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Posts posted by V-Alfred

  1. 1 hour ago, stlnegril9 said:

    You can "paint" ores in the Editor.

    Why do you need to paint for testing? Just make 3 block on the ground  full of iron deposit with same size in editor + give your character m.drill, spade, pick axe and propeller pack at player role. Click play and walla you can testing how much each of them yield. :D
    *EDIT* Like this one, so you can proof it yourself ^_^298610_20180529023750_1.thumb.png.b8833683f7f1174f4559b1f6e98f8e26.png

    That little deposits is square with scale on 2. My result:

    M. Drill = 153 ore

    Iron pick = 161 ore

    Iron spade = 148 ore + 2 gunpowder keg xD

  2. 32 minutes ago, Denderion said:

    *edit* V-Alfred i know you are gonna respond so hello there :) lol. 

    goddamnit xD you can read my mind.. I need to stop responding so fast I think.. but I feel guilty when see someone post and no one responded yet.. 

    back to OP's topic, I have this kind of question for long time, but still not sure. Mining drill works similar like spade which I think have same result with the pick but much faster.  Lets see other people opinion.. ;) 

  3. 1 hour ago, Donquizotte Miglamingo said:

    Hi , i'm not gonna give up haha ,...

    Good! Never give up on things you like to do! (except it's bad things.. xD)

    Ok back to OP's topic, so from the logs you provided, the problem is coming right after you push "Play button" correct? I saw you got RTO there, at that login sequence when the game trying to connect BI api, etc.
    It happens to many other player including me, but there are so much factor that can cause this problem. So lets troubleshoot it together shall we?

    First of all this problem has something to do with networking and most likely it's on user side. Ok lets begin. ^_^

    If you have other computer at the same place where you got this problem, Can you try to launch Ylands on that? Its to eliminate the factor if you have software(ex. Firewall program, antivirus sometimes block the connection aswell) in your computer that blocking your connection to Ylands server. If this step still failed then,

    Can you try to launch Ylands from different internet router(another location), like if you tried at home connection, then try connect from public/office connection? This is to eliminate the factor that something is going on with your modem/internet router configuration. 

  4. This is a suggestion right? not ingame yet..(?)
    This kind of commands should be in every single vehicle (ship/car).
    For the sake of multiplayer, I think this should work for the last player who drove it.. ;)
    Upvote right away!


    Or.. you can just put this function in existing radial menu.
    When player's cursor facing(or triggered by button, like  E for unpack at sleeping pad) the flipped vehicle, the menu is activated and player can execute that command.

  5. 7 hours ago, Onedown said:

    Ok so define griefing please. ...
    ...It gets really tiresome watching some people call others nasty names for doing things the game programming allows them to do.

    Ok here is my personal definition of "griefing", griefing is player behavior that solely to piss off a player/community that already there. Did you think you're the only one that tired watching some people doing that? Oh well you're not the only one.. ;)  Lets see on other perspective, there are players trying to help others and maintain the server(keep it clean, friendly, etc), but they constantly disturbed by those who called "griefers", ofcourse they (good player) will get angry, thats how "normal human" will act. Indeed the game allows them to do(killing, making bunch of mess, etc), but the impact of that actions to the game that lack of features and eventually making the game unenjoyable is something that you need to consider. Make the ID or name easier to 'track down' is one step ahead to give them "lesson", so we're at right direction. ^_^ A "list of behaviors you consider griefing and program them out of your game.", oh man.. "griefing" is always evolve and will never stop on the list, it's inappropriate human behavior, they will always try to find 'a path'. The best way to handle this is implement the features one by one and evaluate.

    For me "killing" itself isn't act of griefer, but in current version of the game, the impact of killing player can be act of griefer in long run.

    Let me give you example, griefer A constantly killing offline newcomer who has 'useless things' in their 'pocket'. So as you might guess griefer A got simply nothing, and whats the impact? Most newcomer that did login and look at their 'dead' screen is pissed off and never comeback to the server again, their body will be there forever and their 'useless things' will become 'homework' for other player. Not only it's unpleasant to look at, but also in long run with no active admin around to clean up the mess, they will eventually make the server unplayable, even worse existing players will constantly plagued with bugs that usually rare like headless no name player, inventory simply doesn't work, etc.

