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Posts posted by TheClockArm

  1. 12 minutes ago, bb cakes said:

    As a fledgling builder, I would like to suggest skill levels. I am not sure how that would be determined. But I would never try to compete with some of the best builders here. Way too intimidating.

    One of the good things about this building competition is that it is a friendly competition which takes place in a small community. People are encouraged to submit their work, not to try and win, but to display their interpretation of the theme and receive constructive feedback regarding their creation. You may not win the overall competition the first time around but you still receive attention and feedback from everyone involved in the competition, whether it be the other people who submitted work, or people just observing the competition. Using that feedback, one would hope to improve their building skill. The intention was never to try and get only the best builders to submit their work but to try and get as much of the community as possible involved in the event. That being said, I have also been considering the idea of having categories that are scored separately which contribute to an overall score. This means that raw building skill wouldn't get you all the way, and even if you are not the best builder, you can still exceed in other categories. Categories such as Originality/Uniqueness and Aesthetics could exist (along with technical skill) which give chances to people with less experience with the actual building mechanics in Ylands. This, however, is a bit complicated and would probably appear in a later iteration of the event. All that being said, the point isn't to win- it's to have fun. Everyone, no matter what skill level, is encouraged to submit and participate in giving feedback to other submissions. I am going to be working with @Miguel Preguisa to hopefully formulate a fair system in which everyone can participate and have fun. When the competition is being released all the details will be found in the forum post. :) 

  2. Hey guys,

    Building is one of the fundamental aspects of Ylands that so many of us love, and in an attempt to bolster community spirit and activity I was considering attempting to organize some sort of (recurring?) building competition. A few of the ideas I jotted down while brainstorming the idea:

    •  Several events, spaced out by weeks/months
      • Maybe a large event which spans each month with smaller competitions in between?
      • Or small 24-48 hour events?
    • Solo & Team Build events
      • Each to be specified by the organizers/community prior to the start date
    • "Theme-based building"
      • Theme released a few days prior for prep
        • Could cause issues with early start
      • Or (a method which I prefer) Similar to Game jams (like Ludum Dare), there could be a theme that is kept secret and announced at the very beginning of the competition via a forum post.
    • The community as a whole vote on the winners (as opposed to an individual choosing a winner, or a small group of people)
      • (Or maybe only people who submit may vote, just not for themselves? I still think the more people that vote the better)
      • Maybe a panel of judges
        • Judges are winners of last competition or people who don't submit work?
      • Voting done via forums, or strawpoll. (Logistics to be determined later)
    • As for the prizes, mainly just recognition
      • Start a "Winners" forum where pictures of the winners are posted as recognition
      • Maybe getting the developers to congratulate or give recognition of some type?
        • Feel as if it would be cool if the developers would interact with the community in that sense


    Idk, just a few thoughts. Would love to hear feedback on the idea of the game and any details I addressed here or missed.

    Thanks :) 

    • Upvote 3

  3. Well done with the new music. That being said, as stated above, there is no reason not to incorporate the old classic Ylands track back into the game. Maybe added into the idle/ambient library of sounds?


    Looking forward to 0.9 :) 

  4. Personally, I am of the opinion that crafting in its entirety needs a rework. You spend the same amount of time crafting yarn as you do a chest plate of armor or whathaveyou. 1-minute craft-times across the board makes it easier for the game itself to be playable in its early stages- but if the developers are seriously delving into reworking the crafting system I think they should address more than just craftsman potions. As opposed to the potion reducing crafting times to set amounts of time- I think it should reduce crafting time to 25% to 50% of its original crafting time. As for the crafting times themselves, 1 minute seems vastly excessive for some items, and too short for others. In my personal opinion, the crafting times of items should be on a gradient from around 10sec to 3min, depending on the item. I think this would reduce the 'grind' for the smallest and simplest of items which you have more than enough resources for, but aren't willing to sit there for a long time grinding small items. That being said, I would be willing to sit there for a minute or two in order to craft a gun, or an advanced piece of armor, etc...


