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Everything posted by TheSparkPlug

  1. TheSparkPlug

    Dev Diary #56

    I'd be happy with being able to open the chest I am actually looking at, rather than a random one... above, below, off to the side or even behind me.
  2. TheSparkPlug

    String color

    Good to know... thanks
  3. TheSparkPlug

    String color

    Shouldn't the color tag be just 6 hex digits... RRGGBB ?
  4. TheSparkPlug

    Finding Atlantis

    There is no guarantee you will have it on your map. Normally three roof parts stick slightly up out of the water so, if you do have it, you can find it without having to search underwater.
  5. I don't know if it still works, but I used to get around the issue by just opening the door.
  6. TheSparkPlug

    Greetings Ylanders

    There are already birds that lead you to new ylands. When you pick cotton/flax you can break it into seeds and replant to triple the number. Keep doing this until you have more than you need
  7. TheSparkPlug

    RESOLVED [YLD-13359] Hit radius

    @Salvelinus They were using a hammer in picture 2 so that must have a hit radius also. The current hit radius for non-combat operations is a nonsense. I honestly have no idea how that ever got past testing. ps: You can also use a saw to cut down trees
  8. TheSparkPlug

    How to get creative mode in any world/map you own in Ylands

    It might have been an idea to set your recording software to show your mouse so that we could see what you were clicking on
  9. TheSparkPlug

    Vicinity Looting/Picking

    If possible it would be nice to have it exclude freeplaced items. Earlier, I thought I was clearing junk from a chest and, when finished, realised I had just picked up all of the ornaments I had decorated my farmhouse with
  10. When inside any building and looking down - eg: to access my blacksmith station - the screen starts shaking violently as if it is rapidly switching between two slightly different viewpoints. i can reproduce this in many different buildings with ceiling heights of anywhere between 8 and 15 blocks. Some have lamps hanging from the ceiling but not all do. The angle at which i have to look down varies with each building. It happens so regularly that I had to stop playing after an hour or so because it gave me a headache. Changing several of the graphics settings did not stop it. I am fairly sure it could trigger seizures so you might want to give this some urgent attention.
  11. TheSparkPlug

    0.11: Peak Performance (19/11/2018)

    That will be good! It might still be worth doing that for this update. In the interests of balance, I would like to acknowledge the performance increase - it is very evident on my heavily developed yland. I have also noticed my ship no longer moves each time it loads/unloads, I never saw this fix mentioned but it is nice - at last - to be able to put my ship back in it's dock and not find it sitting ON the dock a short time later!
  12. TheSparkPlug

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-13344] logs drop in floor

    Stacking is a must. A 'take all' button would help too.
  13. TheSparkPlug

    0.11: Peak Performance (19/11/2018)

    Curiously, you haven't addressed the opening points in the post you quoted regarding communication. Lots of new features were introduced in this update but none of them have ever been explained properly. I've had to learn from other players about the ability to see nearby pickable items in our inventory. No one seems to know how to use the new hammer. I have no idea how to use the new fighting mechanics. The ctrl-mousewheel seems a poor replacement for the G/H and ctrl-WASD features we had before - yet you guys think its wonderful so I assume we're all missing something. It would be nice if each update was accompanied by a detailed post explaining how any new features worked, and how we're meant to use them. On a side note, I dont think you need a few days to process the feedback. It's pretty unanimous.
  14. TheSparkPlug

    0.11: Peak Performance (19/11/2018)

    I was hoping that the demolition hammer would target those blasted little 'diamonds' of stone left behind when digging. Sadly, it does not - meaning they will have to remain in our worlds until first person returns.
  15. TheSparkPlug

    Sneak Peek #60

    None. hence me saying - quite clearly - "Absolutely nothing wrong with that"
  16. TheSparkPlug

    Sneak Peek #60

    No. No you don't. It's your living. You do it to make money. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, so no need to lie
  17. TheSparkPlug

    Sneak Peek #60

    So, it will be a lot less temporary than you were leading us to believe!
  18. TheSparkPlug

    Petition to re-add first person view

    I use first person a lot, and ordinarily would be willing to see how the improved third person pans out. However, for me, it is more about the frequency with which they remove features without any kind of prior consultation - sometimes even leaving us to find out for ourselves after the event. The recent removal of a number of much loved/used blocks (simply because they didn't fit into some kind of OCD led rehash of the categories) is a prime example, but there have been many more. It is always justified by claiming to relate to performance improvement. How long before we get... "Great news guys, we have eradicated all lag, and reduced memory consumption by 99%. It does come at a small price - we have removed third person view, got rid of all of bulding blocks except stone, and done away with the ships - but I am sure you will agree that this new, oceanless single island, game is much more enjoyable." It just makes it more and more difficult to 'stay classy'
  19. TheSparkPlug

    Sneak Peek #60

    Which 'features and modes' were they? In my experience, most things worked better in first person mode.
  20. TheSparkPlug

    Full Editor for Sharegames, please enable!

    Create a normal explore game, then load it from within the editor.
  21. TheSparkPlug

    Dev Diary #50

    Decorations were always going to cause issues - they make Devs paranoid about people inadvertantly getting something for free and so put in more and more safeguards - this is almost certainly the reason why offline single player is not an option (and probably why people were finding there worlds reverted to earlier save versions). Skins, pets and costumes, however, cannot be placed in a world and so do not cause these issues. Ditch the fee for decorations, but dont stop adding new items such as chairs to the game.
  22. TheSparkPlug

    [Forum][Suggestion] The use of "About Me" tab

    I found mine in the "edit profile" option
  23. TheSparkPlug

    [Forum][Suggestion] The use of "About Me" tab

    @V-Alfred If i click on your profile i see your 'about me' section - it shows just your birthday as 23 Feb. Edit: could it be that you don’t see your own “about me” and that your test subject hasn’t filled theirs in? i have added some text to mine for you to test.
  24. Not necessarily... the static name was bought in to enable the devs to ban players from joining any servers (including those paid for/hosted by that player apparently), so it may have been one of the official servers.
  25. TheSparkPlug

    beta editor

    Is it a language thing? Some people use a period, others a comma. Just a thought and maybe worth trying both.