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Everything posted by CoolPrius

  1. CoolPrius

    Switch Port?

    I know of course something like this wouldnt even come into consideration until the game is much further along but I feel like this game would do amazing ported to nintendo switch. Being able to play this and also being able to locally play with other friends would be crazy fun. Id buy it again the the nintendo switch.
  2. This game would highly benefit from some type of mod support or Steam workshop integration. This game could become massive if there is an option(way later in development) for people to produce their own content easily and add awesome stuff to the game.
  3. My friend and I kept glitching off of our ship when it was moving decently fast. It would lag a little bit and then we would fly through the railing on the ship.
  4. It'd be really nice to have more console commands in online games since the game is still so buggy. My friend and I glitched off our ship and got killed by sharks and now we lost all of our stuff and have no way to get back. 10 hours of playtime completely lost. Until the game is more stable id really love to have /giveitem, /timeset,/weatherchange, /teleportplayer commands to help us out.
  5. CoolPrius

    Lag spikes?

    Im getting a pretty significant amount of lag when I try to play this game. I'll go from 70fps to 13 fps and then back up. It didnt used to do this. Anybody know what gives?
  6. CoolPrius

    Lag spikes?

    No this is on singleplayer. Crazy lag spikes for no reason.
  7. CoolPrius

    Lag spikes?

    It's actually pretty frustrating. It's so bad sometimes that it's hard to play the game. I used to play this game all the time and then took a few months break and just recently got back into it and never had any issues like this before. I have a pretty beefy computer so I couldn't see it being something on my end. I watch some YouTubers and they don't seem to be having many lag spikes if any at all so I'm not really sure why it started doing this. I see most of the negative steam reviews saying that they would recommend it to a friend if it was optimized so I don't think I'm going crazy here.
  8. CoolPrius

    Early Access plans!

    I was curious to know if you guys still have programmable machines in the works? The thought of having a machine to program to mine or cut down trees for me is such a nice one to have.
  9. I was wondering if pets will be in the steam release?
  10. CoolPrius

    respawn beacon?

    For me this is a pretty simple, clear cut solution. Make it into a difficulty setting with casual being the default and hardcore being the other option. In casual setting you spawn somewhere on the same Yland that you died on(if its a big Yland you still have pretty decent challenge ahead of you), but in hardcore you spawn back at the main Yland you started at. Also make a way to set spawn for casual mode. In my case I quit playing the game if I die and respawn 4 Ylands away and lose 20 hours of work. At the end of the day this is just a game and I think it should be more about the fun of progressing than the challenge of rebuilding everything you lost and spending precious time to get back to your old gear. At least give players a choice as to what way they want to play it. I know 90% of casual gamers will stop playing the game if they die and lose significant progress because there is no way to set a respawn point. That being said there are also people that like the hard challenge of rebuilding to get their gear although I think theyre the minority so having that option is still good.
  11. Im thinking about starting to work on a wiki maybe for this game because its very frustrating to play a game like this and have 0 idea what needs what and what item you need to even be able to see certain things in your crafting menu. It would also be awesome for new people to have a place to go to see what all is in the game.
  12. I started working on the "Foods" category but needed the crafting recipes from the devs. I was unable to get the recipes and I dont play the game enough right now to know the recipes.
  13. CoolPrius

    Dev Diary #5 - State of the Game

    This sounds awesome guys! This game is shaping up to be something special.
  14. CoolPrius

    DEV ANSWER Steam Workshop/Mod support?

    Wow thats awesome! I didn't think that was even on your radar yet. I love all the new stuff being implemented and am super excited for the next update!
  15. It'd be awesome if some people that are veterans of the game can start helping to contribute to the wiki(or if the devs have a spreadsheet of what crafts what that I could start transcribing onto the wiki thatd be awesome.. It would help out a lot of the new players for sure.
  16. CoolPrius

    exploration multiplayer?

    They haven't added the ability to do that yet. That's also the main reason why I am not having my friends buy it yet.
  17. CoolPrius

    0.19: Boats & Buccaneers (06/12/2016)

    I agree with that. i built a cabin on to my ship but I took it off because it looked kinda weird with the color discrepancy between the actual ship color and the entire cabin.
  18. CoolPrius

    DEV ANSWER Scale?

    First off love the new Ships update but I want to address something that has been kinda bothering me since day one. The scaling in the game feels a bit crazy. What I mean by that is I feel like either the islands are way too small or the players are way too big. A big aspect of adventuring is kind of gone for me when the entire island can be traversed in under a minute and can be entirely seen from some angles on the island. When I play survival/exploration games I love to feel like I dont know whats ahead or whats going to happen. With the islands being so small its very easy to just land on an island and know you're instantly safe because you already know where everything is because from the boat ride in you can see everything. I also think the big ships update made the situation a little bit more noticeable too because now the ships are about 1/100th the size of the biggest island. Maybe this was intentional and Im missing the purpose of the game but from my perspective it just feels off. I just believe that a huge part to any exploration game is the ability to be able to explore through all kinds of different biomes and continents throughout several days of walking on a map as opposed to sprinting between the coastlines and maybe having a slight shift in biomes. I have been neglecting to post about this on here because I feel as if its something that cant really be fixed which would be really unfortunate. If it is fixable than I would love to see some type of like procedural generated map for the "Explore" gamemode. Also this is a very extra thing but it'd be awesome to see some kind of railway system later in the game. Maybe with engines powered by the electricity in the game.
  19. CoolPrius

    DEV ANSWER Scale?

    That sounds awesome and Im extremely happy to hear that. Thanks guys for your incredible work!
  20. CoolPrius

    Sneak Peek #15

    Im curious to know if any of the ships will have a below deck area because that was what I was looking forward to the most. It would be awesome to be able to have like a captains quarters or a cargo hold down below.
  21. CoolPrius

    0.18: Endless Exploration (27/10/2016)

    This is a really big one for me. Having the explore gamemode work in multiplayer would help me convince my friends to purchase the game. As of now multiplayer is too much of a hassle to do any sort of survival gamemode in. It also is still quite a bit glitchy(im sure the devs are well aware and have probably already fixed a lot of it with the new update). I think having a challenging survival gamemode would really make this game an awesome multiplayer experience. As of now there isnt a ton to do with the multiplayer other than mess around with the spawn items or build random stuff.
  22. CoolPrius

    Sneak Peek #15

    NPC's! Also a weather system would be awesome too. I mean like huge storms out in the deeper ocean to replicate what it could be like for ships and to provide a challenge. There could also be natural disasters like tornados or hurricanes. i would also love to sea more sea stuff like maybe a big kracken deep in the ocean that comes and attacks your ship every once in a while.
  23. CoolPrius

    Sneak Peek #13

    This looks amazing! The little touches that you guys put into the game make it so special.Is there any chance that we will see this update next week?
  24. I was thinking that since the next update will have big/customizable ships, there should be a way to transport animals in them. Like maybe have a certain saddle that will look to a corresponding part in the lower deck of a ship so it stays there.