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Posts posted by bojo2736

  1. I am confused by your post.  It seems like you say you want to be able to create things to use in exploration.  But then you say you are not interested in the editor to make games.  If you are creating things (ship, houses etc) you are creating a game just as much as if you are scripting.  

    You say people are buying the keys for explore and not for scripting.  I'm not sure you understand how the release works.  The editor and all it can do is free.  Within it you can make all kinds of things, including the sandbox exploration map, which as I understand all players can use.  If you create the exploration only those with the DLC will have access.  But those buying keys have access to everything.

    Also, you say there are many game creating platforms.  Not like Ylands.  I've tried to find other games.  But as many issues as I have with Ylands, it is still the best building game out there.  If you know of a better one, I'm listening.  (Waiting for Paralives, it may become my new favorite.) 

    I think you don't really understand what Ylands is or can be. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, Indomitus said:

    No.  They still have a lot of things planned, including better water simulation and the return of the sharks.  (that sounds like a movie)

    Speaking of sharks, there was mention of an exclusive pet for the early access players.  How do we claim our special flying friend?

    Go to where you can choose your pet.  Hit I for inventory, upper right corner.  We got two pets and special costume.  Which I wish we could pick our colors or at least color it in the dye station. 

  3. When avatar is hit by an enemy, it causes a stun effect and you can't run or fight back. Yet you can still be hit again. Your enemy does not have this same effect whdn you hit him. 

    This gives you no chance to escape or fight back.

    Pro-tip always set a spawn bed in a safe spot nearby before you jump into a new environment.

  4. Me: Hey look! They put the day length back to 48 min! 

    Also me (hiding from mutants): Why is this night so long? Whose idea was this? 

    Is it possible to script the day length so the days are 2/3 and the night is 1/3. How would one do this?

    • Haha 1

  5. I don't think it is intended as a way to move items from the editor. It is intended, as far as I can tell, for players in explore to keep their creations. If you are a player and not a server administrator, you can't keep those things from one game to the next. You lose your builds forever.  

    If you are a server admin you make compositions and place them into the map. And as a designer, I prefer to do it that way. It allows me the ability to make the build as interactive as I want it. Making things unpickable, turning off interactions, allows you to make beautiful things that don't get destroyed. 

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