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Posts posted by bojo2736

  1. I found a bit of weirdness.   If you place a candle and make it unpickable, when it's lit it is pickable.  If you place a lit candle and make it unpickable, it is pickable as soon as the flame goes out. I assume this is because "candle" and "lighted candle" are two different items in the editor.

    Either way, you can't have unpickable candles.

  2. I want to put some NPC traders in my game.  So many questions.

    How do  I limit what my NPCs will buy?  For example, I'd like them to only buy crafted items.  The goal is to not just "give" items to players.  I want there to be some effort.

    How do I make it so the NPC doesn't get full of purchased items in their inventory?

    How do I make it so the NPC doesn't run out of gold pebbles to buy things?

    How do I make an NPC only accept gold pebbles as payment for purchased items?  How do I set the price?

  3. I realize we hit full release and the holidays all at the same time.   But I am trying to plan here.  Is Nitrado going to be a viable alternative?  Can someone tell us what the hold up is?  I could run the game on Nitrado until Beta dropped. 

    Now I can't.   I paid for a month with the promise that it was coming "soon."   What is really happening?   I can use BI.  The problem being 1) it is more expensive 2) I have less control 3) I can't share admin access 4) I don't like being forced into a single option. 

    I am trying to build a community here guys.  Difficult when access becomes limited.  Please kick Nitrado in the nuggets or find a company who will work with you. 

  4. Make a sandbox inside editor, when you are done with the scenario and are ready to play, (don't forget to save) hit enter then type /exportlocal.

    Then go to all games, use the tabs to sort for your local games, then click on the game you want.  It will open and you can create a game from the scenario. After you have played it, and you want to get back in to play at a later date, you will find it in recent games.


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  5. So, example.  I was on a world generated by someone else. I liked it, so I checked the seed. It was a sandbox world, so regeneration wasn't a problem.  It wasn't my file but I can make it in sandbox now.  I would love this option in exploration. 

  6. Does it work? I built much less onto the catamaran and that thing is a beast to sail. Forget about turning.

    ETA: I just noticed you have boxes for planting. Have you actually planted them? It used to sink a ship if you planted things on it. Has this been fixed?

  7. When I find a map I like, I can use the console command /showseed which I can use only in sandbox to generate a similar map.   Is there a way to use it in exploration or explore editor to generate the island?  If not, what is the purpose of it?



  8. Unless something has changed, you can delete table but not the ghost. In that case, I would jump in with a cube, finish the construction,  then pull it into editor to delete.

    One of my other games identifies who built a structure. It would be great if Ylands had this. Even if just as an admin function.

    We need more in game admin tools to deal with trolls.