    I don't know. Just a thought :) 

  5. Wow! Me las gusta muchisimo! Estoy tratando de crear mis propias, y voy a usar las tuyas para inspiración :) 

    (Wow! I like it a lot! I'm trying to create my own, and I'm going to use yours for inspiration :) )


    (Para hacer pregunta, como lo hiciste el agua tan plano! Cada vez que trato de creatar agua donde no existía, no sirve y no se ve bien?)

    (To ask a question, how did you make the water so flat! Every time I try to create water where it didn't previously exist, It doesn't work and it doesn't look good?)

  6. 9 hours ago, Velocifer said:

    @TheClockArm Hello, can you share your creation in the workshop? In composition would be great, I probably will use it for my big map scenario. Don't worry, I'll make sure to put credits for all of not-made-by-me stuff. Thanks. ^_^

    Sure thing, just have to figure out how to do it first since I have never published anything to the workshop :P (F.Y.I I enjoyed making this to the extent that I might make a few more in the series of natural resource sites :) )

    • Like 1

  7. I usually lean towards the stone & log building as opposed to the bamboo style, but you have opened the door to a number of possibilities that I hadn't even realized existed, well done! :) 

    • Like 1

  8. So, there weren't a lot of magic blossoms around and I didn't feel like going out super far for them so I decided to make a concentrated source of them. That being said, the project kind of evolved into this...20180225122144_1.thumb.jpg.74149300c2e50a1a1b557409b0d52468.jpg20180225122135_1.thumb.jpg.a7f9688ac6893198fe19a66024c4952f.jpg20180225122116_1.thumb.jpg.e137591a9ea08b87fd581e6d2cff0f36.jpg20180225122058_1.thumb.jpg.f4b355ea4618960fd597210672de1abf.jpg20180225122025_1.thumb.jpg.1eb54f80959beb7ab2331aef77088187.jpg

    I feel as if it isn't finished but I can't exactly pinpoint what I should add to it to make it feel more complete. Let me know what you think, and your suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :) 


    You can now pick up a version of this asset for your own world here: https://ylands.net/asset/295


    P.S. Thank you @renderin for providing the inspiration for the flower decoration. I drew from your larger-scale homestead garden to accent my own piece, I admire your work :) 

    • Like 1

  9. Just made my first 'real' cabin. Would love any suggestions/opinions :)







    [Edit 1 & 1.5]:

    Fixed Doorframe so the nonsymmetrical attributes are not highlighted



    Beautified fireplace fuel & structure




    [Edit 2]:


    Added Farm



    Added workshop, still WIP


    • Like 4

  10. Just now, kimbuck said:

    I  destroyed  half  my stone  building in on second ...was   hammering at a stone wall near a powder keg ... kaboom! all 3  kegs must have  exploded.   Respawned and ran back in  my  whitey tights to find a massive  crater where my base was...only the  4 side walls left,  no  roof   floor and  some items  scattered around..  I  think  my  forge and smelter  were  blown into the atmosphere!:D

    Not the recommended  way of  doing it, but only  sensible method  i find is  using lots of  hammers   while holding a cup of  coffee in  one hand  and the  mouse button down with  the   other hand.  Use   1st person  so you  don't  smash  the  wrong area...

    As you observed, the problem with the powder keg is that it destroys all of your nice things around it :P I admire your ability to grind the stone down with coffee and mouse in hand, but I'm not that hardcore lol. I really like the building and survival of ylands, but I think they could work a little bit more symbiotically- in that it is super grindy, not to gather resources or build, but destroy when you decide to augment your build and you need to take down a wall, or something else of the sort. I would probably be happy with an increase in the amount of hits that it takes to destroy wood, in order to balance the massive decrease in hits required for stone. Or another more flexible option which I would be more happy with is adding more difficulty/building settings to the game which allow giving players to choose from a larger range of difficulty. Idk, just a thought :P 
