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About Fyrestorme

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  1. infinite rubber seems like a glitch! i only harvested 25 pieces of rubber from a tree i accidentally chopped down before i realized that something must be wrong and came here to look and see if others had experienced it as well.
  2. How do I loot my standing corpse??? The first time I fell down the rabbit hole and created a new character I spawned with all my gear. The second time I seem to have died before/during my spawn but when I created a new character I found that I'm standing in front of myself...and I don't get an opportunity to loot my gear, lol. I kinda hope I last there as a lifelike monument to my dopiness I beat up my standing corpse with my fists until she exploded my...
  3. Hi, I've never reported here before so bear with me please. I have been going through the painful process of getting my ship out of the too-shallow water I built it in and have suddenly begun to fall through my ship, the world, and eventually freeze to death (guess hell froze over). This has happened to me twice in a row. I've worked around getting stuck inside the geometry of my ship but this is new! I did a search and it seems that someone had a similar...