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Everything posted by SyxtySyx

  1. SyxtySyx

    Galeon/Manowar Ship

    I love your YouTube videos first of all. I will refine the ship a bit and harden certain parts and upload it to the workshop. I am planning on doing this with most of the builds that I have saved as compositions. Thanks for your nice comment.
  2. SyxtySyx

    Sky Voyager Airship

    Can't wait until the devs make sky travel a thing. The first five pics were in Edit mode. The last three were taken in Explorer mode. Then I decided to get this thing to float in the sky. Although not mobile, it makes a cool sky base. Not sure if you are able to place a ship hull on top of floating platform in Explorer mode. I'll have to test.
  3. SyxtySyx

    The greatest ylands map ever made!

    Awesome job! I cant wait to see what is next!
  4. I agree with Onedown. Also the publisher could have accidentally clicked "duplicate" while the entire, or partial composition was selected, and then re-selected the entire composition and then saved it, before publishing. In my opinion, either senairo would have a similar effect.
  5. SyxtySyx

    What if I don't want to sleep at night?

    It really depends on how active you are on the server. If you are new to a fairly active, well established player base, and everyone online wants to sleep but you... yes you are offending them. Or if you were invited to a server. Or if you know that there is someone on that streams live or publishes video content on say Youtube. Just be aware and considerate if you are playing on someone else's server. If you host your own server... then you can do whatever you please.
  6. SyxtySyx

    Tropical Yland The beginning of a great project

    wooden needle is shorter than iron needle it seems?
  7. SyxtySyx

    Tropical Yland The beginning of a great project

    Love the idea of a coral reef. May I ask what materials you used to build the tiny umbrella in the tropical cocktail?
  8. SyxtySyx

    Pixel Art

    I love the map puzzle with the player flying his pro pak Wait... that's an "X" on a small island... it's a treasure map! I thought it looked like a player flying about.
  9. You actually have a full two minutes. I just plan my builds a bit more carefully, and step back and look it over. Change what you don't like within the two minutes. I like the challenge in survival. I also enjoy building in the editor and or editing a survival world, but I consider that as seperate gameplay. I personally like the flexibility of the game and the option available. You must realize this game is in early alpha as well.
  10. SyxtySyx


    In the Editor under the 'Go To' tab, where it shows you the different biomes in the particular seed that you are viewing or editing, there are coordinate numbers for the island biome. What I am curious about (and I may be showing my layman tendencies here) is whether or not these follow "Cartesian grid" numbers? Also as a suggestion, wouldn't it be nice if there were rolling coordinate numbers in the corner of the screen while in Edit mode? It would surely help in navigation.
  11. SyxtySyx


    Still sounds pretty comprehensive
  12. SyxtySyx


    Did you make your grid map and place markers on paper or in a photo editing program? How high do the numbers reach , and are they 1/3 meter blocks per grid # ?
  13. SyxtySyx

    Snowy Roofs

    Roofing concept... I'm thinking of a castle build in the taiga mountains.
  14. I got off my raft and the oar stayed in my hand! Haha. This may be due to a disconnection from the server while I was mid-ocean. When I re-connected to the server there was no compass on the screen until I got up, and then sat back down on the raft again. When I eventually reached land, the oar stayed in my hand until I re-logged.
  15. SyxtySyx

    Ship from Workshop

    I think the only thing that can stop you is your internet connection. I would advise not to place a massive amount of compositions into one map since the game isn't really optimized to handle tons of data yet... I mean if you have 8 gig video and 32 gig ram you might not have issues right away.
  16. SyxtySyx

    The Air Ship

    Thanks for the Idea for today's project! I don't feel like draining the ocean though.
  17. SyxtySyx

    2018 6T6 RS Convertable

    Already I made a second version Ha! Changed the front end and grill, added gages and buttons. Improved glowing tail lights made from soldering irons
  18. SyxtySyx

    2018 6T6 RS Convertable

    This one is the first one that I have built on a small chassis, and so far, it seemed to rise almost unnoticeably. I havn't tested it extensively, but you can see in some of the pics that i'm driving it. All of the vehicles that I have made on large chassis seem to *boing* up their suspension once operated. << *That needs to be fixed or they should have a high or low setting as a control.*
  19. SyxtySyx

    2018 6T6 RS Convertable

    Hey thanks! Means a lot coming from such a great builder as yourself. I have put this car up on the Workshop for those who would like to grab one and take it for a spin. I have set all of the parts un-pickable and indestructible. *Caution* this vehicle is built on a small chassis and is low to the ground. It is intended to be driven on fairly smooth terrain, and will get stuck on obstacles.
  20. SyxtySyx

    Just fooling around with freestyle

    Actually, in the editor, I find it very easy to free place items. It is in Survival mode that it is most difficult. check out the needles I free placed on this steering wheel lol. Love your work. Keep it up!
  21. SyxtySyx

    Pixel Art

  22. SyxtySyx

    Pixel Art

    Game changer for Single player downloads... whatever your computer can handle hehe. That said, I would subscribe to all of your stuff if you put it in the workshop. Your creativity is Amazballz!
  23. SyxtySyx

    Victorian house (WIP)

    Thanks! You use so many cool tricks that I have yet to think of. We can go a long way with our imagination and creativity. I R Addicted to this. Keep up the awesome work. Start a "Tips and Tricks YouTube"... you'll be famous when this game takes off like I know it will.
  24. OMG! It fit in the sphere! That is epic!