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About StaticCarbon

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  1. I have also seen someone trying to cut the air, but i can see a tree without its stump, i cut the tree down for the player and it breaks up were the player had seen it laying but could not cut it.
  2. I would like to add a fix to this(this does not always work), sometimes if you dig at ether end of the tree it will sink in the ground a bit then you can cut it, this however doesn't always work. I have to sign out then in again to chop to tree down.
  3. StaticCarbon

    Multiplayer Burnout - 24/7 Lies

    I have been playing on the same server(well no, it had restarts because of updates or some game breaking bug) for like a month or so. Where do you live?
  4. StaticCarbon

    Trying to play multiplayer in Ylands......

    Have you got ride of the body's you have been gathering in the cave?
  5. StaticCarbon

    Fresh custom 0.7 map coming saturday!

    Wow, I can't wait!
  6. StaticCarbon

    RESOLVED Small Rainforest Tree no resin

    I didn't even know you could get resin from felled trees!
  7. StaticCarbon

    How do i get Ylander badge ?

    I would also like to get a badge for my account, I'll link my Steam account here; http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198140739499/
  8. StaticCarbon

    Starter Yland Location

    Oh ok, thanks! Maybe I'll see you online!
  9. StaticCarbon

    Starter Yland Location

    Does the starter Yland start in the middle of the "Map", or does it start in a random spot?
  10. StaticCarbon

    Change skin for Aloe vera

    Most plants do look alike but aloe vera is a dark green and the leaves point upwards, ferns and such plants do not, you just have to look
  11. StaticCarbon

    Server Files

    I was hoping I could get the files to create a server?