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Everything posted by zarwil

  1. Hey I'd like to share some bugs and general concerns about the editor. I have played around with it for maybe 20 hours+ and have encountered some annoying bugs and lack of necessary features that would make the editor a complete tool. * First of all the copy and paste function is broken. When copying several items, like different slopes, they often don't keep their original orientation. Copy and paste needs some aditional functionality as well. Most glaring is the ability to flip/mirror the copied section and perhaps ability to manipulate it in other ways before pasting. There needs to be a way to drag and copy several objects in one mouse movement. At the moment the ctrl+left click is not good enough if you have a larger structure and objects you can't reach. This is pretty critical imo. * When generating terrain you can't undo the action with ctrl+z and the game saves automatically without telling you. This could potentially result in some very sad accidents. There is no way (as far as I know) to generate an infinite sea or an infinite grass surface (although this is default, there is no way to create it yourself if you have removed all terrain). It would be a great addition. * The coloring feature is broken. When you color something and save it, the colors will sometimes not be saved. In fact, for me it rarely has. * Something I'd like to see is the possibility to open an exploration or creative save in the editor to be able to place compositions and do other edits. Hopefully you're not concerned with players cheating their singleplayer maps since the only players affected are themselves. * I have experienced a bug where I would save my creation, exit to menu, then load the save and find several duplicated parts of the build from an earlier save -as if the two latest saves had been merged into one. That's it for the moment. There is probably some stuff I missed but that's that. This game has some quirks but it has infinite potential! GL.
  2. zarwil

    Dev Diary #102

    Amazing!!! Love it!
  3. zarwil

    Dev Diary #100

    I have no doubts that this is your ambition now, but I think of this similarly to politics. Even if you trust the current government to handle some new regulations, what is to say that a future government will not abuse it? In this case you are the same government, but the point still stands Soo many things can change in the future, but maybe it is pointless to think about it now
  4. zarwil

    Dev Diary #100

    I'm cautiously optimistic about this. This will pretty much guarantee a solid player base from the start (which I'm vary happy about), but it could also potentially tie your hands in the future if it turns out that the f2p player base earns you more money than the paid explore pack, in which case I would expect less development focus on the latter. Unfortunately, development focus will always be prioritized for what is most profitable... the world would be crazy if this was not the case The balance of this really depends on your ability to tempt new players in to buying the explore pack, so for the sake of the explore die-hard's, I really hope it ends up popular. As mentioned, this won't really be the case if nobody buys the explore pack. In regards to mobile, this is key for me, and really the main reason why I'm positive about this change. It ensures continued focus on the PC version, since a (probably) significant portion of mobile players will also try the game on PC. Additionally, this really gives you huge incentive to advertise the PC version and the Explore pack as effectively as possible, since it will boost that revenue stream, which, again, ensures a healthy focus on the PC version of the game. All in all, this move could have the potential to save this game, if you handle it correctly. (edit: this also opens the door for more egregious micro-transactions... ...we'll see about this.)
  5. zarwil

    Dev Diary #99

    look it up on steam!
  6. zarwil

    Dev Diary #99

    Anyone on for making limbo?
  7. It would really improve the ability to create ambiance and set the tone for a map. If you were to make a single player story driven game mode for example you could add custom sound-cues, ambient sound and atmospheric music which you could trigger with logic. As we know music and sound is crucial for setting the tone in both movies and games, this would dramatically improve our ability to create special games. I get that this might be difficult due to copyright stuff for example, but other games let you do this (cough minecraft..) and they have no issues.
  8. zarwil

    What happened to this great game?

    From the community's perspective the whole mobile push just came from nowhere. Every time you mention mobile it's a reminder that your internal vision is different from what the community wants, and you'll never lose that feeling unless you make mobile seem like a small extra, instead of a focus. I've been quite vocal a few times on this forum about my distaste for the mobile component of the game because I really can't see the point of it besides being an additional source of revenue, which would indicate that this was an idea for the higher-ups, rather than for the community. I have a hard time seeing how community-made Ylands game modes with wonky controls will be more fun to play than actual games which are specifically made for mobile, so who is gonna play this? Again, sorry for the sour tone.
  9. zarwil

    Fallout Vault (Fallout 3/ New Vegas Style)

    Make a video or I'll riot!
  10. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    Those were sent through PM convo. I don't want to post unfinished, bugged compositions on the forum.
  11. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    Ships are broken in the editor right now, so no. I would still try if I had time tho. Any word on this @Adam Snellgrove? You never gave an update Yes I desperately want a mirror tool in the editor. It would make it possible to create much more advanced shapes, as well as turbocharge the entire process!
  12. zarwil

    What other games do you play?

    OwO whats this?
  13. zarwil

    Dev Diary #95

    Man this is sad to hear... I have gotten at least 6 people to buy this game and they all said the same thing; the maps have to be bigger. While you might not need an infiniately large map like Minecraft, the current map is still far too small. The islands are relatively tiny and there are at most 12 (about to be fewer...) in any given map? This is very, very disappointing news imo. The fun part of Explore is Exploring... How can you be excited about exploring when you know there is nothing more to find after you've discovered a few islands? I remember playing Minecraft for countless hours back in Beta when there was so much stuff to find, purely driven by the sense of exploration. Even if the actual generated content wasn't super crazy, just trying to find the perfect spot to build a new base was enough to get you going for hours on end. When you find a new island in this game, it takes what, 30 minutes to map out the whole thing? I was really holding out on explore becoming bigger in the future but it seems you've hit a wall with what the game can handle
  14. zarwil

    Contest Screenshot Contest Week 5

    pls no it's empty rn
  15. zarwil

    Contest Screenshot Contest Week 5

    I guess this qualifies here too Gradfort East Mall
  16. zarwil

    P1 Building Competition! #10 - The City Grows!

    Not 100% finished, but will submit what I have for now. Interior is bare-bones rn, but it will need more careful planning anyways in terms of how players would potentially create their own shops etc. https://workshop.ylands.com/asset/1334
  17. zarwil

    0.14: Playful Platform (05/09/2019)

    You can disable interactions for all items, and you can place impassable barriers around buildings (like they have in playlands) in the editor
  18. zarwil

    0.14: Playful Platform (05/09/2019)

    But mobile versions are not even here yet? Are they close? Is it wise to direct resources towards porting the game before the core PC version is even functional? e: I guess pushing for mobile to reach the micro-transaction gold mine is a necessary pitch for the higher-ups in order to keep this game afloat at this point.
  19. zarwil

    P1 Building Competition! #10 - The City Grows!

    @RedEagle_P1. I have a concept of a nice exterior, and im gonna go from there really Not sure about what to do with store spaces. Might implement a few stores and cafes and leave the rest "closed" and available for others to start their own business in the future, if that's possible. Thinking small-mid sized mall with two floors.
  20. zarwil

    P1 Building Competition! #10 - The City Grows!

    I am in claiming mall
  21. zarwil

    Possible Issue

    This has happened to me before. Restarting the game fixed it for me.
  22. zarwil

    Contest Screenshot Contest Week 4

    Only thing I have is this, which happens when I try to save a certain ship as a composition.
  23. @kimbuck to be clear I was joking!
  24. Ok im not a dev but I can help. It looks like actually u are using a pirated version of the game. plase buy the game and then ur issue will be fixed. thank you.
  25. zarwil

    Dev Diary #93

    @RedEagle_P1. will get his own statue in the game. You heard it here first! confirmed by the devs!