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Posts posted by bojo2736

  1. What I have done to reduce file size and extend server life is to take the file into editor and remove any extraneous items.  Hope my players don't need seaweed and rocks.  I have tried optimizing the file, but what happens is that players can no longer build on their houses, can't paint, it just becomes locked.  If there could be a construction switch, like the ships have, but maybe on the power barrier.  Players could weld and unweld their own spaces. This would also, hopefully allow them to make things unpickable in game as well.

    I have not been able to open the last two files in editor. It just nopes out on me. 

  2. This is one before that. In the end it was abandoned by my players as being totally unplayable.  This one is the largest to date. But I think it had been abandoned for a week.  This was at a time when we were waiting for the ship fix.  I think that's why it was an extra week past the normal 3 week maximum I have ever seen.

    I can give you more. I keep the files. And they are literally ALL this way.   If it wasn't for the fact that I still have a few die-hard players, I would have abandoned this game months ago.  In terms of my personal play, I already have.  Y'all should check out Outlaws of the Old West. 


  3. This is the most recent map on our NA server.  Created as a standard explore map with some simple scripting added.  Uploaded around 8/5/19   It went belly up on Thursday or Friday 8/23/19  It was 31 mb and is corrupted I think. I can't open it and it won't run on the Nitrado server.

    Pretty typical for MP maps that approach 30 ish mb.  Which they can do in just a couple of days. Depends on how active things are.

    Sorry, I didn't get logs. I was busy making a new map which will last two weeks. 