    About stealing, I don't think it's act of griefer if the stuff isn't protected and they eventually use what they've stolen. But in @kimbuck and others cases, those griefer just simply took stuff and bury it somewhere, even though they knew if that stuff is meant to help newcomer (including those who before become griefer) to progress faster and don't make 'useless mess' around. Ok this might be her community fault they didn't protect (lock) the stuff. But how did you help others in world that has diverse time zone? No NPC on starter island, that means that's the only option, to openly let intelligent players to take what they need and give to help others. But here we go, the reality there are "dumb/greedy/intolerant" a.k.a donkey (if may I call them like that) running around taking all they can and not even use it..

    There are many other example, if I wrote all of them down, it may looks like series of novel. :D

    Oh griefer..
    how dark your way of life is..
    laughing and have fun when people get annoyed, angry and maybe sad because of your actions..
    did something bad happened to you in past?
    I'm sorry if that happened to you..
    I hope you get brighter way of life..

    Sorry, this griefer subject make me want to make poetry 

    TLDR; Griefing is player behavior that solely to piss off a player/community that already there by in/directly exploit the game's lack of features.

  6. 1 hour ago, Atlantians11 said:

    Thanks you too. Alfred just makes me think of Batmans Alfred.

    You mean humble servant who always come when needed? I guess thats not bad at all. Hahaha, thanks. xD

  7. 14 minutes ago, Aleš Ulm said:

    That much we already told you. At some point, though, we decided to add what we originally planned for some future update – a feature we might call Ylands name (or game name, if you wish).

    Oh yeah, looking for pros and cons, I'm sure more pros than cons. "Anonymity" in games have tendency to bad things.. xD

    • Like 1
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  8. First of all I'm sorry if you see me alot, especially in "Posts". I have tendency to answer questions when I'm free.. xD

    Ok back to the OP topic, I'm sure they have this idea. But they have a lot of "homework" before this can be implemented into the game. Like NPCs path finding, NPCs activities behavior to objects so they can interact with it, etc. If NPCs land enemies already in game, I'm sure we gonna have this NPCs pirate enemy after that. ^_^

    Note: NPCs I mentioned is human NPC not animals.

  9. Official server usually get wiped each update, just to make sure the "Freshness". You can smell and see the freshness of the world without a touch of greedy creature.. xD

    But it's usually not required, like if you play private server or singleplayer you can load your old save. The risk you get is updated world generator and if they add new resource like rubber in the past.

  10. 7 hours ago, bojo2736 said:

    Though how they got placed in the first place, I have no idea.

    You can do that especially in Multiplayer. It happens when your connection have delay (high latency) between you and the server, or I would say laggy and then you build or put the blocks rapidly. When delay happens, 2 kind of input which is after each other will often overlap. I often experience that when I play on EU or NA, because I'm from PA region. ;)

  11. 48 minutes ago, kimbuck said:

    one  asked me  for  food  rope  wood and  such ... when told  there was plenty of resources  nearby to  gather food and to  craft rope and   make  cloth , they  acted   annoyed. The wanted to be  hand fed!>

    ==>> The outcome of all this is  90% do not appreciate what was put there for help and  are too lazy to craft or  learn. <<==

    This is another reason why I gave up that time, after that I prefer to give them a fishing rod than a fish itself. Don't let them depends on you.. ;)

    Another suggestion, tools made with uncommon++ resource like iron, copper, etc, is only for known guy (or you can say trusted), why? like I said, don't make them depends on you.

    • Thanks 1

  12. @kimbuck stick* hahaha, I thought they were there for something else.. oh nevermind, just my naughty thought.. xD

    I'm impressed by just how diverse it's in NA 15. Just think about it, Bee from Sweden, bb cakes from USA(?), and you kim from Aussie playing together in the same server no matter what the latency you got.. if it's not really enjoyable, the latency will really smash your mood.. :D
