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Posts posted by bojo2736

  1. There needs to be some way on the player side to force a save.  I will try explore again when this is fixed.  It's a deal breaker for me, I'm afraid.  I already don't like being forced to not be able to customize my explore map.  I am just not a grind player.  

  2. On 1/9/2021 at 10:43 PM, handofthesly said:

    Thanks for the tip! I gave it a go and couldn't see any cave systems. I think it's bull**** that mutated animals can still spawn on the surface at night though when there is no caves on that Yland. Doesn't make sense at all like where do they come from if there's no caves? lol

    The surface mutated animals spawn at night from the mutated bear.  Kill him and they won't respawn.  I usually try to not kill him so I can farm ylandium.

  3. I think he will only be on your saved game if he is online.  I believe persistent avatars in exploration no longer exist.   If he has a ship, it will also not be "there."   When I have been playing with friends, if they are not online with me, their stuff is not there on my game.  Of course, any thing they built or crafted will be there, but not the player or their ship. 

  4. They spam the multiplayer lobby too. Devs could fix that by making numbers and special characters sort to the bottom. 

    I got an invitation from the ylands discord. I had a bit of a laugh. Join P1? lol

  5. 23 hours ago, Shadow72 said:

    I think I kind of understand what they are saying. When creating a new singleplayer world you will have a option to make it multiplayer. If you do so that allows other people to come to your world. Only other people in exploration worlds can join your singleplayer world. So since P1 and YWD maps are made in the editor they won't be able to go to a singleplayer world. At least that is how I think it is going to work based off of what they have said.

    How is that differ from what we have now? I can already allow players on my game.
