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Everything posted by Indomitus

  1. Indomitus

    Dev Diary #99

    So it could be different for each player? In a battle game, for example, if a player is knocked out, could we move them to a neutral area, and set their camera to follow a player that's still active? Or attach the camera to an object that they can control and "fly" around the scene? This sounds like it's going to be a fun feature to experiment with. Can it follow logic objects? (Invisible, and no collision, for a true spectator mode.)
  2. Indomitus

    Allow people to trade Coyns

    For situations like this, it might be more difficult to manage, but easier to prevent abuse, if there were a way to allow multiple accounts to participate on a single transaction. For example, on a recurring 1000 coyn transaction for something, Player A could commit 250 of that, Player B could commit 250, and Player C could commit 500 of it. The transaction would only be successful if all have the amount that they have specifically committed to it, maybe with an option for others in the group to pay the difference if one falls short. Would also want an option for one or all of them to cancel their specific portion and walk away if they want, and notifications for whoever still have coyns committed. Not simple from the standpoint of programming and data logistics, but less prone to abuse. (for example, they would probably have to implement some kind of "hold" on pending amounts if only one part of a multiple-account transaction fails, which could get messy pretty fast)
  3. There are certainly a lot of concerns that come up, from copyright to format compatibility, asset upload/download size, and even the possibility of abuse by some creators. The copyright question is especially complicated, given that the game is released internationally. And the size of the sound assets could cause new performance issues to come up. Not saying it's impossible. I just wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it.
  4. Indomitus

    In Game Mailboxes

    If it's scripted it would actually be much easier to deliver to a specific player, by either putting the message directly on screen or writing the text to a blank paper on demand, and not just leaving them in a box. It could even work similarly to the Ender Chest script I wrote not long ago, where anyone can open the chest, but only see their own items inside it.
  5. Indomitus

    Dev Diary #98

    Very happy to see some features being added to the map. That's a big step forward, and something that's been wanted for quite a while. Maybe in the future we can consider some admin features that affect maps, such as placing marks that show on everyone's maps, auto-revealing areas of the map, or displaying barrier and player locations on request. Another suggestion for maps and navigation could be for players to be able to select a point on their map, and make it appear on the outer wheel of their compass while sailing (like the island icons do). (edit: The more we get, the more we want. Isn't that how it always is? ? )
  6. Indomitus

    Contest Mobile Game Creation Drive

    Interesting. I have a competitive game mode I've been working on, and specifically trying to scale for mobile. I should have scripts working this week (assuming the attention span holds). I might be dropping in on P1 for some help with testing and maybe play area design, since that's not really one of my strong points. I kind of wish I could join in on the Beta for mobile, but you said it's just iOS at the beginning and I have only Android.
  7. Indomitus

    Building optimization

    I thought it best to start a thread in here, rather than hijacking the unrelated thread where the conversation started...
  8. Indomitus

    Building optimization

    That's kind of why I'd suggested tying it to the protective barrier. In Ylands, placing and turning on the barrier is our way of making a "permanent" home. It would make sense for anything inside it to be protected against whatever clean-up routines get implemented in the game. And it provides a mechanism for optimizing players' structures.
  9. Indomitus

    What other games do you play?

    I don't think 7 days would be a good time frame for this game, though. Not everyone plays online that often, and I know I wouldn't want things I've worked hard to build falling apart just because my RL took my attention away for a while. 14 or 21 days, maybe, once the servers are able to last that long. If I'm away for that long, odds are I wouldn't care. There might be more elegant solutions, like automatically optimizing everything inside a player's barrier when they log out, and re-enabling editing when they log back in (like turning build mode on or off for the ships). For multi-player barriers (which were requested, but don't know if they'll be a thing) then it would be if any of the players logs on, or all of them are offline. Or maybe we could have a special "construction" setting on the barrier itself, that we could turn on or off like with the ships. That could also work to prevent accidentally deconstructing parts of our building when we're aiming at something else. Anything outside of a barrier? Let it "decay."
  10. On P1's NA PVE server (my usual MP hangout). Currently not able to dig above ground, but able to dig in caves (that issue has been reported before). Also not able to plant anything at all. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. Last time I was in, I was able to plant but only barely. Still not able to dig above ground, and suddenly not able to place blocks for building (they just vanish). Lag between control input and action is 2 or 3 seconds. When planting is complete, it takes a few seconds for the seed to leave inventory and the planted mound to appear. If I kill an animal the meat and skin just vanish and can't be collected. The same happens with grass (I hit it to give me grass and seeds at the same time.) The issues vary from one session to the next, but generally unplayable from my perspective at the moment. The size of my building- with several hundred sandstone blocks before I decided to walk away from the server- might be a factor, but it really shouldn't be.
  12. Indomitus

