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About Scaliom

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  1. I have similar experience, it also started when i was on a ship
  2. Scaliom

    Add Ping GUI

    Hello, When choosing a server, the #1 criteria is always the ping first, i would like to have this implemented in game. Also when playing, i would love to see how my ping react, it help sometime to understand different problem.
  3. Scaliom

    Propeller Pack Looks

    Yeah it's logical, but even with a limite energy i still fill too powerful. When i got the proppeler in completly change the game difficulty. But will see depending on the change they do with the energy.
  4. Scaliom

    Magic Blossom - Plant destroy

    Actualy i notice almost nothing get regenerated (except plant i think?). So if someone decide to kill monster in cave or animal on surface, they are all gone. This look more like a bug then a suggestion.
  5. Right ! I think it's more the possible !
  6. Scaliom

    RESOLVED [YLD-8975] Horse camera zoom

    I have this variant bug when i sit down on a chair, the camera is super far away, you see the full island then it zoom to the character really fast.
  7. I'm able to access stuff behind some block wich shouldn't be authorize.
  8. Continuation on this adventure : I reconnect and my propeler was now working ! So i was able to come back to "my place" but it doesn't reconize me anymore, same name but probably different ID. Something i notice, i saw the barrier of someone on my way deactivated, i was able to pick it up ! This is really terrible ! The person is now screw of protection, it doesn't make any sens. I'm also unable to located my corpse, just disapear.
  9. I change my name and i was able to respawn but without my stuff (key etc...), i have no clue what island this is, never seen that one, it's not the same one where all people spawn For some reason i have the proppeler but it doesn't seem to work, i double space, animation trigger but it's like a regular jump
  10. Yeah i'm not realy frustrated because playing and seeing the current state of the game it's this kind of bug i was inspecting, i'm doing my best to provide information to avoid this in future.
  11. Hello, I was coming back to my exploration, and once at my base i just jumped to my other ship to move it on another place then i got disconnected by the server. I though it was the usual 104 error but no, i got few connection time out and then after 5 min, i was able to come back with this screen : With no particular reason why i should be dead. I'm trying to create a new character (gosh i don't like that mecanic, bref just the usual respawn) but when i create it i have almost the same screen with the GUI bar on bottom. NA 2 server output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  12. Scaliom

    RESOLVED Propeller Pack - Can't craft

    Will do ! Sorry forgot about the log for this one.
  13. It feel counter intuitive, i think when doing this drag the item should go in the first available inventory slot then the shortcut is created.
  14. Nan i was using my item "in action". A bit like if the item just broke then disappear.