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Found 3 results

  1. I don't know if it's the bug. When I build a wall from blocks and then I'm not able to destroy it. (I know that a block can be pick up to 2 minutes.) And ulint founter is undestructible too. I tried it with stone and sandstone block. I used pick and hammer. Can I remove any building? And how? Thanks
  2. michaelac

    Composition Downloading

    New to this site, and love the game and have made several buildings myself and was wondering, how do we share buildings with each other in Composition? I do not see any way to do so? Please help, love the work I have seen so far. =)
  3. when you pick up a lamp and then drop it. it falls through most obects and lands lobbed side, in the x & y-axis co-ords so the stand up properly . You can't place them on top of objects, like benches tops. eg prison parapet. I would of fought it be better if you can use lamps to light up rooms. or areas . thanks