    Container Capacity

    My immediate use case: I'm scaling down the Scavenger Hunt game idea I told you about ages ago (wouldn't be surprised if you don't remember) to something suitable for mobile. That means, among other things, I need to streamline the bajeezus out of the code. One thing the game has to do is manage the contents of a lot of containers of varying size across the play area, because I'm going to have "found" items respawning at certain intervals from a queue. I have a strategy I can use to track the available space, but it's kind of painful in terms of code complexity and size. I can already get the number of occupied slots in a container. If I could get the total number of slots and subtract from that, or just directly get the available slots, it would save a ton of memory and scripting overhead. The full scale version of the game works fine, by the way, it's just really big. Beyond that specific use, it's a generally useful piece of information for anyone building a game that involves spawning into containers. If you don't watch the container's capacity, the items end up spawning on the ground under it or not spawning at all. And just to reply to myself for the sake of an answer to this one: An Event Listener can watch for Containers, and trigger a Label and/or Entity Storage to be attached on their Create event. This one's already implemented.
  13. Indomitus

    Container Capacity

    I've noticed that if we try to spawn into a container that is already full, the new items will spawn on the ground under the container. Could we get a way to see the total number of slots in a container, and possibly also a way to see the available slots? It would help avoid some messy situations. All we really need is 1 or 2 tiles that return the count. edit: Also, a way to tell if an entity IS a container would be useful, especially if we're looking at items in a player's inventory.
  14. Okay. I'll log out. Hopefully restarting helps, but these kinds of problems keep recurring.
  15. Indomitus

    Dev Diary #97

    As long as there's someone working on new types of blocks, I'd like to repeat a request I made some time ago, for Mudbrick. Clay Brick is great, but consumes too much clay if the construction is a large one. Mudbrick would consume dirt, sand, hay, and could be made in the Kiln. It could be less durable that Clay Brick (lower HP per block) but much easier to make.
  16. Indomitus

    Time Manipulator

    It can be a little temperamental at times, but it will improve and as we can see here the results can be fantastic.
  17. Indomitus

    invisible birds

    Bird sound effects are part of the general sounds of the game when you're on an island. For now, the only birds visible in the game are the ones in the sky that lead you to islands, and the personal pets that are available.
  18. Indomitus

    Dev Diary #96

    On the subject of water: I want to repeat the request to be able to remove/drain it from closed-off areas somehow during regular gameplay. I hope their new design includes that possibility. I've pretty much mastered the art of the Underground Evil Villain Lair. I'd love to try my hand at an Underwater Evil Villain Lair.
  19. Indomitus

    UI Tools Suggestions

    Would it be possible to add an image widget that can display Entity images? (the icons that appear in inventory, the hot bar, etc) And able to change which image it displays through code?
  20. Could we then request an overlay within the designer for the Custom Window, similar to what is in the other one, showing the locations of standard screen elements? It would help us design around them. (Please include an option to show standard Mobile Controls.)
  21. Indomitus

    RESOLVED How do I disable cloths in my mini-game

    I remember seeing this option when I was tinkering in the Editor yesterday.
  22. When I place any of the decorative Rock entities, Object Properties and Edit Script both bring up windows showing other items, and the windows themselves don't behave right. The second screenshot shows the properties for an Event Listener. TWICE. This is an event listener that I deleted from a PREVIOUS scenario, not even the current one. It just seems to show the most recent non-bugged item. And when I try to Edit Script on one of the rocks, it causes everything else in the Editor to do the same even if they didn't do it before. Every Entity and Logic starts to show the same bug. Only a game restart clears it. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  23. Indomitus

    UI Tools Suggestions

    There is a tile to reference the Widget using its position offset from its parent item. GET CHILD lets you link to the parent widget, but retrieve the child widget #1, or #2, or #3, and so on, to use it or modify it. I already have that built into some code for a list I want to show onscreen, coming from an array. Using the absolute ID number would probably be more of a pain than using the names.
  24. Indomitus

    Dev Diary #95

    Whose birds are gone? Mine are just fine. Local SP (literally just checked) and just the other day on P1's NA server, I used them to find islands.
  25. Indomitus

    Dev Diary #95

    Explore is still there and just fine for the PC. It's not going anywhere, even though it sounds like it's getting an overhaul. On the main screen, look for this button on the left side.