a PC** A: Yes, one with a graphics card and 8GB ram. Reply to this topic with "I am curious" & we will message you! or Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Ju82y7g
  6. RedEagle_P1.

    [Completed] Freedom Island (level 1)

    This is actually my favourite one so far
  7. RedEagle_P1.

    I was forced to remove this post...

    I was forced to remove this post...
  8. RedEagle_P1.

    I was forced to remove this post...

    I was forced to remove this post...
  9. RedEagle_P1.


    Very cute
  10. RedEagle_P1.

    Dev Diary #153 - Bows and Grenades

    I think this was essential for making games great and it will be really helpful for our team so thank you ?
  11. RedEagle_P1.

    P1's new leadership structure!

    Hey guys, I am proud to announce that P1 is completing it’s leadership transition! The team taking over the reigns from me will be: @Para_Digm -- Professional community manager, streamer. “Well, I started in the gaming industry as a paid professional streamer. Got acquired by a site to leave twitch and help boost their viewership. It went amazing for several years. I then made the transition into working for game devs in their community teams to boost content and engagement. I was / am sponsored by Discord, steelseries, Gameloft and many other small retail companies. However I don’t make much content anymore.” @Sowa159 -- Community manager/Inner-works "I'm a psychology student who has experience working in both teams and groups, easy to talk to and understanding. First time in the work-force but highly enthusiastic and hard working, also a fast learner in things that require me to be hands on." @horridwar -- Community manager/outreach I started as a teenager who loved playing games and getting to know new people. That was getting repetitive for me and I looked towards game development. I looked up small development companies that I could work in and get experience which went extremely well. I'm currently helping small development studios with recruitment consultant and community management.
  12. RedEagle_P1.

    I was forced to remove this post...

    So we had a vote, P1 decided that the part they normally donate would just simply cease to exist. The rest of the payment I have decided to do myself to cover the shortfall. It will cost be about everything I earned in the last year from the competitions but its worth it to see everything back on track! Expect payment for your hard work soon guys. Thanks again.
  13. RedEagle_P1.

    [Completed] No man's cave

    I really loved your freedom island map!
  14. RedEagle_P1.

    I was forced to remove this post...

    Thanks, I appreciate it.
  15. RedEagle_P1.

    I was forced to remove this post...

    I was forced to remove this post...
  16. RedEagle_P1.

    New Workstations

  17. RedEagle_P1.

    can anyone change my nickname.

    I get really suspicious when people want a name change really often because in this particular case they were avoiding bad reputation. Making a second account allows you to Reset your reputation and vote for yourself to get your reputation up. Moreover, they make comments at random to get reputation rather than to actually comment.
  18. RedEagle_P1.

    The things we love/ the things we hate

    The major problem is the lack of focus. We need the amazing game to be completed before we see all the other possibilities come to life. Example MC mobile. It should be done once the core game is great. What makes you believe the issue is the engine?
  19. RedEagle_P1.

    can anyone change my nickname.

    You said the same thing about your Discord account at the same time.
  20. RedEagle_P1.

    Toxic gossip

    Hey, Unfortunately a lot of people have been sending me screenshots of gossip about myself being passed around by other people. I would like to say that all these people that I forgive you and that if I have done you any wrong if you send me a direct message I would love to consider the situation so I can make it right if that is the case. Unfortunately, there have been quite a few people that have been lying and stealing (I will explain in a moment), but I decided to keep those situations private, because for me, I don’t like to make private situations about other people known so that they can go on living a normal life without people taking a second look at them. I’ve come to realize that in doing so I have opened myself up for a very one-sided story to be told by some of these people about me so from now on that will change. P1 has been robbed of about $3500 worth of winnings and an investigation is ongoing about this matter. I will keep the suspect private but I would like to share that both BI and Tencent are looking into the issue. I’ll finish by saying, just remember there are two sides to every story and that if somebody is sharing with you something really juicy about somebody else the best thing to tell them is to take it up with that person directly. That’s our first rule in P1, don’t accuse others behind their back and don’t listen to those who do.
  21. RedEagle_P1.

    Toxic gossip

    People donate willingly to boost the community. We take those investments and use them to grow and expand P1 C. Right now it's paid out on a monthly basis to our community manager. I feel like your just making statements to get revenge at this point. Note that I never had anything against you and this convo was not suppose to be something to expose you but rather to give you a chance to come forward about the gossip that you have been instating in private along with others if you wanted to.
  22. RedEagle_P1.

    Toxic gossip

    As clearly shown in this post, you took the idea without asking, cut off others assets to publish it solo. I am fine with that but asking first and giving credit was key.
  23. RedEagle_P1.

    Toxic gossip

    Again, totally baseless claims. I take NO cut, the President does take 5% if elected. I am not president. The drama was already happening, I made this post so it can be said directly to me. If you read my first post it's entirely clam and my goal is to stay classy even if others are not. This is a HUGE achievement and people do that because they support our values and what we do.