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Posts posted by bojo2736

  1. You can address this in editor. But you have to know that you can. And you have to know how.  The kid who gets this game for Christmas and just fires it up, is going to get disillusioned real fast. And is going to give s bad review and tell all his friends not to waste their time.

  2. 4 hours ago, Indomitus said:

    Not to mention that even without the trolls, if one player needs to make arrows, they're consumed 10x faster.  I had a rough time with that, just playing on my own.

    For sticks, a happy medium could be to make the trees interactable again, but only a limited number of times per day.


    I think we've solidly established that even though the new explore maps can be fun for solo or small groups, the situation with resources is not really viable for larger public servers.  I really think we need an alternate form of explore map, specifically for the public servers.

    I agree on all points.  If trees would at least give say 5 sticks or wood (bark is pointless, especially when there are THREE kinds to take up slots in your inventory.) And have a cool off time.  Or if surface resources respawned daily.

  3. On February 5, 2018 at 3:29 AM, bojo2736 said:

    In MP, I can't free place the last item in a stack. Example: I was trying to place individual flowers on a clay pot. I had three purple orchids. I could easily place number one and two, but three would not place at all. This happened with several items. It took me some time to realize it was always the last item in the stack.

    @Adam Snellgrove the last item not placing bug.

  4. I am building in resources to my map.  I am not counting on this getting fixed soon (or at all.)

    I always find myself wondering if the devs really ever play the game.  Let's take for instance the choice to  discontinue the sticks and wood from trees.  In the early game, sticks are pretty important. In the later game hardly at all.  Yet they are concerned about the unlimited resources.  Because players clearly do hoard stacks and stacks of free sticks, wood and bark.  Taking up as much as FIVE slots in a very scant inventory.  

    That doesn't happen.  

  5. Lighting in general is a problem for me in 0.15.  It's generally way too bright, or the wrong color.  I wish we could have a slider somehow that allowed us to adjust it.  One light is not bright enough, two likes is like ground zero.  

    I like to design using various lighting as well as building block. This has always been an issue.  But the things that I used to manipulate light are changed and worthless.  Glowing mushrooms used to provide a nice subtle light that you could place and emphasize items, like sliding it behind a painting, or under a chair.  Now it barely casts light.

    Ice used to provide a nice diffused light. Now it's a flat block that doesn't look good in any application.

    Sandstone... I just don't even know how to express how disappointed I am that this material has been changed.

    Bottom line, and yes I know it can't be done now, but we need more lighting options.  With the ability in game to control both brightness and the color of the light.  In game, not just in the editor.  

  6. Sandstone used to be my favorite building block.  I used to have such a nice warm golden glow when you had a fireplace.  Now... flat.  Nothing special.  The first picture is the new sandstone.  The other three are examples of the warm light you could achieve.

    I do love the new look of the world.  But the charm of some of my favorite building blocks are gone.  Sand, ice.  Now flat and not special at all.  





  7. I have no idea if this is a bug or planned.  The default game length is 24 min. It used to be 48.  The only way I can see to change it is in the game setup files which aren't available in exploration without going into editor.  I am playing straight vanilla on my SP and 24 minutes is so bad. Please either make it 48 as default as before, or put the command to change it inside the console command list. 

  8. On 11/30/2019 at 8:32 AM, Houp said:

    Just to be clear. There should NOT be iron ore vein on the starting yland. However, it should be on other ylands.

    I do understand that.  But there's not much of anything.  I get that you want us to make lower level weapons etc.  But there is just not much of anything on the starter island.  Sticks, stones, flint... everything is short supply.  This puts you on the next level without the stuff you need to survive. 

  9. In the case of the OP, I would ask, does your avatar have clothing?  If you are digging for shelter, I always used to place a fire inside with me.  For keeping warm and also to cook whatever food I had on hand. Back in the day, that's about all you could do waiting for night to pass if you didn't have a bedroll or if some players wouldn't or couldn't sleep.
