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Found 2 results

  1. I'm not sure if this is intentional behavior or not. Sewing kit completely disappears after making a sail (large or small). I would expect making a sail to consume the life of the sewing kit and for it to be 'broken' if it's reached the end of it's life after making a massive object like a sail, however the sewing kit completely disappears from the inventory.
  2. Ethan Gordon Wilson

    World Creation: Set Seed Value

    Please allow the player to utilize a seed value to influence the world generation, along with entering a world name (already supported). This would allow people to "share" maps apart from the sharing of actual created maps in the workshop. This assumes that worldgen is using seed-based algorithm and output can replicate with same seed values. If no seed value is defined in this option, default to already-implemented seed generation. Lastly, allow players to view seed values used in the "~" screen so they can replicate/share seed values from randomly generated maps. Thanks!