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Everything posted by bojo2736

  1. bojo2736

    Keralis is playing ylands again!

    Yes. It was sponsored. Keralis said that. I said that. I have always said I hope the devs reach out to him when the game is released. What is your point?
  2. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #109

    We are still waiting for Nitrado. I have no idea if their pricing will change. But currently their pricing is more in line with $10 ish per month. Depending on the slots you are renting. @Adam Snellgrove can you tell us what the hold up is? So far I have paid for a month I can't use. It's only $13 but I don't like to waste money either. I don't know if I should hold off resubscribing?
  3. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #109

    I will try to get logs this weekend
  4. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #109

    Happy Holidays, devs. I have never gotten sharegames to work. No one I play with can access them if I am offline.
  5. It can be done. But scripting does fail.
  6. bojo2736


    Did you let the game update?
  7. bojo2736

    Ylands Map

    Hit M for map.
  8. bojo2736

    Share A Screen Shot

    I'm not sure it's my favorite, but it does make me nostalgic.
  9. bojo2736

    Island Biome Suggestion - Corrupted Yland

    It seems like a good project for OP.
  10. bojo2736

    Details of host rental types

    It depends on what you want to do with it. If you want to host exploration I think you have to have the high performance servers. We don't know yet if Nitrado will have those tiers. It's not available for ylands YET.
  11. bojo2736

    Island Biome Suggestion - Corrupted Yland

    @Igor Q. Is this something that could be built and scripted?
  12. bojo2736

    1.0.1: Hotfix

    Any word on the nitrado thing? I paid for a month that I haven't been able to use. Do I buy it again for January?
  13. bojo2736

    RESOLVED what nonsense?

    @Adam Snellgrove If you bought in early access you don't have to buy again for exploration.
  14. We have had some blueprinted ships that did not cause problems and work beautifully. The biggest difference other than number of blocks, is the working ships used the small ship hull. The non working both used the large ship hull.
  15. bojo2736

    Not Confused Anymore what just happened im confused

    Also, you should see your coyns returned.
  16. bojo2736

    Not Confused Anymore what just happened im confused

    Did you see the two new pets and costume for early adopters?
  17. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #108

  18. bojo2736

    1.0.1: Hotfix

    Any news on when Nitrado will be available?
  19. bojo2736


    Crafted maps no longer work. You have to press M. This only works in exploration maps.
  20. Non persistent avatars.... (pokes @Adam Snellgrove)
  21. bojo2736

    Refund of coyns?

    @Adam Snellgrove
  22. bojo2736

    The developers are no longer part of the community

    They have said it has to do with security issues regarding the monetization. Also Ales has said it had to do with the server upgrades. I don't see hiw not wanting to lose money is a "d!ck move."
  23. bojo2736

    The developers are no longer part of the community

    They clearly haven't since it has been said that they aren't ready, and I can not load my game and get it working. And to your second point, I think you are right because they have always worked.
  24. bojo2736

    The developers are no longer part of the community

    That's probably why Nitrado isn't working yet.