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Found 3 results

  1. I filled in an in game feedback form also, On first entering the game, after moving to the steam version, from the non-steam version. The controls AUTO-DETECT had selected 'I believe' my joystick x,y inputs and throttle (Which I did not previously use). So I could not use my mouse to select any many item. I could hear multiple audio queues that the like the curse was passing over a menu item. but couldn't select anything. I managed to use the joystick to select the 'mouse & keyboard' only settings. This allowed me to use the menus and start the actual game world, however my character kept rotating. I realized that the joystick throttle input was still being registered and so I noticed that setting my throttle in the center of it's position stopped the spinning. (Full throttle spun the character the opposite direction) We need the joystick device to be disconnected from 'the 'mouse & keyboard' device option.
  2. The rain and thunder sounds are the same as when I was inside a building with the doors and windows shut. This could be muffled down to be quieter so we can here the cosy warm fire crackling.
  3. drymelon

    DayZ exchange program?

    The hour in the trial was nice, it convinces me there is quite a bit of content here albeit overwhelming in the plainly presented yet branching crafting system. Being presented with the opportunity to build big ass boats has me excited but it seems a bit off there in the progression of things, basic quality of life survival items like torches seem lost on me. Like how the crafting option for the flint tool to start fires only appears if you have two pieces of flint. However I do suppose later on there would be more of a tutorial like introduction when you load up your first game of exploration. What would be very nice is if I could exchange one early access Bohemia game for another!