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About SypherFox

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  1. SypherFox

    Sneak Peek #45

    Many of us have Win7 and do not want Win10. Had win10, it killed a $200 SSD.
  2. SypherFox

    Sneak Peek #45

    Really wonderful, but what about you focous on [Offical] Servers? i have restarted on 3 different Servers because of all the bugs. fix the Servers before you bring us new items. 8 days ago i started on MP EU Offical 11. everything was going fine till i bumped another ship with my ship. then the Server droped to 2fps... so me and my friend left the Server. loged back in the next day, and Server had been reset and 4 days building gone. so we wnet to MP EU...
  3. SypherFox

    RESOLVED Bouncy Bouncy

    Sorry it fixed it's self, after about 6 relogs. thank you though for asking.
  4. SypherFox

    RESOLVED Bouncy Bouncy

    my chracter constantely bounces up and down and my Propeller pack stop working, when i 2 tap space bar the PP anamation starts but then stops. and ideas anyone?
  5. SypherFox

    RESOLVED Undestructible buildings

    I think the forcefield Thing should cover the entire map in SP mode. then all you would Need is a hammer to remove blocks 1 at a time.