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Found 3 results

  1. I have magic blossoms and a mortar but I can't make the dust. I'm on a private server with all updates. UPDATE Never mind.... I'm stupid... I got it. Sorry
  2. So I recently tried to do alchemy but every time I try to make something it just says Fail up the top. Can someone please help me understand how this works?
  3. JaneDoe


    Hey, I think finding specific resources can be difficult for people sometimes. I've searched all five islands in my current game and have yet to find a coal deposit. I am avidly against cheating, so I tried to come up with my own little system to exchange resources without feeling like I was breaking the rules. I would delete resources I had and spawn what I needed. E.g. I would delete 10 clay and spawn 1 iron ore. Or 10 iron ore for 1 coal etc. Then I thought, what if there was an actual system in game for this? What if there was a ylandium crystal powered machine that you could build, maybe throw a little alchemy in there for good measure, like maybe feed it a potion every so often to give it its magic, that could transform the resources you put into it into something else you needed more? I dunno. It's not exactly simple, but I think it's an idea that's got legs. Thanks! -JaneDoeChainsaw